Saturday, October 3, 2009

What To Wear To Piano Exam

Paternity Test

What is Paternity Test?

The Paternity Test is a genetic test that compares the genetic profile parents and children to determine their compatibility with reliability equal to 99.999 ..%.
The Paternity Test has no legal value, but in our laboratory methodologies and instruments used are the same that are used to test for forensic use.
The Paternity Test is commonly known in its classical application of paternity between the father and son. In this case, can be performed using only samples of the alleged father and son / a. The test may also be useful for the detection of motherhood. In particular, if a mother has undergone IVF (with embryo transfer) or a donation of ovum. There is no difference in the way of the test. The
Paternity test may also have other uses. Like, for example, if the children want to know their paternal or maternal origin, also in the fact that one or both parents are no longer alive. May be required to have prior information that supports the decision to take or not a lawsuit. For example, in cases of disputes, inheritance, child custody cases between parents separate or in situations of family reunification.

Why do Paternity Test at Kriagen.
• To eliminate any possible questions and confirm or exclude the biological father.
• To be able to choose whether to take legal action.
• Because the result is 99.999% guaranteed and reliable.
• Because you pay only 50% of the order and the balance on delivery of results. • Why
tools, methods and kits are used by Kriagen certified for Forensic.
• Why do it all from home in total privacy. • Why
Drawing Kit is Included in Cost.
• Why have the third Test Kriagen guarantees.
• Why scientific and technical support is free.

Which samples are you test Paternity?

The test is commonly performed on samples with our Oral Drawing Kit Free.
In our laboratory, we can extract DNA from other supports such as: Chewingum, cigarette butts, hair, semen, etc. A detailed list with all possible samples used can be seen in the "Forensic Samples". With these samples you can run the test even if an individual is not currently available for sampling. The kit includes Drawing No.1 sterile swabs for each person tested or, alternatively, No.1 forensic samples per subject.

Guarantees and Times

The text is the result guarantees are provided by 3.
The outcome of the examination is available after 7 days of receipt of samples, the notice may be given in different ways chosen by the customer.
You can also request a Quick Test Service allows you to receive test results within just 3 working days from receipt of samples.

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is Paternity Test


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