Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fredericton To Tronto Bus

DNA Discoveries in Russia: The sounds change the genetic information itself

Many spiritual teachers known for some time that our body can be programmed by language, words and thoughts. Now this has been scientifically proven. Human DNA functions as a kind of "biological internet" and is in many ways superior to the artificial one. New scientific research in Russia, directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous healing and distant healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, halos of light around people, and more.

In addition, one might say a completely new medicine, in which DNA can be reprogrammed by words and frequencies without the need to withdraw and reintroduce individual genes. Only 10 percent of our DNA is used to produce proteins, and this is 10 percent that is being examined by western scientists. The remaining 90 percent is considered "junk DNA" Junk DNA. However, Russian researchers, convinced that nature has created this 90 per cent chance, have explored this 90 per cent of the DNA along with linguists and geneticists. The results of this research are simply revolutionary!

Our DNA is not solely responsible for the structure of our body, but would also serve as a database and to communicate. The Russian linguists found that the genetic code (especially the 90 percent "useless") follows the same rules to all human languages. To this end, scholars have compared the rules of syntax (how to put words together to form sentences), semantics (the study of the meaning of words) and rules basic grammar. They discovered that our DNA follow a certain pattern grammar. So human languages \u200b\u200bdid not have formed randomly, but are inherent in the DNA.

The biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr \u200b\u200bGarjajev and his colleagues also analyzed the vibrational quality of the DNA. In brief argued that "Living chromosomes function just like a holographic computer using endogenous DNA laser radiation." The researchers were able, for example, to screen certain frequencies (sound) with a kind of laser beam on the DNA, altering the frequency of it, and then the genetic information itself. Since the basic structure of DNA is equal to the structure of the language, it is not no need for coding DNA. You can simply use words and phrases of the human language! Although this has been proven scientifically.

The substance of the DNA (in living tissue, not in the tube) will always react to these rays modulated and even to radio waves, if you use the right frequencies. This is why techniques such as affirmations, hypnosis and the like have so strong an effect on men and their body, for our DNA to react to the language is perfectly natural. While Western researchers levying individual genes from the DNA strands and insert them elsewhere, the Russians have created a means to influence the metabolism of cells through frequencies of light and radio waves, repairing genetic defects. Scholars have even captured a pattern of information of a particular DNA and transmitted it to another, reprogramming the cells. In this way they have transformed, for example, frog embryos to salamander embryos simply by transmitting information of DNA! So the information was transmitted without the side effects that may occur when removing and re-integration of single genes from DNA.

was then tried what spiritual teachers have known for some time. Obviously, the frequency used to be the right one. For this reason we all get the same success. Everyone has to work on your inner development process and to establish a conscious communication with the DNA. The more high awareness of an individual, unless there is a need for a device, and you can achieve this alone. Science finally end up to make fun of these ideas and will confirm and explain these results. It does not end here.

Russian researchers also discovered that our DNA can cause interference in a vacuum, producing a "wormhole"! These tunnels are the microscopic equivalent of the so-called "Einstein-Rosen bridges" in the vicinity of blacks holes (left by extinct stars). There are links between areas that are completely different universe, through which can be transmitted outside of space and time. The DNA attracts these bits of information and forward them to our consciousness. This process of hyper-communication (telepathy, channeling) is most effective in a state of relaxation. Stress, worry or a brain too hyper active to make it ineffective, or the information received will be totally distorted and useless. An example of hyper

we find, for example, in the insect world. When the queen of an ant is separated from his colony, the ants workers continue their work to a precise plan. But if the queen is killed, they stop all work, no ant knows what to do. It seems that the Queen sends his "building plans" even if it is distant, through the group consciousness of her subjects. The important thing is that it is alive. In men, there is often a phenomenon of hyper-when suddenly there is access to information outside of their knowledge. This is hyper-lived as inspiration, intuition or trance. The composer Giuseppe Tartini for instance one night he dreamed the devil sitting on her bed playing the violin. The next morning Tartini was able to remember exactly the score and write it, resulting in the sonata "The Devil's Trill."

A 42-year old nurse for many years dreamed a situation in which it was connected to a kind of encyclopedia on CD-Rom. In those dreams were notified of the knowledge of all kinds, and the next morning was able to remember everything. The came a flood of information, and dreamed of for more technical details that were beyond his knowledge. When there are such cases of high-speed, you can see the supernatural phenomena in DNA. The Russian scientists irradiated DNA samples with other laser beams onto a screen and has formed a typical pattern of waves which, after removing the sample remained on the screen. Similarly it is assumed that the energy outside of space and time continues to pass through wormholes activated even after removal of DNA. The most common side effects are nell'ipercomunicazione magnetic fields close to the people involved. Electronic equipment may be subject to interference and stop working for hours. When the electromagnetic field disappears, the machine starts to function normally. Many operators are well aware of this spiritual effect.

Grazyna Gosar and Franz Bludorf in their book vernetzt Intelligenz explain these connections precisely and clearly. The authors also describe some sources according to which men were like animals, connected to group consciousness, and then acted as a group. To develop and live their own individuality, however, have abandoned and forgotten almost completely hyper. Now that our individual conscience is quite stable, we can create a new form of group consciousness. Just as we use the Internet, our DNA is able to enter data into the network, downloading information and establish contact with other people connected. In this way you can explain phenomena such as telepathy or distant healing.

Without individuality separate collective consciousness can not be used for an extended period, otherwise it will go back to a state of primitive instincts. The high-speed communication in the new millennium means something quite different. The researchers think that if humans with full individuality would form a collective consciousness, would have the ability to create, change and shape things on earth, as if they were God! And humanity is approaching this new type of collective consciousness.

The weather is rather difficult to influence by a single individual, but the company could succeed by group consciousness (nothing new for some indigenous tribes). The time is strongly influenced by the resonant frequency of the Earth (Schumann frequency). But those same frequencies are also produced in our brains, and when many people synchronize on them, or when some individuals (eg, spiritual teachers) focus their thoughts like a laser, it is not surprising that they can influence the weather. A modern civilization that develops this kind of consciousness would no longer have any problems or environmental pollution, or energy resources, using the power of collective consciousness could check automatically and naturally the energy of the planet.

If a relatively large number of individuals to unite with a higher purpose, such as meditation for peace, violence also dissolve. The DNA also appears to be an organic superconductor that can work on a normal body temperature. The artificial conductors instead require for their operation of the extremely low temperatures (between -200 and -140 ° C). In addition, all superconductors can store light, and information. Again, this demonstrates is that DNA is able to do so.

There is another phenomenon linked to DNA and wormholes. Normally, these tiny tunnels are highly unstable and lasts only a fraction of a second. Under certain conditions, however, you can create tunnel capable of forming stable balls of light. In some regions of Russia these balls appear very often. In these regions the ball at times rise from earth to heaven, and researchers have discovered that they can be guided by thought. The balls that emit low frequency waves are also produced by the brain, so they are able to react to our thoughts. These balls of light have a very high energy charge and are capable of causing genetic mutations. Many operators produce these spiritual spheres or pillars of light, when they are in a state of deep meditation or during energy work. In some projects for the healing of the earth these balls are also captured in the photos. In the past in the face of such luminous phenomena was believed that the angels appeared. In any case, even without scientific evidence, we now know that people with these experiences were not suffering from delusions at all. We made a great step forward in our understanding of reality. The "official" science knows the anomalies of the earth that contribute to the formation of light phenomena. These abnormalities have been found recently also in Rocca di Papa, south of Rome.

The whole article (in English) can be found on page (Kontext - Forum for Border Science). On this page you can contact the author.

All information is from the book "vernetzt Intelligenz" by Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf, ISBN 3930243237, unfortunately for now exists only in German.

Author: Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf / Translation: Tanja Pasini She graduated in translation translations: English - German, Italian - Italian Italian - German, English - German. Contact:

Buy the book:

L'Intelligenza in rete nascosta del DNA

Intelligence in hidden network of DNA

Authors: Grazyna Fosa Franz Bludorf


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