Saturday, October 17, 2009

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HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)

's HPV or Human Papilloma Virus is a virus, responsible for serious illnesses such as skin warts. Some strains of HPV, however, are responsible for genital warts and benign tumors as malignant tumors such cancer of the lining of ' uterus, the mouth , all' anus, to ' esophagus. One can therefore conclude that the HPV virus is an oncogenic virus, capable of causing cancer. HPV can infect specific areas (mucous membranes) in relation to the sexual habits of the subjects, it is possible contract, independently of the virus in the genital area, anal area and the area orale.Alla family owned about 100 strains of HPV, in the table below shows the most common strains and diseases that can cause.

HPV typing

typing is done not only to detect the presence of the virus, but also to identify the strain and allow the specialist to provide the appropriate treatment.
Genital HPV is classified according to the risk of cancer development. Mainly 15 strains can infect the ano-genital area of \u200b\u200bmen and women, they are divided into:
  • low-risk strains, which if not eradicated by the immune system can lead to formation of warts (HPV 6, 11).
  • high-risk strains, in particular health conditions of the individual (low immunity, repeated infections or continuous) can lead to cell changes (HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68). Some of the strains listed above may also cause cancers of the oral cavity.
It is well established that the viral typing is a method capable of improving the effectiveness of screening. Kriagen through the use of highly advanced equipment performs an examination of genetic typing the following strains virus: HPV 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68.
The test is simple to implement, absolutely non-invasive and totally confidential.

HPV in humans

Man, is not anatomically exposed to cervical cancer, but may be infections in the ano-genital area on the basis of oral sex habits. The male may act as a healthy carrier or rather "reservoir" of the HPV virus and infect patner sessuale.Inoltre, the virus to humans is of great risk for the Fertility . In fact, following infection by HPV, the sperm DNA may be damaged such as to affect the correct operation of the latter and make men infertile .

What 'the HPV test?

a genetic test that can detect the presence of potentially oncogenic virus belonging to the family of HPV in the anogenital and oral for the following strains:

  • HPV 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68.

The test is performed with a kit IVD/79/EC certificate, ISO 9001:2000, ISO 13485:2003 ( )

also allows you to identify an infection caused by multiple strains of HPV and follow the same patient in the course of the infection.
The HPV DNA test has a large advantage compared to the results obtained with the Pap test, since it identifies the DNA of the virus even before they appear signs of infection. It is a very useful tool for early diagnosis .

the HPV test is also commonly used to search for papilloma virus in women who have had an abnormal Pap test results and is an excellent tool for screening and monitoring of infection. The negative results of HPV testing can exclude, with confidence, the presence or absence of infection with regard to the type of sample provided.
A negative HPV test does not necessarily exclude the presence of HPV infection of the subject, it refers only to the particular sample analyzed and the 15 strains studied. The best result of the test depends on several factors such as a suitable sample, the absence of inhibitors and viral load enough to be detected.

Why do the HPV test at Kriagen.
  • for identification and typing of the strain.
  • Why you can run from home or by the medical officer in total privacy.
  • to confirm or exclude HPV infection in women or men.
  • For an early screening. How
  • subsequent screening with a Pap doubt.
  • monitoring HPV in patients under care.
  • Because you only pay 50% of the order and the balance on delivery of results. Why
  • tools, methods and kits are used by Kriagen certified for Forensic.
  • Why do everything from home in total privacy. Why
  • Drawing Kit is Included in Cost.
  • Why have the third Test Kriagen guarantees.
  • Because scientific and technical support is free.
Which samples tested HPV?
Kriagen allows you to perform HPV testing on different types of samples related to the areas on which you want to check:

male sample :
  • Buffer semen
  • Dry Dry mouth swab
  • Anal Swab Dry
female sample:
  • Dry Vaginal Swab (Cerviacale)
  • Dry mouth swab
  • Buffer Anal Dry

Guarantees and Times

testing and Results are provided by third Warranties. The outcome of the examination is available after 7 days of receipt of samples, the notice may be given in different ways chosen by the customer. You can also request a Quick Test Service allows you to receive test results within just 3 working days from receipt of campioni.Tutti Tests will be conducted in full compliance with the privacy of those involved.

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refers here HPV Test


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