Monday, October 5, 2009

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Montagnier and the future. 'Prevention with DNA "

A NOBEL IN VICENZA. The French immunologist awarded in 2008 for his discoveries on HIV yesterday held a conference on new frontiers of medicine

"Half of the children born after 2000 will become centenarians in good health." Thanks ... the fermented papaya: "Excellent antioxidant"
  • 03/10/2009
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intervention yesterday in the Nobel Prize Vicenza Luc Montagnier

Vicenza. Seventy-seven years old, dark hair, with a little 'men of coquetry which is good, other than graying of official photos of a few years ago. The glasses, however, are always the same. The verve has not changed. So the tone sweet, kind, a style that softens French grandeur, which in his case, however, seems justified. Luc Montagnier, a doctor, biologist, professor at the Pasteur Institute, last year won the Nobel Prize for Medicine for discovering the cause of AIDS retrovirus (Sida for him is that of trans Chabris), although yesterday, in the limited of the Municipal Theatre, the "plague of the Third Millennium" was spoken only on the sidelines of a conference organized by the foundation ZoƩ, and Montagnier, Vicenza quickly before leaving to fly to Japan, where he is loved, has been satisfied, in French, with codes more scientific and popular, on a topic of huge audience to live healthy for as long as possible.
CENTENARI CHILDREN. Primary concern him the Nobel Prize, but two "shoulders" of value as Elena Cattaneo, Professor of Pharmacology and researcher at the University of Milan, Tullio Pozzan and Venetian Institute of Molecular Medicine Director, and a moderator thickness of Gilberto Corbellini, professor history of medicine and biomedical to the Sapienza University in Rome. Very timely topic, as mentioned, one selected for the conversation Montagnier, who, in fact, the damping action taken by the news of the last hours. According to the study of a group of researchers from the University of Odense in Denmark, more than half of children born after 2000 in some developed countries including Italy will become centenarians in good health. In short, life expectancy, which, during the twentieth century, Western Europe, North America and Australia, increased by 30 years, with peaks higher in Japan, Spain and Italy, will rise even higher. In this perspective, the lifestyle becomes, therefore, a bible, not only to read but to be put into practice every day.
OXIDATIVE STRESS. Montagnier believes strongly in prevention. And, for him, the formula for slowing the aging process and reduce health costs is primarily a. We must fight oxidative stress, which is a leading cause of progressive deterioration of the tissues due to various kinds of pollution: noise radiation, noxious gases from cigarettes, by carbon monoxide we breathe on the street in what we eat, fatty acids from bacteria, viruses, infections. Falling immunity shields. The cells are short-circuited. Here allergies. Here is the hyper-reaction to certain vaccines. The antioxidant action of the food is not. The diseases are born here. Easier to meet Alzheimer's, Parkinson, cancer, arthritis, to cardiovascular disorders. But the viral mutation that causes epidemics, until the English all'aviaria swine flu, enter into this mechanism. That is the importance of controlling oxidative stress and free radical formation.
fermented papaya. Montagnier for us would be the recipe. A supplement based on fermented papaya as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. A few years ago even advised him to Pope John Paul II patient's disease. Although this has always found the fierce opposition of another scientist as Silvio Garattini, director of Negri, who argues that there are no studies that have shown effectiveness. The French immunologist
then also hinted at a new frontier. The DNA seems to emit electromagnetic waves. The same signals were detected in the DNA and plasma of people with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, but also from AIDS and hepatitis.
All this suggests a bacterial infection. Some of these bacteria are present in the intestinal flora, and through the mucosa, reach the brain. DNA sequencing, and using biomarkers that can recognize the vibration, you could dig out early chronic disease or prevent the onset. To analyze the genetic makeup may therefore emerge predisposing factors. The research, therefore, to find new avenues in the fight the disease, but also behave differently at the table and in life, and a different way of being doctors and patients when the disease is the consequence of a wrong way of living or the environment degraded. Applause, and then travel to the airport. A Nobel Prize was always in a hurry.

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