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Paternity Genetics

The paternity test is done in order to detect or exclude an alleged paternity. This test is crucial if there is doubt or uncertainty, and for the protection of the rights and duties of a parent.

Although much more common than having to investigate whether a man is the biological father of another individual, this test is of some importance for women. In particular, if a mother has undergone IVF (with embryo transfer) or an egg donation. In fact, you are prompted to confirm the pregnancy.

thing is based on a paternity test?
information that underlie the formation of an individual are contained in DNA. More particularly in chromosomes, which are the heritage genetic individual.

the moment of conception are involved in the maternal and paternal chromosomes in ste xed percentage. So the genome of an individual is half from the DNA from the mother and half from those resulting from the father.

The paternity test has as its fundamental basis of this concept, based on analysis of genetic DNA in 15 areas of child and alleged father. Specifically, we compare the genetic profiles to determine their compatibility. It is not necessary to compare the mother, are sufficient DNA of people they want to verify the link.

The 15 areas analyzed in DNA, half of which come from the Father and the other half from the mother, are displayed in a chart and identified as peaks. The analysis consists in comparing the peaks of the alleged father and child. To confirm paternity, half of the genetic heritage of the father shall be equal to half that of his son, then half of the peak must match.
Kriagen is a laboratory specialized in genetic testing for non-invasive samples be made in the complete privacy of your home. The paternity test is commonly performed by us on mouth swab or saliva, with cutting-edge tools and kits certified for forensic ensuring reliability of 99.99%.

Kriagen's philosophy is to provide its customers with speed, quality and flexibility to meet their needs. Kriagen makes it indeed possible to run the test even on alternate sample, called " Forensic Samples", such as: chewing gum, dried blood, cigarette butts, hair, nails, etc..

E 'can also perform a paternity test, even if an individual is not currently available for sampling. The genetic profile of the alleged father can also be inferred from the analysis of close relatives. The

Paternity testing may be required for personal needs, medical and forensic. There are now many examples of situations where you need to resort to paternity testing for several reasons (see here ).

The paternity test is in fact an aid in the event that the doubts and uncertainties will become persistent, if you want to search your home or if an immigrant wants to apply for family reunification. It also represents a valuable support when there is a need to define the legal responsibilities of a biological parent, for example in relation to matters related to property inheritance in cases of separation or custody of the child.

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