Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Swollen Bump On Toe After Pedicure

new news

I came back to Amantea.
I had the pleasure of meeting with Luca Mendicino and her mother, Maria Chiara Siciliano and his teachers, with other girls who are working on a film project in secondary schools. It 'was a positive meeting in all respects.
The fate showed us that one of the girls in school attended the meeting, is part of a gang of Amantea. So tomorrow I'm going to hear them play and I'll do it: I need a band that plays in the film.
Things are rather better than I thought. There is much enthusiasm at all levels.
It 's true we have not yet but I hope to find a euro before Easter.
M. Luke, my production assistant (I'm assigned as such), had the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200bholding a casting call to find the players we need.
will be on January 6 from 15:00 to 20:00 at the Hotel Mediterraneo.
I already wrote an actress interested in the project.
am very happy to see among many, with good will and heart, you can get to create something universal to us all, how should the cinema.

Giulio Vita

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Get Rid Of Impetigo For Good

questionable assumptions: There is something wrong with the biological basis of psychiatry? An examination

When Steve Hyman, president of NIMH (U.S. Institute of Mental Health) went to the bioethics committee of President Bush (Commission on Bioethics) defend the meteoric rise in sales of Ritalin and other depressants for children, he did not invoke a single study that demonstrated the biological basis of the framework referred to as Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), neither cited a single study that showed the real advantages of using such medications ( Ritalin) for children. Instead he just quoted "rates of 50% concordance for schizophrenia between identical twins. " This assertion is used to say, as there is a biological basis for mental illness, schizophrenia in the case, all other diseases also have a biological basis, excellent justification for the use of chemical agents that alter mental functions. But of course, is very strange that you only use this argument: if there were really good biological indicators that could prove the concept of illness they would necessarily be appointed. This type of positioning provides anyone wondering if this "alleged" pathology has, in fact, organic bases.


Today, more than ever, genes are responsible for everything that is difficult to explain in medicine, more so in psychiatry, especially when the mere assumption of "organic" appropriate drug therapies.

But in the scientific community have echoed many authors who have decided to review some "truths" of medical science. Especially when these truths are obtained by statistical methods. The review of the statistics conducted by dr. Uffe Ravnskov has debunked the whole theory that heart disease was linked to the consumption of saturated fat and high cholesterol. Another author, psychologist Jay Joseph, wrote the book The Gene Illusion "(The illusion genetics), which examines minutely the foundation-stone of modern psychiatry, based on medication: a study of twins, which would prove that schizophrenia is a genetic disease. According to him these studies constitute a fallacy! It would be a myth, a mixture of many misconceptions attached to prove something that needed to be proven, cobbled biased by the use of mathematics. In a magazine article "The Human Nature Review, in 2003, another author, Jonathan Leo, is an examination of the work of J. Joseph, citing the most compelling, and impressing the reader with the marked fragility of the conventionally accepted knowledge that would support the premise of biological psychiatry.

Joseph proposed the theme: "Twin studies in psychiatry: science or pseudoscience?" In the journal Psychiatry Quartery (Spring 2002). In this article he remembers the psychiatrist Abraham Myerson, who wrote in 1925 under the aegis of the influence of eugenics, which genes should be very important, even without having to prove its existence, because we all know hereditary talents, hereditary virtues, vices hereditary etc.. Nothing but prejudice.

Although these studies that seem, at first look, providing evidence that there is an issue behind genetics of schizophrenia, when these data are subjected to tests more qualified, that evidence is dissolved.

Traditionally, compares the frequency of identical twins with fraternal twins with schizophrenia. The overwhelming majority of textbooks of psychiatry says that the fact that there is a concordance of 50% for identical twins versus 15% among fraternal twins as irrefutable evidence that this disease has a genetic basis, so biological cause, with a similar illness, for example, haemophilia. Therefore, only the same chemical strategies may be useful. If you made an assumption in psychiatry that would justify all that would come later: the mass medication approach on the psychological manifestations. (However much of that came "after" is being harshly criticized by many scholars around the world. (Maybe a little less in Brazil)). Joseph

reviewed ALL the twin studies indicated in the articles and books on psychiatry. And at the end of his review could no longer, at best, than any 20% concordance between identical twins. He also reports that some researchers, in fact, had not found high rates of agreement. But other scientists worried about saving the myth of "helped" such polls to stay with rates more "acceptable" to the general rule, using mathematical correction factors, generally unjustifiable. Some research that would fit easily be omitted. One such study, which presents a sampling of the largest population, lower than 11% concordance between identical twins and schizophrenia.

Research with twins, identical, but were created separately, have coarse execution errors, and should not be taken into consideration. One of them seems to be obviously manipulated.

Leo talks about the interesting research showed in Science, on one allele of genes linked to the polymorphism of the 5 HTT (serotonin) present in some people that might predispose to depression IF EXPOSURE TO A series of traumatic events. 86% of depressed patients who underwent four traumatic events in a clinic would have at least one copy of this allele. But 72% of people who had this allele, which would have been subjected to traumatic events would not have been depressed. It does not seem that - to have this genetic signature - make it easy to find out who is more or less likely to remain depressed.


Another great discussion of both authors is on the effects of environment on mental health. Even a disease like multiple sclerosis, who must indeed have genetic predicates, seems to need one or more stimuli (unknown) environment to start their demonstration.

Although environmental issues are always pointed, in fact, have been promoted a few changes that can actually generate benefits for mental health, especially for children who carry the label of hyperactive, since even the authors, who are proponents of biological premise , used to say that the environmental aspect is very important. GROWING NUMBER

The number of mental illnesses has been expanded in psychiatric diagnostic manuals than any other group of diseases known. The first guide to diagnosis of mental illness (DSM I), 1952, 60 had diseases. Went through four revisions, until you reach the DSM IV, with more than four times the original number. Virtually all human behavior is in this manual. Thus it is hard not to find someone with a mental illness.

This may be related to the eugenic origins of American psychiatry. In the fifties there was a large gathering of interests between the Eugenics Society American (later the Society for the Study of Social Biology) and the American Psychiatric Association. The cataloging of human behavior could be a very strong indicator that would give adequate support to the notion that individuals who would best represent the American society than others. One of the ways designed to improve the population would, for example, individuals with schizophrenia or castrating them appear to be. No wonder that in the twentieth century, radical psychiatric treatments have never been banned. Electroshock therapy is an example. Another example was the doctor who made lobotomy an itinerant form, the interior of the United States, with a method and cheaper: drilling the skull of the "lucky" patient with an ice pick, inserted above the tear duct, with the help of course from a ... hammer! Nothing to ensure the proper conduct of individuals, be they children or adults demented stubborn ... The


A detailed study of history "hidden" psychiatry can be found in the extensive article "The Hidden Side of the Psychiatry written by Gary Null, PhD This article makes reference to another very interesting book," Talking Back to Prozac: What Doctors Aren 't Telling You About Today's Most Controversial Drug "(Back to Prozac: The doctors he has not spoken about this controversial drug present) of Dr Peter Breggin.

Prozac, trade name of fluoxetine, according to reports that author could not have been released by the FDA (U.S. surveillance) as the best preliminary results have been achieved when fluoxetine was used with an additional sedative. Further studies were made with insufficient samples of patients. Anyway Prozac seems to be involved with a significant number of problems, from overstimulation (excitement, anxiety, insomnia) and a subsequent worsening of depression.

The problems become more complicated by the question of motor disorders, which may akathisia (restlessness), already well known psychiatric symptom in patients treated with anti-psychotic to an insoluble problem as dystonia and DISCINECIA LATE. These side effects are not co-transitional situations, but scars neuro-functional intractable. This problem is well known with the use of the medicines used for schizophrenia, and often come up with several years of use (users of haloperidol or chlorpromazine, for example). Unfortunately we are only now finding patients with a sufficiently long number of years of use fluoxetine, to find that irremediable problem.

chemical imbalance BRAIN

Gary Null in his article also speaks of the biological question. Usually patients are advised (or threatened?) On the chemical imbalance in the brain to yield to the use of a medication that helps your mind and emotions work better.

The concept of chemical imbalance was first exposed to the public in 1963, in Life magazine. This concept was developed from the studies that were conducted on the effects of psychotropic drugs like LSD, in various types of users. The reasoning was simple: if a drug induces a series of psychological changes in a normal individual probably internal imbalances in the brain would explain the emotional and behavioral problems in people in general. Pursuit of the chemical equilibrium should be the ambition of effective therapeutics. This led to the medicalization of all human behavior, seen as inappropriate in the coming decades. According

some writers, this procedure was the basis for the use of Ritalin in "problem children". The fact that amphetamine seem to help some students to be more flexible in the school confirmed the diagnosis of ADHD. Because there is something chemical that helps, then there really is a sickness. This put in the background, all other aspects of any problem. It is curious to observe that children with inattention and / or hyperactivity appear to have no difficulty in learning to play video games or spend hours on the computer. Not even doing any activity that really interests them. It is also interesting to note that the difficult social and family environments of these same children are not richly laden with psychological uncomfortable. When, formerly, the children spent a shift at another school and turn around in the street playing with other children, making them more "arts", few parents and teachers complained of children with this type of problem. The modern world is a model of evolution: the children of today take painkillers. Obviously because the models of adult happiness today should be a "virtuous" stimulus for the children reach maturity.

Dr. Breggin argues that if the person had no chemical imbalance, with the use of fluoxetine it certainly will be. He believes that the medication causes an over-stimulation of serotonin receptors in the brain. But the fact is that the situation prior to the use of the drug would already be an attempt to search for an equilibrium state. Thus the body in an attempt to return to the previous stage, simply disables or eliminates some of the receptor neurons. The Lilly, who launched the drug, showed no studies about the reversibility of this recognized problem. The fact that the continuous use injury typically generate a scar as tardive dyskinesia, obviously makes us believe that this loss of receptors is irreversible.

This author reports that faced the laboratory under oath, and there was no rebuttal to reports that showed in his book.

know that sometimes the use of medication can be very useful for the immediate relief of psychiatric symptoms very unpleasant. But not We must remember that usually means the medicine will not cure any emotional problem that can possibly be facing. Ordinarily all people go through really rough situations in their lives, and often the final settlement of certain issues may go against their own set of beliefs and aspirations of that individual. Most people who undergo "mental illness" suffer as a result of this process for challenging personal crises. If the premises to conduct social and family is a basic limiting in expressing their great adaptability, the individual may actually be very difficult to overcome certain situations suffering.


remedies can reduce anxiety, aid sleep, improve cognitive performance, but they are just tools to qualify the potential of an individual to redefine their decisions, to trace its path, and draw up new choices . The future scenario is the result of meeting the environmental objective rewards and often subjective offered by the environment they live in, or that she chooses to live. But still, at worst, will result from any lack of those same rewards environment where you can not escape. In this case the modern world will offer their drugs, increasingly modern, such as a cutting edge solution ... And a psychiatric diagnosis, and a soft mattress that science can justify his fear and his inability to change!

Alias, on this notion of progress we have experienced a strange paradox. The more the world moves more people need medicine and psychiatric treatment. U.S. spending on psychiatric treatment rose from 3.2 billion in 1969 to 33.1 billion in 1994. An increase of 934%, far exceeding the population growth. But already in 1999 were 80 billion dollars! Without being ironic, surely, must be happy drug manufacturers.

Will the evolution of mankind, is that it actually happens, should not generate a world with a progressively smaller number of mental problems? Is that progress should not reward those with better health and less use of medications? Or will the heavenly panorama, which was designed for our future, it would be a fantasy induced by the use of euphoric and sedative, which will make us all anesthetized enough to not explode the myth that the modern world is, thanks to technology, a better world?

Brazil José Carlos Peixoto - 210207

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cruel bare the pharmaceutical

"cine (U.S.) is for sale?" - Marcia Angell question, ex-editor head of the New England Journal of Medicine. The answer he received: "The academic medicine for sale? No! The current owner is very happy with it! "

This type of information is discussed in the indispensable book" The truth about drug companies' Record of the publisher.

The enormous mistrust that drug makers have been receiving from the consumer public in the United States seems more than justified. Reading this detailed examination, performed by one of the most influential people in American public opinion, can at times be similar to reading a book of horror and suspense, and it would be great if it was only after all the reports and comments refer to drugs that billions of people use, believing in good faith that the manufacture, even if prices love their personal budgets or impede the public policy of drug supply Free to the public. Incidentally, the term - free - could never appear as an adjective in the disclosure of supply programs for medication (and vaccines), because everything that comes to population is exceptionally well paid by all taxpayers of the country, even those who buy these drugs in the pharmacies (which are few in the current urban landscape, which lead us to confirm the idea that high profitability is to assist people to remain on medication).

Dr. Angell gives a very comprehensive course on the evaluation of laboratories and their considerations are very consistent, because it uses data from the perspective of an insider system.

course the pricing is the target of extensive exploration. We could understand the high costs of new drugs and useful for complex machine that allegedly involves research of new substances. But it touches on the amazing revelation that most research is carried by National Institutes of Health (NIHS), subsidized by the U.S. government money, so the taxpayers themselves. Thus the overwhelming majority of investments consumed by the noble part of the production of a product - R & D: Research and Development - is bankrolled by future consumers. The huge numbers involved in spending by the pharmaceutical industry are depended on ... marketing! Aggressive marketing is the most researched by the major laboratories than anything else. The wave of absurd direct advertisements or stylized in the media is one of the most obvious expressions of this. But there are also a lot of money involved in the dissemination of "alleged" free samples to doctors and hospitals. It is obvious that the free samples will be fairly compensated by the final consumer price.

examination of the author of the widely accepted attitude of laboratories and scientific symposia to afford even finance the Continuing Education Program, and offers all kind of toast and gifts to doctors, leaves us with the unpleasant impression of the word corruption was an almost gentle adjective for this type of procedure.

After all pharmaceutical companies are financial corporations that have as their number one goal of profit. Although this may seem unsympathetic to the gullible that there is kindness and sympathy at the highest levels of capitalism, the data shown in this impressive book will not give rise to very kind with companies such as Bayer, Ely Lilly, Johnson, among a few other, forming a cartel ostensible .

The FDA (the board of American medicine and food), seen by many in Brazil as an entity of respect and reverence is only a small institution to validate the insatiable desire of these laboratories to remain in a curious band of exclusivity and monopoly of health research. Believe in the impartiality and capacity of the FDA is so naive as the belief that we had that DDT was harmless to humans, that the initiative to put fluoride in drinking water would be the idea of \u200b\u200bdentists, or that someone could ever put caustic soda in the milk of children.

trade of drugs in the U.S. is an intricate network of interests and so well defended in political circles as there are Americans who believe in a positive suitability as a predicate that industry. Billions of dollars are involved! And the political game is taken to extremes in defending these values!

The makeup of drugs is another very curious as raised by the author. This happens by the existence of a curious law of patents in force in that country. The story of Claritin ® and Aerius ® is bleak, (they are strictly the same substance, but the second is derived from the first, a process that effectively runs the human body), the highest prices of the second are not explainable by any spent research and development. But more incredible is the story of AZT, the popular drug to combat AIDS. As we all know is a disease that has gained notoriety in the '80s (1983), and imagine that it would be justifiable for drugs as a serious disease that could have cost a high price for his research. But would not the case of AZT, which was synthesized in 1963, years before, and besides, a federal institution by the Michigan Cancer Foundation. High prices have more to do with the applicability of this drug (originally designed for cancer treatment, besides being useful for viral infections like herpes) in a disease that has gained evidence, than with any laborious discovery of a New Molecular Entity . In this case certainly nothing new was created. In this and many, many more.

This is part of the relentless struggle to create other medicinal uses for well known or very restricted use. This might explain the use of old drugs in new situations and high profitability, by an unexpected need. For example, the use of anticonvulsant drugs in the new group difficult to describe how the drugs mood stabilizers! (Such as Depakene ®, Topamax ® or Lomatrigina ®). Or the return of an outmoded anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen (Alivium ®), suddenly brought the first choice to treat fever in children, despite the notion more careful not to blindly medication tables are not well defined as a sudden fever without other symptoms . Everyone knows that anti-inflammatory drugs may obscure the clinical expression of a disease in its earliest manifestations. But marketing was very effective and that drug much is sold. The use of fluoxetine on symptoms of the enigmatic pre-menstrual elaborately named premenstrual dysphoric disorder in the form of colorful pills, but with a different name known Prozac ®, is another example of maquiação (in the U.S. with the product name serafi ® is the substance fluoxetine pills in a different color of Prozac ®, and being with color and different name got new indication), but this can be a much more common than we would have liked ..

discouraging, too, is to ascertain that in recent years very few truly new drugs were offered to the population, and the vast majority of that small contingent does not came out of the powerful pharmaceutical industry. From

heavy buying of political influence and legal research for the production of ridiculous that compare new products with placebos and not with their ancestors already proven efficiency, through the creation of a strongly sofismável notion that new drugs are better than old ones ( to the problem of hypertension seems certainly are not), and the creation of new diagnostic and largely inaccurate, and changing the popular perception of the therapeutic needs (after all for those who marketing is directed to sell products such as Viagra ®, but that for young people who in theory would not be the natural candidates for their consumption), Marcia Angell information may seem a heavy excess of reality.

But reading is fundamental. Can often be rude to the reader. But the consumer must know the assumptions that built the drug culture of modern times. And health professionals should not give up his right to build a society that needs fact a genuine and independent scientific research, far from the wicked and constant conflicts of interest that built the ubiquitous scientific capitalism - muddy and redundant, but sovereign in drug prescriptions expensive, dangerous and unnecessary prescriptions of the majority of the population has been receiving.

Book: The truth about the pharmaceutical companies - as we are deceived and what we can do about it - Marcia Angell, editor Record, 2007 edition, 319 pages. English translation: "The truth about the drug companies."

By Jose Carlos Peixoto Brazil - 021,107

Saturday, December 11, 2010

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La atención that lends itself to: el "mal" llama ADD

Un libro de Juan Vasen

Las escuelas han if poblado, un mode of "epidemic" of niños con facilidad distraen that, shown inattentive and formal learning difficulties. Restless children who have impulsive reactions and hard to accept rules and regulations. For many this has a name, an acronym in fact, that means the disorder: ADD. Professionals, teachers and much of the media see it as learning and behavioral problem that reflects a deficit in attention, concentration and ultimately, of dopamine.
This book argues that the neglect is defined as a problem based on certain parameters that appear outside the problem itself. But they are not. Reified neglect as a deficit and concerns over emerging themed as a rough quantitative evaluation mode, which takes place qualifying and irresponsibly from scales with a large margin of error.
The ADD is a bad name for a problem that erupts time in the classroom. A name that flies in the new features of today's children, unstable floor said they intend to parents and teachers, changes in culture and temporality, the charms of consumption and the disorientation of the schools.

Am I Sick With A Temperature Of 96.5

Mental Disorders: Soon no one will be classified as 'normal'

guide Nova edição of classified / prune saúde mental com quase all disorder - A guide to diagnosis will be published em 2013 e maio devalue prune Gravidade disease

An updated edition of the "Bible" of mental health used by physicians may include diagnosis of "disorders" as the child's tantrums and compulsive eating, which could mean that soon nobody will ever be classified as normal.

Major mental health experts warned on Tuesday, 27, a new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which is now being revised for publication in May 2013, it could devalue the seriousness of mental illness and label nearly everyone with some kind of disorder. Citing

new updates, such as "mild depression with anxiety," "syndrome with risk of psychosis" and "uneven temperament disorder," the experts said that many perfectly healthy people could in future be informed that they are sick. A report from Reuters.

doing this is to reduce a pool to a puddle of water which is normal, "said Til Wykes, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London.

The manual is published by the American Psychiatric Association and contains descriptions, symptoms and other criteria for the diagnosis of disorders mental. It is seen as the bible for the field of global mental health medicine.

The criteria are designed to provide clear definitions for professionals who treat patients with mental disorders and researchers and pharmaceutical companies seeking to develop new forms of treatment.

Wykes Felicity Callard and colleagues, also from the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, and Nick Craddock, Department of Neurology and Psychological Medicine at Cardiff University, said many in the psychiatric community are concerned about the expansion of the guidelines, because the more likely it is that no one will be classified as normal.

"Technically, with so many new classification of disorders, all have disorders," they said in joint statement. "This may give the impression that many of us 'need' for drugs to treat our 'conditions' - and many of these drugs can have unpleasant or dangerous side effects."

Scientists said that the diagnosis of "syndrome risk psychosis "is particularly worrisome because it could falsely label young people who may have only a small risk of developing the disease.

"It's a bit like saying the 10 people with a common cold that they are "at risk of pneumonia syndrome", when only one is likely to develop the disease, "said Wykes.

The American Psychiatric Association did not respond to a request for comment on the matter.

Scientists gave examples using the previous revision of the manual, which was called the DSM diagnoses and included four broader categories and for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism and bipolar disorder in childhood.

This, they said, "contributed to three epidemics false," particularly in the United States. "During the last decade, how many doctors alarmed parents to take drugs like Ritalin to children without them really need it? "said Wykes.

Millions of people around the world - many of them children - taking medication for ADHD, including Ritalin, which is known generically as methylphenidate and similar drugs, like Adderall and Vyvanse. In the U.S. alone, sales of these drugs cost about $ 4.8 billion in 2008.

Wykes and Callard comment published in the Journal of Mental Health expressing concern for the next revision of the handbook and highlighting 10 or more papers that other scientists are also worried.

Report [Mental health experts ask: Will anyone Be Normal?] From Reuters, published by estadao.com.br

Report [Mental health experts ask: Will anyone Be Normal?] From Reuters, published by estadao.com.br

EcoDebate, 29/07/2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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Friday, October 8, 2010

Clarithromycin Side Effects Bad Tast

The Effects of Cocaine in the Brain

Court postmortem brain of a cocaine addict. The lesion shown
refers to a massive brain hemorrhage and is associated with cocaine use.

Cocaine is the drug that soon devastates the user. Just a few months or even weeks for it to cause a profound weight loss, sleeplessness, nosebleeds and persistent runny nose, nasal mucosa injury and nasal tissues, and may even cause perforation of the septum (12). Regularly consumed high doses also cause paleness, cold sweats, fainting, seizures and respiratory arrest. In the brain, especially cocaine affects the motor areas, producing intense agitation. The action of cocaine on the body is powerful but brief, lasting about half an hour, since the drug is rapidly metabolized by the body.

Both dopamine and other substances increased in the brain can produce vasoconstriction and cause injury. These injuries can include bleeding and acute brain infarction (area of \u200b\u200bcell death caused by lack of oxygen), and myocardial necrosis, which can lead to sudden death. Brain & Mind

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Can You Wax A Man's Nuts

Ritalin: its Structural and biochemical effects in some brain regions may be even greater than those of cocaine (Original English)

New scientific studies bring a new wave of concern about the safety of drugs most used because it seems that, often, their effects on the brain are not fully understood. For example, a recent survey shows that Ritalin, a drug prescribed millions of times per year in the United States for the treatment of diseases such the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), has the same effects on the brain as regular use of cocaine, especially in regions of the cortex reward.

The new study, conducted in mice, also shows that sometimes the effects of Ritalin are roughly the same as those of cocaine, which would be a big concern for parents who treat their children with drugs. The research team, based at Rockefeller University showed that methylphenidate, the active ingredient in the ADHD drug, has long-term effects that often overlap with those of narcotic terrible.

"Methylphenidate, which is thought to be a relatively innocuous compound, may have structural and biochemical effects in some brain regions that may be even greater than those of cocaine. More studies are needed to determine the implications of these behavioral changes and to understand the mechanisms by which these drugs affect the formation of synapses, "UK senior research associate Yong Kim, co-authored the new study published in the magazine's February 3 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, said.

UK Vincent Astor Professor Paul Greengard, head of the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, co-author of the new paper. The team studied the behavior of laboratory rats that were injected with cocaine or methylphenidate for two consecutive weeks. Once the trial period, researchers have focused their questions on the effects of both substances in neurons.

For most of the findings, Ritalin has been behaving much like cocaine because they act the same way in the brain, the fact that both are psychoactive substances, and as such have similar effects. In some cases, however, the methylpenidate revealed a stronger impact than that of narcotics, causing, for example, a higher level of expression of proteins in certain parts of the brain.

This study is very important for the health of American children, and parents need to verify the requirements of their babies "for this drug. Furthermore, although researchers say more studies are needed, they do not mean that they can reach a different result. They simply suggest that they will repeat the experiment and accurately observe the effects of Ritalin on the brain.

http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ritalin-and-Cocaine-Have-Identical- Effects-on-the-Brain-103929.shtml

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Bonefish Grill Should I Make A Reservation?


The Drapetomania

a medical diagnosis was proposed in 1851 by Dr. Samuel A. Cartwright, a physician member of the Louisiana Medical Association, who practiced his profession in Louisiana, USA.
drapetomania The term derives from the Greek (drapetes, "a [slave] fled") + μανια (mania, "madness, frenzy").
This diagnosis appeared in an article published in the New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal, in which Dr. Cartwright argued that the trend escape of slaves actually it was a mental disorder that could be prevented and treated with high success rates.
Specifically, how preventing and reversing the situation of mental disorders, Dr Cartwright proposed whipping the slaves who seemed sullen and unhappy without any reasons and also, presumably when applicable, which is performed amputation of the toes of patients.


Benjamin Rush "Father of American Psychiatry", his picture adorns the official seal of the American Psychiatric Association, coined in the early nineteenth century, an interesting diagnosis called "anarchy ," a " form of madness" he used to label people who sought a more democratic society, because many people lived at the time that Benjamin Rush were unhappy with the structure U.S. policy states - slavery, restricted voting to white men ownership, etc..


In 1973, much pressure is put on by gay American Psychiatric Association for her to omit homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses, proposing to call it, from then on, "a natural form of sexual development."
The entity, before so much bad publicity, just acknowledging the mistake to categorize homosexuality as a disease and removed it from its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders.
The American Psychological Association, in turn, ended by declaring that homosexuality was not a pathology in 1975.
Finally, on 1 January 1993, the World Health Organization (WHO) removed homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses, a major victory against the preconceived ideas, but not really against the prejudice that exists because the belief that homosexuals have a choice and that only those who want to be gay.
The decision was based mainly on the fact that no evidence has been any difference between the mental health of a heterosexual and mental health a homosexual.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

How To Fix Safety Valve For Pressure Cooker

psychiatry Ritalin is linked to an increase 500% for risk of sudden death in children Ritalin

How dangerous are the
amphetamine stimulant drugs prescribed for children with so-called deficit
of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder?

According to scientific research
subsidized by the FDA and National Institute of Mental Health,
substances like Ritalin increases the risk of sudden death in
five hundred per cent among children and adolescents.

these cases of sudden death, the child suddenly
disagreement and come to die, and will only be discovered later by
parents or siblings. That's what happened to Matthew Hohmann
in 2004 (Meet that matter), and according to this new research, this
keeps occurring to more and more children at a rate
which is 500 percent higher than would be considered typical for children with a
age and similar health condition.

ADHD drugs like Ritalin are obviously
stimulants amphetamines. They used to be sold on the street as
"narcotic" but now they are prescribed by psychiatrists for children after
subjective diagnosis of factitious disease:
ADHD - a "disorder" that has no biological evidence

In a curious way, the FDA banned ephedra, a stimulant herbal
after a handful of consumers
died by consuming huge amounts of herb, a desperate effort to lose weight
. In that case, by prohibiting the herb, the FDA announced "the risks outweigh the advantages
benefits," stating that "ephedra
would not be safe at any dose."
In stark contrast to this, even when children are literally dropping dead
after taking medication for DDHA,
the FDA is now insisting on "the benefits outweigh the risks."

But on what benefits, exactly, are they talking about? There is no scientific study
reliable showing that the
ADHD drugs like Ritalin have any effect
long-term positive for children. In fact, studies show that
available anti ADHD drugs slow the physical growth of children
harm the developing brain.

Children who take these drugs,
in other words, not merely with a 500 percent
of increased risk of sudden death, and they are virtually guaranteed to be
retarded in their physical development and brain
, this dangerous stimulant drug amphetamine.

The only real benefits of these drugs Anti ADHD
in the end, are the financial benefits for pharmaceutical companies
. With hundreds of millions of doses of these drugs
being sold around the world each year, Big Pharma
(sets of large pharmaceutical companies) are
bathing in money earnings with their children while they are lying
killed in their own homes.

So while the FDA maintains that "the benefits are worth the risks," what they mean is that the financial benefits for pharmaceutical companies
are more valuable than the risk to the lives of children
. Pharmaceuticals as posing imminent danger to our children

When parents take their children to psychiatrists and are informed
to put them in the use of products such as Ritalin, most parents
believe what the doctors say. They believe the FDA would not approve
a drug so dangerous that could kill his son
without notice. And they believe that pharmaceutical companies
never sell products that might interfere

But such beliefs are silly. In fact, the FDA, companies
drugs and psychiatrists are all working in collusion
consciously pushing dangerous drugs, Deadly
on families with the sole purpose of generating profits.
While children suffer and die, they take good advantage of
illusion of ADHD, the first promoting a fictitious disease
and then later by the high profits of a pharmaceutical quackery.

And yet, incredibly, the popular media says nothing. Senators and congressmen
remain silent. Psychiatrists corrupt, dishonest
, keep pushing the pills into your mouth and
pharmacists continue filling the jars, while children are dying day after day, through the use of drugs that have been suggested as a way to help them.
Medicalization mass of our own children
is the greatest crime of our time is not elucidated.

Medicalization mass of our own children is the greatest crime
unexplained of our time. It is the holocaust of chemical
today being perpetrated by our own health system!
Today, the pharmaceutical industry operates as an association organized
drugs, inventing fictitious diseases, then
to capitalize on the "treatments" for diseases such treatments
although ultimately affect far more people than they
conceivably help.

For additional boost to their profits, drug companies provide free testing (free screening) - based on a questionnaire
not totally scientific, sufficiently equipped to label virtually any
world as ADHD (adults included).

The overall disorders or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD
is a circus of "junk" science (science rotten), enterprises profitable and betrayal of the FDA. If this were not so tragic and deadly, it would be absolutely laughable. But in the end, unfortunately, the bulk chemical poisoning of our children continues today, and those who profit from continuing calling it "treatment."

By Mike Adams Natural News Editor

Placemat Chinese Horoscope

them! The

In 1984 I translated a text showing the evils of Ritalin, "a medicine that helps me to be nice," according to a child who took the drug.

Brazil, on the Ritalin abounds. Is Ritalin on children, young people, especially in poor and black.

For there is that today, Saturday, early in the morning, S *, a mother with AIDS who lives near my neighborhood came by to ask for my job. She and her husband are with AIDS. They live in Quebec. Not in Canada, here in a poor neighborhood. We talked and she showed me the recipe of his son: he takes Ritalin. S * does not know what Ritalin is.

The advisor of the school (he has 7 years) sent a letter to the medical JY and this gave him Ritalin. I found that almost all boys school MV taking Ritalin. The Ritalin is a drug for those who have "attention deficit".

Well, well, all school boys have attention deficit? If everyone has attention deficit, or all the poor and blacks are born with attention deficit or deficit is the school counselor. Well, of course it's loud there. I have to go look what happens at that school and go to prosecutors. Or accept the motto, with poor and black only Ritalin!

Martha Bellin

Saturday, September 18, 2010

How To Get A Organ Donor Bracelet

serving the new studies of the brain? Medicare

We shall comment here two recently published studies of the brain in scientific circles in London and USA. The first says that the digital revolution reshapes the brain works, and second, that puberty disrupts the learning process, then proposing a drug to cure the "problem".

Study 1: Digital revolution reshapes the brain works

news online, the study of University College London is certainly very questionable. How much of this type of research, a number of factors seem not have been contemplated. Who are the 100 volunteer subjects who had their brains investigated? What is the origin, life history, cultural background, social context in which they are? This sample would have a sufficient number of conclusions as assertive / definitive?

Well, actually, we are spreading an information circulated on the Internet, which tends to simplify the contents. The search might not have engaged in such basic mistakes ... But even if it has, it does touch on issues that deserve attention.

One concerns the ease with which young people troll the Internet at information search, jumping from one site to another without devoting much time to the topics covered. According to the English scholars, that would be indicative of a remodeling of the brain that already affects the next generation, a conclusion that eventually leads many to assume that this would cause a certain aversion to books in general, and especially those with more pages.

Nor would need a search along these lines to conclude that major changes in the way of being in the world are underway, many of them obviously determined by the new technologies of communication that we have become increasingly voracious consumers. That this also affects our brain circuits is hardly a novelty. And the youngest ever read fewer texts or seek shorter, leaving behind classics of literature, is also a constant concern for parents, educators, and even been approached recently by journalist Daniel Piza on your blog

The problem is to bundle all this and hastily draw cause and effect simplistic.
things first.
is a fact that children deal with new tools of technology with increasing ease. There is no family in which there is at least one that explains with ease the operation of a new electronic gadget. Phone to the laptop, throw themselves to unravel its mechanisms, without fear of daring. Ventured to say that the absence of fear, and for that matter, the power to learn to deal with these sets are related to situations in which they are to use them, which are, in most cases, successful.

Firstly, adults give children a role of prominence in the use of this technology. The learning relationship appears often reversed. It teaches the child that has his say valued by adults. This partnership was defined as a positive influence on the relationship she establishes with this knowledge, making them closer and closer it.

Another relevant factor is that the child has achieved its objectives more immediately in those situations, even though their previous knowledge is biased. Take, for example, the use of computers. While no area of \u200b\u200breading and writing, the child makes use of what you already know and also other resources to achieve what they want. Very easily, learn how to access desired programs on the Internet and at the hour of typing, you see in print an appropriate remedy. The application of knowledge leads her to watch videos, play new and different games, to watch TV shows, competitions and communicate with others. Things she could not be depended just reading and writing in another medium that was not digital.

Perhaps we are facing a phenomenon, still in formation, which may have consequences for children's education: the tendency of the young develop more quickly and substantially reduce your computer literacy over others such as the school. In this perspective, perhaps the most important is not to assess whether computer use is or is not remodeling the brain. Is important to note that the situations in which literacy is just so its use because it requires certain attitudes, skills and abilities required or not favorable in other contexts. Wanting a student beginner, within the school context, read a book x pages, without this having a meaning for him, there is something that requires a priori. This will be the result of a job well done at the school, which takes into account even the capabilities of the learners developed in other contexts.

For educators, is the dilemma: how to make teaching methods match a little more to the rhythm that is being imposed at present, but without losing the density needed to train people with critical thinking, able to deal justly with the bombardment of information?

Study 2: Puberty hinders learning, and scientists propose drug to cure the "problem"

Also in this study there is much to be questioned in terms of procedures: the cellular mechanism that, according to the scientists' conclusion, would affect the learning capacity of adolescents so far only been demonstrated in mice teens which would have been subject to "learning activities".
Mickey Mouse and, more recently, the friendly mouse movie Ratatouille, Remy, are indeed essential reference for understanding human behavior ... perhaps because, like the fables have been humanized precisely by their creators.

Well, in the case of this research, we have the flip side of this: adolescents treated like rodents! What would have been learning activities offered to laboratory mice? What is the concept that these scientists have to learn about the act? Maybe they have assessed the ability to discover the mechanism of operation of a mousetrap ...
But, according to the newspaper (Folha de S. Paulo, 03/19/2010), these American scholars "knew" that "puberty affects the ability to learn," undermining the linguistic memory, which leads to the conclusion that only 10/12 years until you can teach the basics to children. Maybe something like opening a can of biscuits to get a cheese, or rather a cookie ...

How to solve the "problem"? Simple: with an extra dose of the hormone linked to stress and motivation (THP), applied in the hippocampus of livestock. Thus, our teenagers return to wild "and learn" and everyone could celebrate, happy parents, teachers and, of course, the pharmaceutical industry!

But for relief, even partially, the very scientist who heads the research disagrees with the idea that "puberty is a 'problem' that needs to be treated." We can then breathe a sigh of relief? His discovery was just a joke laboratory that, at most, will cause protests angered some animal protection society, concerned with the ethics of rodents? Unfortunately not: the investigation continues
"It would be a good idea to treat children or adolescents in general with a drug like that, but some children have more difficulty learning, and in them the learning deficit of puberty is worse. The ideal would be to develop a drug more selective. " You see, children with "learning difficulties" for the scientist, inevitably worsen in adolescence.

There is no escape.
be fair, however, with the researcher. Asked about the possibility of a new drug to be as controversial as Ritalin - drug prescribed unscrupulous obedience today, she criticized the conduct of his colleagues, warning that the outcome of their investigation does not apply to normal teenagers ...

As we said, there are countless questions that highlight the validity of such research. What are the parameters to define normality? What is the situation of learning that guinea pigs, human or not, are "subject" during the testings? Sociocultural context, life history and many other variables that determine particular ways of apprehending knowledge once again being discarded in favor of a supposed scientific neutrality. The researchers also forget is that they evaluate their test subjects from the parameters, ideologies, ways of thinking historically and socially determined, ethical and political positions. There is, therefore, neutrality, especially when the subject is human learning, with all its richness and complexity.

Both studies lead us to the topic and the ways in which contemporary society has increasingly undermined this complexity.
One of the signs that we are not knowing how to respond to the new ways children and adolescents engage in learning situations is precisely the proliferation of diagnostic deficit disorder of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - ADHD, already discussed here on the site (see sections on myth or reality and reflection, professional tab).
Will the "loss of attention span" that characterizes this clinical condition may be, at present, considered a "neurological disease"? If the brain of younger people is already being affected by the new social demands is hard to say - will require much more research, more consistent. But there's no denying that, as previously mentioned, early on, children are being asked to participate in social situations dynamic, full of sounds, images, speeches presented simultaneously. It's almost impossible not to respond to these stimuli!

Both surveys, with all its ambiguities and inconsistencies, can then serve as a warning: we must pay attention to the fact that there is this absurd number of deviant children and adolescent patients to specialists and even many educators have propagated. Before
distribute diagnostics has led to the medicalization of childhood and adolescence (cf. http://blogdaroselysayao.blog.uol.com.br/), with drugs like Ritalin being prescribed unabashedly and without a careful evaluation and consideration on risks that drive, pay attention to the role that we, the older we played nowadays.

What we have done, inside and outside of school, so that different situations that involve learning are significant for young people? Environment and care that we have offered them? We've been able to accompany them and support them in their troubles and issues particular to each stage of the process of maturation?
In the case of adolescents, as propagated seizures can not be seen as pathological and therefore should not be "cured" - without them, something significant is lost, and not just for boys and girls. For us adults as well. Search medicines to make them obedient also mean an impoverishment of our possibilities of transformation. Who will point out our faults, to question our actions, charging the authenticity of our actions and words? Plus, with whom we will confront us?

All of us, families, educators, therapists need of rich interaction with teenagers and confrontational defiant, intransigent, we need to signal this willingness to clash with the authority to represent, without losing sight of empathy and open field that can contribute to genuinely for the reinvention of the future.

Claudia Perrotta and Lucia Masini

What Is The Best Notebook For Architecture 2010

learning: is it worth that risk? For

say that the medicine is good, just cause dependency, but what's the problem?
Ruy Castro, in 10/04, wrote on the subject in his column in the Folha de S. Paul. He notes that an acquaintance, a senior official of a company, go through an assessment to be promoted in employment. He decided to use the same medicine that had been taking her son to stay alert during this assessment. It's already "famous" Ritalin, used to combat the "disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Then the mother became aware of the effects of this drug, daily consumed by his son more than alert, "the wife of 40 years, Masters at Sorbonne, reader of Barthes and Foucault" was "far-sighted, euphoric, confident, powerful." And yet, killed by abstinence, when it passed the effect of a single dose. Remember the journalist that "Ritalin is a stimulant of the central nervous system. Produces the same effect as cocaine, methamphetamine, the "balls" and other legal and illegal drugs. The label warns about the occurrence of insomnia and appetite loss, we recommend the combined use of antidepressant and mentions the possibility of "abuse" lead to tolerance and dependence. "
This situation, in fact, a coincidence, leads us to think in their severity.

Let's see.
For a long time in childhood, parents often try foods, liquids and snacks before you offer it to their children. They want to evaluate the taste, consistency, temperature, to make sure that the food will not cause any harm. However, the same should be done with the drugs that are prescribed for children?

The Bull of Ritalin, Concerta and also used for the same function, in fact warn:
CAUTION: MAY CAUSE physical or psychological dependence
This alone would be a warning to both parents and seek a second and third opinions on the use of this medicine in children in the process of physical, mental and social. But, distressed at the situation of school children, often feeling powerless to experts, they see salvation in the remedy of all problems, because in fact, the behavioral change is visible in the first few doses. Thus, it is common to find parents who advocate the use of these drugs and who qualify the attitude of those who question this medicalization as irresponsible.

is understandable because it is very distressing see your child suffer for failing to keep pace with school learning. However, it is important that Ritalin acts primarily on the behavior, which does not mean that contribute to effective learning. Often, what we are apathetic children and adolescents undergoing, and this "new" behavior seen by teachers and parents as a sign of better conditions for learning. Not.
Enforce adolescentess these children and to follow the learning process via medicalization makes us lose the ability to understand what they are communicating about their anxieties and insecurities in relation to the condition to learn and grow.
This issue deserves our attention ... And for much longer than that achieved with a dose of Ritalin. 29/04/2010

Lucia Masini and Claudia Perrotta

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What Else Can You Use For Waxing

Cremesp, one third of physicians remains a "relationship contaminated with pharmaceutical and equipment, which goes beyond the ethical boundaries"

Almost half (48%) of physicians who receive visits from São Paulo propagandists laboratories prescribe drugs suggested by the manufacturers.

In the area of \u200b\u200bmedical equipment, the effectiveness of the visit is even higher: 71% of health professionals to heed the recommendation of the industry.

Data, obtained exclusively by leaf, stem from an unprecedented survey of Cremesp (Regional Medical Council of State SP), which evaluated the effect of a doctor in the industries of medicine, prostheses and medical equipment.

Made Datafolha, the survey involved 600 physicians from various specialties, which represent the universe of 100,000 professionals working in the state.

Of the total, 80% of them are visited by the propagandists of drugs, on average, eight months.

The research reveals that 93% of physicians say they have received over the past 12 months, products, benefits or payment industry in values \u200b\u200bup to $ 500.

Another 37% said they received presents of greater value, from courses to trips to conferences international.


Cremesp For a third of doctors has a "tainted relationship with the pharmaceutical industry and equipment, which exceeds the ethical limits."

"For most [physicians], the only way to upgrade is the propaganda of the laboratory. And it comes with gifts, gifts. It took a larger size, more promiscuous, when revenues began to be monitored," Luiz Alberto says Bacheschi, president of Cremesp.

In 2005, the newspaper revealed that, in exchange for gifts or money, drug stores and pharmacies in Brazil helped the drug industry to monitor the prescriptions written by doctors.

With access to copies of prescriptions, laboratory representatives pressed professionals to display their products and so rewarded.

The practice is not illegal but is considered unethical. After all, who can pay this bill is the patient. "In exchange for favors, the doctor may prescribe a medicine that has the same clinical efficacy than the competition, but it is more expensive," explains cardiologist Braulio Luna Filho, coordinator of research Cremesp.


Most physicians (62%) evaluate a positive relationship with industry.

For 73% of the scientific congresses not feasible without support from the pharmaceutical industry and equipment.

Son Luna states that, with the internet, access to medical information is universal. "This talk that doctor has to go abroad for Congress to upgrade is nonsense. He is going to sightsee."

There are several standards, including an article in the new Code of Medical Ethics, a resolution of Anvisa and a "code of conduct" of the association of industries, trying to avoid conflict of interest in the relationship between physicians and laboratories.

"The problem is that there There is a strict control of any party, "says Volnei Bottle, professor of bioethics at the University of Brasília.

Press Room Media

Cremesp in Folha de Sao Paulo, 31/05/2010

Text Original: http://www.cremesp.org.br/pdfs/pesquisa.pdf

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Best Friend Quotes For Picnik Pictuers

The sea is always bluer ... Proposal

Gigino and the sea in Calabria ...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hw To Put Cheats On Pokemon Ipod Touch


Today I have officially submitted the proposal to the town of Amantea. Soon you will find a link to this site on the web page of the town .

Click image for larger view:

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Womens Tattoo On Private Parts

Fortunata Morelli Here we turn

amanteana I found a poet among the old books at home. I leave here a beautiful poem:

rains, the smell of grass in the air
smell clean and quiet and natural renewal
completion of a peaceful
the streets are almost deserted
yours, and you resent your country

Fortunata Morelli

We hope that this film is a rain amanteani the country to give them soul and hands.

Rugrat Go Wild Rescue Game

Our little dream begins to draw feet, fingers, wings and paints every day reality.
We have the approval of the City and therefore the necessary permissions to run.
At the end of this week I return to Madrid to organize the other side of the short film (the technique) to return here in December.
Amantea returning All these years I have served to make a script full of my feelings in this country and imagination that brings the sea with him.
I hope that this adventure s'imbarchino amanteani all, those living in Amantea and even those abroad.
My crew is already in love with the country for the pictures I sent.
Amantea But who falls in love with?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Port Royale 2 No Cd Image

Pharmaceutical drugs and the deaths they cause

exist in the U.S., numerous accidents caused by young people under the influence of pharmaceutical drugs, legally marketed and prescribed by doctors.

Ed Harris, Columbine High, was under the influence of Luvox when he killed 12 classmates and their teacher in Denver, Colorado.
Kip Kinkel of Springfield, Ore., was progressively decreased the use of Prozac when he killed 24 of his classmates and members of his family.

Shawn Cooper of Notus, State of Idaho, was 15 and was taking Ritalin when he fired at his colleagues in school. Elizabeth Bush was 14 and was taking Prozac when he shot the students, their friends and wounded one in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

TJ Solomon, was taking Ritalin when he killed six classmates in Conyers, Georgia.

Jason Hoffman was taking Effexor and Celexa when wounded five colleagues from his college in California. Cory Baadsgaard took

Paxil, when he took a shotgun and had 23 pupils hostage before being disarmed by the director. He did not kept no memory of this episode and spent fourteen months in a detention center for youths.

Sometimes these kids come home that violence against themselves. So, Julie Woodward died at age 17, after a therapist told him Zoloff was "necessary for their healing and very benign." So benign that, on the sixth day of treatment, his parents found his body hanging in the garage.

On February 10, 2004, Traci Johnson, a young student of 19 years of Bensalem, also hanged himself while participating in trials on the main substance of Cymbalta. This drug, studied by Lilly to treat depression and urinary incontinence due to stress, was about to get FDA approval.

After six days of treatment for depression with Zoloff, a 13 year old boy committed suicide. However, the Kansas court found that there was insufficient evidence to link the tragedy to Zoloff.
This list is not exhaustive and reflects only a tiny part of U.S. situation.

If any of these accidents had been caused by illegal drugs, the whole world would have accused drug traffickers and dealers of drugs such as cocaine, LSD, amphetamines and marijuana. But as the drugs were prescribed by doctors or psychiatrists respectable, manufactured by prestigious laboratories, we prefer to ignore these "few accidental deaths" that demand is often remain anonymous.

It is simpler to consider that these young people are the ones responsible for these acts and that violence is a growing scourge, but inevitable. And anyway, these kids are the ones to pay. The laboratories and doctors - who prefer to ignore the deleterious effects of the drugs they prescribe - can always get away with the honors of war and if they are sometimes held responsible, are never found guilty. Sylvie Simon

Source: Votre Santé No 63 - December 2004

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Stuart Surridge Cricket Bats

The teacher is sick?

This article discusses the political dimension of teachers suffering from the reflection on the routine use of the term "burnout syndrome", widely publicized on billboards and leaflets around the city of Rio de Janeiro. This propagation of medical discourse and pathological categories for Common Sense produced in contemporary times, forms a symptom of an age where individualized existence, pathologizing conflicts and the drug, conferring legitimacy and wide acceptance of a political process of medicalization of social life. Recently we have seen

propagated by the city of Rio January posters, billboards and leaflets of the Union of Teachers (Sinpro) encouraging teachers to identify, treat and prevent burnout syndrome. According to the booklet says, this psychiatric category is characterized by chronic stress, depression and motivation at work, among other symptoms. But we must ask the teacher is sick? Is the suffering of a teacher Syndrome? Suffering of the teacher? What teachers are saying? All teachers suffer the same ailment?

Who lives the daily school and follows the reality of education professionals in general, realize that every day is a new disease brought into the world of school. In the corridors and classrooms are hearing new names and incorporating fads. And what are those diseases that are in place at school? Why are
place in both the teachers and students? It is concern in the growing number of children receiving some kind of diagnosis. Noteworthy is the Disorder of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

We can say that this diagnosis has spread widely and involves, among other things, the medicalization of children who are named for him. However, there are only children diagnosed with ADHD who are medically. The radius of the children in the medicalization concerns a number of other diagnoses. The old gear subjective changed and what was someone to be restless, driven, impulsive or calm, gives rise to a new image for these attributes, if updates in the diagnosis of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity, among others. This logic

biological and scientism, which is guiding our lives, responsible for the naturalization of various social practices, alienate the size of the daily production of subjectivity, when it is exactly that in the daily essasproduções are present.

The moment we live in, pleading for the discovery of new technologies, the emergence of neuroscience, it brings the possibility of an extension of people's lives and the promise of reducing their suffering. These innovations, combined with the logic of consumption and internalized in the subject, across the medical sciences so crucial.

Wins amplitude common sense when we choose our bodies, placing and removing pieces of it, to correct alleged defects. And when, through medication, control our standard of care, our impulses, our anxieties, our fears. That is, as we correct our body, we correct our ways of life according to a standard which, naturally, has no nothing.

We all shared a moment of individualization, self centeredness and isolation exacerbated. And so, as children are remedied in relation to the problems that are identified in them, teachers also share the same logic medicalized.

We encounter the individualization of the demands, wishes, desires, problems and responsibilities. Why is our society has been organized this way? Why are we giving up on organizing in collectives? As the school serelaciona with this reality? What effect this type of organization generates for professional school?

The fluidity of the collectives and organizations leads to a feeling of not belonging, isolation, the exacerbation of individualism, a strong detachment in relation to difference and inability to understand what is happening with the other. Its consequences are reflected in how we interact and establish ties with the people around us and in turn in a strong sense of loneliness.

The world of work undergoes changes guided by a policy that chooses a model of 'individual skills. " The space school greatly values \u200b\u200bthe skills and we try to emphasize them in their students. Teachers seek competency models in their own teaching practice. Discuss the teacher goes through suffering realize the teacher as an employee of that time and inserted in the discussions relevant to their category.

Realizing their potential suffering is tied to its social and political reality. Can not speak of the suffering of the teacher teaching without hearing what makes you suffer. And as we listen to realize that suffering is directly related to working conditions and their social context.
To bring this discussion we seek contributions to a survey of teachers in public schools. The survey "Precarious work, subjectivity and health in public schools: the pain and the pleasure of being teacher "Mary Robinson Yale Neves, Federal University of Paraíba talks about the pleasure and suffering in the teacher's work.

It enumerates the factors that relate to the plight of teachers, they are: the hierarchical relationships, the long and exhausting day's work (with children), the difficulty of operating the control group, low wages, pollution family relationships, and especially the progressive disqualification and no social recognition of their work.

As teachers of a particular collective deal with the difficulties and suffering brought by their daily lives? And also with pleasure that belongs to this space? From that understanding is possible to build health instead of just getting the disease records and remedying the problems that arise. You can act on what brings suffering.

For the category of teacher, this confrontation can not happen unrelated to the school routine, the problematic collective work performed by its actors, breaking the isolation and individualization in the process of building and working methods of struggle from the conflicts that interfere more individuals who are experienced in daily school, as the dimension of educational policies and the reality of education today.

So if the teacher suffers transformations that relate directly to the work you do, we must ask that this practice is that the teacher is responsible for years of rotting and deterioration of Education? By stating that teachers are suffering from a syndrome shift the discussion of working conditions and justify the current educational policies.

So we cater to individual demand psychologists, medical, and often times we fail to act in the broad sense of questioning that we are dealing with grief. Only medicines and temporarily appease the pain. Discussions about the speed dasdemandas of overwork, low pay, physical stress, setting goals, productivity, market competitiveness and leaving the scene.

teacher's illness is produced at the intersection of multiple vectors. Therefore, demand analysis of various perspectives that interrogate the forces that compete and assert themselves in manufacturing the professor stressed, depressed, lifeless, disempowering "professor ill." By individualizing political issues in the subject's body, stimulate the medicalization and the construction of a subjectivity marked by labels with effects of absenteeism among others.

If suffering teacher is perceived as a health issue and not a disease, we can build on other methods of coping than the medicalization. Instead of questioning to find justification for the illness of the teacher in locating a pathological category, that through the legitimacy of medical discourse is formed and spreads indiscriminately on billboards.

After a more consistent teaching on the suffering we can then try to understand what they're calling it Burnout Syndrome. So, do not run the risk of transforming into early unquestionable absolute truth is this new terminology, which, as a fad, entered to the everyday life of public and private schools.

To this, we in the medical literature, responsible for its construction as a pathological category, a little of its history and development. "Created in the 70s by Maslach, the concept of burnout, despite some initial criticism was quickly accepted and has been the subject of numerous scientific papers, books and presentations at conferences in psychology, psychiatry and medical education.

became thus a concept that is largely unquestioned. However, by carefully examining its three basic dimensions, it is observed that all the symptoms described, without exception, are present in depression. Psychopathology teaches us that psychiatric diagnosis is not made by describing a list of symptoms, something that is so fashionable today, in many diagnostic scales, but by careful phenomenological observation that promotes the detection of elements that together allow us to recognize a given disease.

For this you need large clinical experience, something that has also not been appreciated as it should. The fact that the work be the triggering factor does not justify the creation of a new concept (Emphasis added.) Otherwise, every trigger discovered a new diagnosis would be created, which would make psychiatric classification chaos. (...) We need urgently to undo this mess, at the risk of creating a new Babel. " (Millan, Luis Roberto)

attentive and careful reading of the above quotation, taken from the Journal of the Brazilian Medical Association, allows us to realize we are in fact subjected to the hegemony of a medical discourse, which linked to the social conditions of workers, an outline medicalization policy that takes the focus off of the collective organization bringing the issue of suffering, directly linked to work, to a dimension gives individual existence.

Assim, you pathologized sofrimentos conflicts that contemporary and you give them surgem from. Mas deixa esse quanto barnacle or novas PRODUZIR mechanism forms of social exclusion and control subjective construção ao help for a adoecidas subjectivities, individual and despotencializadas. Mariana

Clinical Psychologist Fiore

Monday, April 26, 2010

Trane Mercury Thermostat

El chico y el niño labeled ideal. By Beatrice Janin *

What counts is the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial exclusion and an uncertain future. Against this, it usually appears the need to resolve everything quickly, leaving no room for doubt. That child should be arranged, as to what is expected of him, so that all regain the lost peace. The boy and the child labeled ideal

By Beatrice Janin *

The author questions the psychological or psychiatric diagnoses for which many children could be "labeled" with "disabling stamps, and explores, in the determination of society and professionals' anxieties, the causes of this "violence on children."

We tend to think of childhood from the idea that we have built over their lives, about what a child: Forged representation based on the combination of what we have been transmitted in their own experiences and what society as a model of child. But this representation of what is supposed to be a child, children ideals hits real children, really, with which we are daily. And this brings difficulties.

A child, in principle, is a subject in constitution that is part of a world family, school, social. And there are different cultures and different spaces for the child in every culture. Today there is an excessive demand in relation to what should be done every subject in the early years of his life. Thus, it is supposed to be included in an institution after two years, must learn to read and write before entering first grade must endure eight hours of schooling at six years (sometimes earlier) and should be much of those hours still, attentive and respect standards.

And no playing time. Usually regulated spaces for play, at times and spaces marked, but not to play freely, alone or with anyone who wants to play without adults that regulate this activity.

Against this there are many situations in which children what is expected break, break with the ideal of the child.

On the other hand, I think that at the present time, which is surely worse than others but has specific characteristics, "we tend to throw the children to excessive excitement, unsupported and unable to metabolize through the game happens to them.

This determines certain features that appear to be pathological and can not be conceived without taking into account family and social conditions that produce them.

So how do you understand that a child repeat the words of television much earlier than their parents? Or that so many overexcited children, who speak of sex in pornographic terms, referring to images seen on the Internet? How do you think regardless of the excess of "screens" to replace the links with others?

This, in a world where adults also feel very pressured, required in excess. Thus, parents and teachers often assumed failures if children or students do not comply with what society demands.

There is a kind of mutual trial, in which both parents and teachers are supposed to be judged by the child's performance in school.

could say that the narcissism of the parents and teachers is held in the success of the children or students, while they form their self-image in connection with these adults. Thus, a child's school failure is experienced as an earthquake that leaves nothing standing, is a blow as well as parents and teachers.

What counts is the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial exclusion and an uncertain future. Against this, it usually appears the need to resolve everything quickly, no room for doubt. That child should be arranged, as to what is expected of him, so that all regain the lost peace.


A child is sad. Cries constantly, at home and at school. Parents are desperate. Professional says: "It's a depression, should be medicated." Parents hesitate and do another query. The child wants to talk. When I heard, to express fears grow and separate from parents. And when we review the history and talked about their dreams, start thinking about possible outcomes, and leaves to mourn all day. What would have happened if it quickly medicated? How many questions had been sealed, unresolved? What we created dependence and where on child problem (different from a child that has problems at the time) we would have chained?

In childhood, a subject is being constituted as such. It is a time of opening of roads and assembly of repetitions. Identifications, desires, norms and internal prohibitions and models are at this time. But this structure is given in relation to others, who are the libidinizan, identificatory models provide, transmit norms and ideals. And are those who returned the child, like a mirror image of himself. This image is a fundamental support against the vicissitudes of life. The ability to love yourself, to value, has its source in the representation of ourselves that we were provided during the early years.

This makes it necessary to consider the responsibility we have everyone working with children. Responsibility is enhanced when we are to diagnose, because how narcissism be whether there has been a crippling stamp, how to feel valuable if it is labeled and classified as a carrier of a "syndrome"? How to invest libidinally the world and himself from that place of "less"? How can parents look at that child if they back is that it is a "deficit of ..." or "pervasive ..." or some other "disorder"? Instead of hope, rather than someone who is displaying potential, is a deficit of entry.

And this does not preclude recognizing that children have, early on, problems, sometimes severe. But it is very different to suggest that a child has such potential, and also has such conflicts, which can be overcome, to argue that was and will always be so.

For example: A ten year old boy is brought to treatment with a diagnosis of ADHD (abbreviation for "deficit disorder Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder "). The parents described as "unbearable", both at school and at home.

During the interview, tell me that was adopted five years, until the two lived with his mother and from there he was in an institution. But, they say, is thankful but defiant, angry with the world. If a child who was separated from their biological parents for abuse, who spent years institutionalized, is at odds with the world, would be for a neurological problem? Or will that help you develop all experienced unimaginable, such marks, gaps, silences, traces of pain He left in his story? And this shall be understood to be "grateful" is not a gift to be born, but the result of a tour.

is essential to consult early when a child presents difficulties, because the work in the first years of life can prevent years of suffering. But also, the professional who is consulted by a young child should be aware that children change, grow, a child is a subject marked by the context. Thus, roads may be opened if foster innovative changes in both the child and the environment. I have seen children who did not speak at age four and could not learn to read and write and six to fourteen, after years of psychological treatment, have a social and intellectual life similar to that of any child (with a year behind in school compared to the average or occasional difficulties, which can also be varying).

Kaës René says: "The group before us, particularly some of its members who are for the infans their representatives, this group supports us and keeps us in a matrix of endowments and care, signs of recognition biases and convening , assigned locations, features objects, provides a means of protection and attack, trace routes of compliance, said limits, states prohibitions. " (Transmission of psychic life between generations, ed. Amorrortu, 1996.)

Nobody is as a subject in isolation, but in sharing with others who libidinizan, we transmit norms and ideals, give identification models. And if those others suppose that they would fulfill their dreams is carrying a deficit, this will mark the link narcissistic blow, how that child will be looked at, the words and silences that will be addressed. Early and will think of it as a disability, long before it has time to display possibilities.

This is particularly difficult in a society that tends to show the future as feared. While adults are worried and fearful about the future (which increases with the current global crisis), we transmit to children's own feelings of helplessness and uncertainty.

Thus, it is suggested to children that when they grow up they will suffer, is the threat to growth. Instead of the old "When you grow up you will be able ...", has been moved to a threatening" When you grow up, and you will see. " And it is quite common for children to say: "I do not want to grow," "Baby I want to stay ....".
"I will not be a
often than not, when read the description of any disorder in a feature we identify and quickly, we can assume that "have" this or that "picture." The difficulty is that we move from the symptomatic description of what appears, what is observable, an all-embracing definition, a proposition becomes descriptive explanatory. So, anyone check the DSM IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) is found in both ends by listing nearly all human difficulties. That is, ends up being a catalog of behaviors.

This can lead to significant errors when done with adults, is much more serious when a child is at stake (in this case are others who labeled it). Because the label becomes prophecy and the future is to be feared.

In a book (sponsored by a pharmaceutical company) written by mothers of children diagnosed with "attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity, a mother relates to the neurologist, to give the diagnosis, he said that if it was not well The child was "leaning to the dark side," the mother asked if that meant it could end up in prison, and the answer was yes. The testimony of the mother continues: "This fear, even today, after five years accompanied me on more occasions than I care for myself and especially for my son because I know that I blocked and I generates a voltage, by trying to look very closely at every step. "

What effect can produce a child that the mother is constantly looking at it, assuming that everything that she and the father of the child are to be calculated, because the risk is that children end up in prison? How does this make the links in that family?, Why insist on categorizing children, consider them as deficient, placing professionals from an already-known from certainty that lead them to classify the other almost know, losing the uniqueness? Perhaps because

think from the complexity and locate the other as a human is difficult, while distressing, while I can not recognize the other as such and their fears and their pains nearby. And then you can erase the boundaries between a world of "healthy" and a "sick." Everything becomes variable, the boundaries are not clear and we are also professionals, exposed.

Children exposed us particularly, because we remember our childhood fears, the pains that we could not put them words, our terrors, nightmares occupied night and also the difficulties to move in world as adults exigían them.

* Director of especialización en las carreras con niños y psicoanálisis adolescents UCES y de la de la APBA. Text extract del trabajo "From diagnosis and treatment. Cuando la palabra a la pastilla REPLACEMENT.

© 2000-2009 www.pagina12.com.ar uncaring, reckless and rowdy. I am sure that if you are not able to avoid life indolent, useless and unproductive that took during your youth, you will become a worthless bum, which will degenerate into a futile and miserable existence. "
Today Churchill would probably be diagnosed as Bearer Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The standard psychiatric officer for diagnosing ADHD include the following behaviors: "often restless with his hands or feet or squirming in your wallet," "often leaves the wallet when it expects to remain there," "is running rampant," unable to attend for details or makes mistakes "and" does not seem to be listening. "

Since these behaviors when children, ranging from normal to undisciplined, have become a disease? The doctors noticed that ADHD symptoms usually disappear when these children have something interesting to do. Or when they are given minimal attention from adults. Or during summer vacation! According to Peter Breggin, psychiatrist laureate American, "there are no neurological signs or biological basis for ADHD. There is no evidence that it is linked to a physical dysfunction of the brain."

But even then, millions of children are diagnosed with ADHD - four to nine times more boys than girls. These children are routinely treated with Ritalin or another stimulant that calms paradoxically, probably because it stimulates the neurotransmitter dopamine. The active ingredient in Ritalin, methylphenidate, is of the same pharmacological class of high potential for addiction to cocaine and anfetaminas.No Brazil it is estimated that ADHD reaches 3% to 6% of school-age children. Over 1 million boxes of Ritalin were consumed in 2005 - an increase of 25% over the previous year. It has become fashionable in Brazil, as in the United States, messy diagnose children as "hyperactive."

Affirms doctor Bob Jacobs, the Network of Children's Rights from Amnesty International: "When the medical community and pharmaceutical companies - the main proponents of this model unhealthy - admit they know what 'cause' this strange disease, and even can prove that it actually exists, the naughty giggles evoked by reading the diagnostic criteria are transformed into gasps of disbelief. And when we learn that tens of thousands of Australian children (and 5 million American children, as well as a growing number of Brazilian children) are being sedated with powerful and dangerous drugs based on this disease 'invented', these sighs become cries of outrage. "

These stimulants cause the children - they have ADHD or not - become more docile and obedient. For parents tired and stressed teachers in overcrowded schools, a drug to control" difficult children "is a blessing. Jacobs concludes: "It is clear that the ADHD has become an 'epidemic'. When a child is medicated, everyone is happy. The pharmaceutical company has more than a sale, some doctors a patient, parents are exempted, and the school gets rid of a behavioral problem. Everyone is happy, except the child. And the child has no voice. "

not have a voice to complain of side effects that may arise from the" drug of obedience, "such as headache, insomnia or tachycardia. Although some doctors contend that the use of stimulant drugs for children do not cause harm, others disagree strongly. According to Breggin, proved that psychostimulants can cause permanent brain damage and irreversible, obsessive-compulsive reactions, inhibition growth, depression and even cardiac arrest.

Imagine if "The Honorable" Winston Churchill - Nobel Prize winner, voted as the most distinguished Briton of all time - had been sedated with drugs for hyperactivity? What could have been the course of history? SUSAN ANDREWS


SEASON 07/11/2006 - 15:24 Issue No. 441