Saturday, September 18, 2010

What Is The Best Notebook For Architecture 2010

learning: is it worth that risk? For

say that the medicine is good, just cause dependency, but what's the problem?
Ruy Castro, in 10/04, wrote on the subject in his column in the Folha de S. Paul. He notes that an acquaintance, a senior official of a company, go through an assessment to be promoted in employment. He decided to use the same medicine that had been taking her son to stay alert during this assessment. It's already "famous" Ritalin, used to combat the "disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Then the mother became aware of the effects of this drug, daily consumed by his son more than alert, "the wife of 40 years, Masters at Sorbonne, reader of Barthes and Foucault" was "far-sighted, euphoric, confident, powerful." And yet, killed by abstinence, when it passed the effect of a single dose. Remember the journalist that "Ritalin is a stimulant of the central nervous system. Produces the same effect as cocaine, methamphetamine, the "balls" and other legal and illegal drugs. The label warns about the occurrence of insomnia and appetite loss, we recommend the combined use of antidepressant and mentions the possibility of "abuse" lead to tolerance and dependence. "
This situation, in fact, a coincidence, leads us to think in their severity.

Let's see.
For a long time in childhood, parents often try foods, liquids and snacks before you offer it to their children. They want to evaluate the taste, consistency, temperature, to make sure that the food will not cause any harm. However, the same should be done with the drugs that are prescribed for children?

The Bull of Ritalin, Concerta and also used for the same function, in fact warn:
CAUTION: MAY CAUSE physical or psychological dependence
This alone would be a warning to both parents and seek a second and third opinions on the use of this medicine in children in the process of physical, mental and social. But, distressed at the situation of school children, often feeling powerless to experts, they see salvation in the remedy of all problems, because in fact, the behavioral change is visible in the first few doses. Thus, it is common to find parents who advocate the use of these drugs and who qualify the attitude of those who question this medicalization as irresponsible.

is understandable because it is very distressing see your child suffer for failing to keep pace with school learning. However, it is important that Ritalin acts primarily on the behavior, which does not mean that contribute to effective learning. Often, what we are apathetic children and adolescents undergoing, and this "new" behavior seen by teachers and parents as a sign of better conditions for learning. Not.
Enforce adolescentess these children and to follow the learning process via medicalization makes us lose the ability to understand what they are communicating about their anxieties and insecurities in relation to the condition to learn and grow.
This issue deserves our attention ... And for much longer than that achieved with a dose of Ritalin. 29/04/2010

Lucia Masini and Claudia Perrotta


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