Thursday, September 16, 2010

What Else Can You Use For Waxing

Cremesp, one third of physicians remains a "relationship contaminated with pharmaceutical and equipment, which goes beyond the ethical boundaries"

Almost half (48%) of physicians who receive visits from São Paulo propagandists laboratories prescribe drugs suggested by the manufacturers.

In the area of \u200b\u200bmedical equipment, the effectiveness of the visit is even higher: 71% of health professionals to heed the recommendation of the industry.

Data, obtained exclusively by leaf, stem from an unprecedented survey of Cremesp (Regional Medical Council of State SP), which evaluated the effect of a doctor in the industries of medicine, prostheses and medical equipment.

Made Datafolha, the survey involved 600 physicians from various specialties, which represent the universe of 100,000 professionals working in the state.

Of the total, 80% of them are visited by the propagandists of drugs, on average, eight months.

The research reveals that 93% of physicians say they have received over the past 12 months, products, benefits or payment industry in values \u200b\u200bup to $ 500.

Another 37% said they received presents of greater value, from courses to trips to conferences international.


Cremesp For a third of doctors has a "tainted relationship with the pharmaceutical industry and equipment, which exceeds the ethical limits."

"For most [physicians], the only way to upgrade is the propaganda of the laboratory. And it comes with gifts, gifts. It took a larger size, more promiscuous, when revenues began to be monitored," Luiz Alberto says Bacheschi, president of Cremesp.

In 2005, the newspaper revealed that, in exchange for gifts or money, drug stores and pharmacies in Brazil helped the drug industry to monitor the prescriptions written by doctors.

With access to copies of prescriptions, laboratory representatives pressed professionals to display their products and so rewarded.

The practice is not illegal but is considered unethical. After all, who can pay this bill is the patient. "In exchange for favors, the doctor may prescribe a medicine that has the same clinical efficacy than the competition, but it is more expensive," explains cardiologist Braulio Luna Filho, coordinator of research Cremesp.


Most physicians (62%) evaluate a positive relationship with industry.

For 73% of the scientific congresses not feasible without support from the pharmaceutical industry and equipment.

Son Luna states that, with the internet, access to medical information is universal. "This talk that doctor has to go abroad for Congress to upgrade is nonsense. He is going to sightsee."

There are several standards, including an article in the new Code of Medical Ethics, a resolution of Anvisa and a "code of conduct" of the association of industries, trying to avoid conflict of interest in the relationship between physicians and laboratories.

"The problem is that there There is a strict control of any party, "says Volnei Bottle, professor of bioethics at the University of Brasília.

Press Room Media

Cremesp in Folha de Sao Paulo, 31/05/2010

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