Friday, October 8, 2010

Clarithromycin Side Effects Bad Tast

The Effects of Cocaine in the Brain

Court postmortem brain of a cocaine addict. The lesion shown
refers to a massive brain hemorrhage and is associated with cocaine use.

Cocaine is the drug that soon devastates the user. Just a few months or even weeks for it to cause a profound weight loss, sleeplessness, nosebleeds and persistent runny nose, nasal mucosa injury and nasal tissues, and may even cause perforation of the septum (12). Regularly consumed high doses also cause paleness, cold sweats, fainting, seizures and respiratory arrest. In the brain, especially cocaine affects the motor areas, producing intense agitation. The action of cocaine on the body is powerful but brief, lasting about half an hour, since the drug is rapidly metabolized by the body.

Both dopamine and other substances increased in the brain can produce vasoconstriction and cause injury. These injuries can include bleeding and acute brain infarction (area of \u200b\u200bcell death caused by lack of oxygen), and myocardial necrosis, which can lead to sudden death. Brain & Mind


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