Monday, May 24, 2010

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Pharmaceutical drugs and the deaths they cause

exist in the U.S., numerous accidents caused by young people under the influence of pharmaceutical drugs, legally marketed and prescribed by doctors.

Ed Harris, Columbine High, was under the influence of Luvox when he killed 12 classmates and their teacher in Denver, Colorado.
Kip Kinkel of Springfield, Ore., was progressively decreased the use of Prozac when he killed 24 of his classmates and members of his family.

Shawn Cooper of Notus, State of Idaho, was 15 and was taking Ritalin when he fired at his colleagues in school. Elizabeth Bush was 14 and was taking Prozac when he shot the students, their friends and wounded one in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

TJ Solomon, was taking Ritalin when he killed six classmates in Conyers, Georgia.

Jason Hoffman was taking Effexor and Celexa when wounded five colleagues from his college in California. Cory Baadsgaard took

Paxil, when he took a shotgun and had 23 pupils hostage before being disarmed by the director. He did not kept no memory of this episode and spent fourteen months in a detention center for youths.

Sometimes these kids come home that violence against themselves. So, Julie Woodward died at age 17, after a therapist told him Zoloff was "necessary for their healing and very benign." So benign that, on the sixth day of treatment, his parents found his body hanging in the garage.

On February 10, 2004, Traci Johnson, a young student of 19 years of Bensalem, also hanged himself while participating in trials on the main substance of Cymbalta. This drug, studied by Lilly to treat depression and urinary incontinence due to stress, was about to get FDA approval.

After six days of treatment for depression with Zoloff, a 13 year old boy committed suicide. However, the Kansas court found that there was insufficient evidence to link the tragedy to Zoloff.
This list is not exhaustive and reflects only a tiny part of U.S. situation.

If any of these accidents had been caused by illegal drugs, the whole world would have accused drug traffickers and dealers of drugs such as cocaine, LSD, amphetamines and marijuana. But as the drugs were prescribed by doctors or psychiatrists respectable, manufactured by prestigious laboratories, we prefer to ignore these "few accidental deaths" that demand is often remain anonymous.

It is simpler to consider that these young people are the ones responsible for these acts and that violence is a growing scourge, but inevitable. And anyway, these kids are the ones to pay. The laboratories and doctors - who prefer to ignore the deleterious effects of the drugs they prescribe - can always get away with the honors of war and if they are sometimes held responsible, are never found guilty. Sylvie Simon

Source: Votre Santé No 63 - December 2004


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