Sunday, September 19, 2010

Placemat Chinese Horoscope

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In 1984 I translated a text showing the evils of Ritalin, "a medicine that helps me to be nice," according to a child who took the drug.

Brazil, on the Ritalin abounds. Is Ritalin on children, young people, especially in poor and black.

For there is that today, Saturday, early in the morning, S *, a mother with AIDS who lives near my neighborhood came by to ask for my job. She and her husband are with AIDS. They live in Quebec. Not in Canada, here in a poor neighborhood. We talked and she showed me the recipe of his son: he takes Ritalin. S * does not know what Ritalin is.

The advisor of the school (he has 7 years) sent a letter to the medical JY and this gave him Ritalin. I found that almost all boys school MV taking Ritalin. The Ritalin is a drug for those who have "attention deficit".

Well, well, all school boys have attention deficit? If everyone has attention deficit, or all the poor and blacks are born with attention deficit or deficit is the school counselor. Well, of course it's loud there. I have to go look what happens at that school and go to prosecutors. Or accept the motto, with poor and black only Ritalin!

Martha Bellin


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