Thursday, November 12, 2009

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Male infertility is likely to double, alarm from Milan

For experienced emergency genital diseases of the future: a guide for families of the San Paolo

LONDON-A bomb. For specialists in Milan genital diseases and male sex are an underwater world that threatens to double the incidence of infertility among young people. Boys, abolished the visit of the lever, get the diagnosis of these diseases when it is too late. Result: boom and infertile carriers of sexually transmitted diseases that might infect the partner. The warning is the endocrine-andrologist Mario Mancini, head of the surgery of pediatric hospital Andrology San Paolo in Milan. The expert talks to the data in hand: "From our surveys in high schools in the city shows that a second adolescent does not use a condom. 25% of these came into contact with infections and 12.5% \u200b\u200bturns into "infector". But the situation is no different even in the rest of Italy. "

INFECTIONS AND MORE - There is a universe of andrological diseases that comes out: varicocele and testicular problems, sexually transmitted diseases, tumors. "We could be facing the real emergence of the future. Other than influenza, "warns Mancini. Diseases which, if not diagnosed in time, lead to infertility, "We realized that a young infertile three shows signs of damage from chronic prostate infection. Which makes us think that their infertility was preventable. "

the booklet - The experts of St. Paul are so worried that, in collaboration with the Council of Zone 6 (the area in Milan where the hospital is located), have decided to launch a handbook: "The world under the ' navel-Andrology of the boy, "and distribute it in the study of general practitioners and pediatricians. A dozen pages in which, with simple and direct language, the specialists offer adolescents and their families with information useful to detect possible problems. Objective: To support prevention and early detection. The booklet is particularly aimed at providing adolescents and their families all the information needed to understand se per un particolare problema andrologico c'è bisogno di chiedere l'aiuto del medico di famiglia, del pediatra o dello specialista, oppure se rientra in una situazione di normalità.
Test Infertilità Maschile

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

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Generation of DNA profiles from fabrics without DNA extraction


DNA profiles can be obtained from fabrics where a person has made direct contact with clothing. A standard approach is to cut out a section of the fabric and then use a commercially available method to extract and isolate the DNA. Alternative methods to isolate DNA include the use of adhesive tape to remove traces of cellular material from the fabric prior to extraction. We report on a process to obtain full DNA profiles using direct amplification from a range of fabrics. The absence of an extraction step both reduces the opportunity for contamination and reduces the loss of DNA during the extraction process, increasing the sensitivity of the process of generating a DNA profile. The process does not require the use of commercially available extraction kits thus reducing the cost of generating a DNA profile from trace amounts of starting material. The results are in part dependent upon the nature of the fabric used to which the DNA has been transferred.

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Casework testing of the multiplex kits AmpF ℓ STR ® SEfiler Plus ™ PCR amplification kit (AB), PowerPlex ® S5 System (Promega) and AmpF ℓ STR ® MiniFiler ™ PCR


The STR kits SEfiler Plus™ (D3S1358, FGA, D8S1179, D18S51, D21S11, TH01, VWA, SE33, D2S1338, D16S539, D19S433, and Amelogenin), PowerPlex® S5 System (D18S51, D8S1179, TH01, FGA, Amelogenin) and MiniFiler™ (D13S317, D7S820, Amelogenin, D2S1338, D21S11, D16S539, D18S51, CSF1PO, and FGA) were comparatively tested for their robustness and sensitivity. About fifty stains with highly degraded DNA and little DNA quantity served as examination material (e.g. hair with a telogen root, bones, degraded saliva stains on drinking-vessels and skin cell mixtures).

The PowerPlex® S5 with five German-DNA-database (DAD)-systems and the MiniFiler kit with four topical DAD-systems and further STR markers show reduced amplicon lengths. The SEfiler Plus™ kit represents no MiniSTR multiplex, but contains the nine current DAD-systems and further three systems D2S1338, D16S539, D19S433, which are the potential expansion markers for the German-DNA-database.

We have detected on the basis of our comparative stain investigations, that the SEfiler Plus kit was less sensitive than the PowerPlex® S5 and the MiniFiler kit. The MiniFiler™ and the PowerPlex® S5 kit showed a comparative high sensitivity.

Especially in analysing skin cell mixtures, the MiniFiler kit contained larger differences with regard to the performance of the fluorescent dyes/primer concentration co-ordination than the PowerPlex® S5. The SEfiler Plus kit generated – just as both MiniSTR kits – relative robust typing results, but there appeared an increased sensitivity for “allelic drop-outs” and “imbalances”. Since the SEfiler Plus kit was not planned as MiniSTR concept, “allelic drop-outs” were observed, as expected, more frequent in typing stains with degraded DNA and little DNA quantity, especially in the long PCR products (e.g. D18S51).


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Developmental validation of the PowerPlex ® 16 System HS: An improved 16-locus fluorescent STR multiplex


STR multiplexes remain the cornerstone of genotyping forensic samples. The PowerPlex® 16 HS System contains the core CODIS loci: D3S1358, D5S818, D7S820, D8S1179, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, D21S11, CSF1PO, FGA, TH01, TPOX, and vWA. Additional loci amplified in the multiplex reaction are the sex-determinant locus, amelogenin, and two pentanucleotide STR loci, Penta D and Penta E. The PowerPlex® 16 HS System is an updated version of the PowerPlex 16® System; while the primers and dyes remain unchanged, it introduces an enhanced buffer system that includes hot-start Taq DNA polymerase and ensures robust performance. Due to the modification of the reaction mix, a multi-laboratory developmental validation study was completed to document performance capabilities and limitations for the revised assay. Data within this validation was generated by eight laboratories and served as the basis for the following conclusions: genotyping of single-source samples was consistent across a large range of template DNA concentrations with most laboratories obtaining complete profiles at 62.5pg. Mixture analyses showed that over 90% of minor alleles were detected at 1:9 ratios. Optimum amplification cycle number was ultimately dependent on the sensitivity of the detection instrument and could be adjusted to accommodate a range of DNA template concentrations. Reaction conditions including volume and annealing temperature as well as the concentrations of primers, Taq DNA polymerase, and magnesium were shown to be optimal and able to withstand moderate variations without affecting multiplexed STR amplification. Finally, data from non-probative samples and concordance studies showed consistent results when comparing the PowerPlex® 16 HS System with the PowerPlex® 16 System as well as other commercially available systems.

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"You can falsify And the alarm for DNA

Think of two brothers and a wealth jealously guarded by her father. One of the children known to be the most reckless, to get their hands on the money, do not hesitate to kill. It attempts to drop the blame on the other. To shed light on the crime, nothing better than to resort to DNA tests. But, surprise, the result just nail the guy angelic and unexpected: the few drops of blood found by police belong to him. The accusation has no more doubts. The jury seems to conduct a conviction announced. Yet, the miscarriage of justice lies in wait.

How come? The genetic evidence is considered the queen, the one that gives an almost infallible certainty involvement in a crime or helps to support the strangeness of the scene of the crime. Since it was introduced (the American FBI began using in 1988, his "invention" dates back four years earlier) has solved many cases and many obscure events of the past thanks to a re-reading techniques are then unavailable. The DNA tests, now famous thanks to TV, film and literature, he also saved the lives of 17 death row inmates in the United States, found innocent after being sentenced through the use of genetic analysis. The improvement of technology today promises greater accuracy and in a short time, perhaps next year, the American police can rely on devices able to read near real-time chromosomal profile of people detained.
The privacy issues are well known. But a recent scientific paper by researchers at a private company and the Israeli police seem to have dealt a severe blow to the ability to maintain the DNA as the sole and indisputable element of incrimination in a criminal trial.

has been shown that it is feasible to produce indistinguishable genetic tests in the laboratory, even without possessing organic material of the person in question: one has access to the "tab" of that individual kept in a database, either legal or medical. And the task is within reach of a biologist with no special skills. "You can easily manipulate the scene of a crime," he told New York Times <+corsivo> <+tondo> Dan Frumkin, lead author of the study, published in <+corsivo> Forensic Science International: Genetics <+tondo>. The purpose of Nucleix, the company he works for, is not entirely disinterested: the bio-tech company in Tel Aviv has made it a point to your test designed to distinguish true DNA samples from those "built."

Back to the two brothers. Just take a cigarette butt, a hair or a glass from which he drank to extract the DNA of the subject and create a sample to be put on a weapon or a ski mask in form of a sketch of a drop of blood or saliva. Do not even need a special skill, many biologists (if dishonest) may perform a similar operation without the need for special equipment. And could split the "work" anonymously between centers dealing with genetics, making orders over the Internet, sending and receiving the samples in the mail.
The key point is that Israeli researchers have sent weapons and other objects "dirty" laboratory used by the U.S. Justice and none of qualified technicians noticed nothing wrong with looking at the track. In one case, a woman's blood have been removed white blood cells (which contain DNA) were then added and it genetic fragments taken from the hair of a man. This finding, which is subjected to one of the most important centers in the United States, was typed without uncertainty as a male profile.

The findings of Frumkin and his colleagues were judged to be 'disturbing' by the American Civil Liberties Union: "The DNA appears to be more easy to spread onto the scene of a crime of the same fingerprints. And we are building a criminal justice system that increasingly relies on this technical evidence. " Some concern was expressed instead
by Peter Lio, a professor of Bioinformatics at the University of Cambridge. "Difficult" age "and" fragment "the DNA in the way usually looks at the crime scene - says -. Of course, today the technology is progressing so fast and allows more sophisticated manipulations. Requiring additional attention and research. For the benefit of DNA evidence, it should be remembered that it is possible to analyze the genetic profile of a person even mixed with 200 tracks of many individuals. "

agree Lucia Bianchi, Lawyer in Florence and an expert in forensic genetics: "In the case of the brothers, the defense would not have sold easily. We must consider the alibi, the way in which the tracks may have been left at a crime scene. And then there is not only the DNA evidence. Consider, for example, the trajectories of the splashes of blood. The gun must be tweaked to perfection. It is not enough sample with which the fake dirt. In short, counterfeiting seem very difficult. "
The fact remains that the DNA test has lost some 'of its aura of infallibility. Although the counter-move is just the authors of that study. Further analysis may find that the genetic sample is artificial (due to the phenomenon of methylation). But no laboratory in the world to run again ...
Amdrea Lavazza

Saturday, November 7, 2009

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(AGI) - London, November 6 - Metal Nanoparticles can damage DNA even without entering cells. The discovery, made by a group of researchers at the University 'of Bristol, not only sheds light on the capacity' of interaction of these specific molecular structures within the body but also provides specific guidance on how these molecules can be used to transport all ' inside the human body drugs. The study also raises important issues about the real security for the health of these nanoparticles that are used now a bit 'everywhere, from sunscreens to electronic products. Although, it must be said, the researchers used in their experiments a quantity 'of very high nanoparticles that can hardly' be comparable to that which can 'normally come into contact person using these objects.
article published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology, researchers have exposed some cell cultures in a particular type of nanoparticles made of cobalt chrome. Among the cell culture and nanoparticles have interposed a special protective barrier formed by fibroblasts. At the end you and delle'esperimento 'Potu verify that the DNA of cultured cells was however modified by a cascade of chemical signals induced by fibroblasts, which were actually in direct contact with nanoparticles. "This research - Ashley Blom explained lead author of the research - we understand how they can interact with the body also natural nanoparticles, such as prions that probably use the same mechanisms to interact with DNA.


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(ASCA) - Roma, 6 Nov - A genetic test that can read''biological clock''of women and to predict when it will be 'fertile or if and' at risk of premature menopause. The researchers are developing the Center for Human Reproduction in New York, hoping to be able to use within a year. In normal cases a woman has a sharp decrease in the number of oocytes after age 35 until menopause. In 10% of cases, however, 'the decline already occurs' within thirty years. The new examination will 'be able to predict these cases, so as to enable mothers''at risk''to decide whether to anticipate pregnancy or freeze some eggs to increase the possibility 'of future conception.

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

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male infertility because of the endocannabinoid system? Scientists

exposure to cannabis in the long run, might interfere with the formation of spermatozoa.

It's not just a suspicion. Substance abuse cannabis, the main constituent of marijuana, may help to cause infertility in ' man. This was confirmed by the study "The endocannabinoid system and the pivotal role of the CB2 receptor in mouse spermatogenesis", opening new perspectives for understanding phenomena oligospermia or azoospermia (total absence or drastic reduction in the number of sperm, often with reduction of motility), particularly in those patients with normal chromosome and the absence of known genetic defects or occlusive disease.
The research, published in the journal PNAS-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, was conducted jointly by researchers from the National Council of Research - Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry (ICB-CNR), Institute of Cybernetics (IC- CNR) and Institute of Biochemistry of protein (IBP-CNR) - and the University of Rome Tor Vergata . It demonstrates for the first time that, in mice, the system endocannabinoid (ie the system on which also acts as marijuana) is involved in the process of spermatogenesis.
"In recent years," says Pierangelo Orlando dell'Ibp-CNR, "we have seen a progressive increase in the incidence of infertility in couples.
According to the latest statistics worldwide, would be about 15% of couples with problems of failure or reduced fertility, 40% attributable to oligospermia or azoospermia men. The potential causes of reduced male fertility can be attributed to 60% of the cases to a genetic origin and the remaining 40% to birth or beyond occlusive the classification. "
dell'oligospermia One of the reasons, among those currently are not falling - continues the researcher and member of the Endocannabinoid Research Group coordinated by Vincenzo Di Marzo ICB-CNR (http / / / erg /) - could be attributed to malfunctioning of the system endocannabinoid, with which even the abuse of cannabis may interfere. "It has been noted that germ cells in the testis have receptors in the endocannabinoid system of the animal and, in particular, that the cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2) is involved in the meiotic process by which any primary spermatocyte (which male of the species present in human chromosome 46, XY) gives 4 new cells (spermatids) 2 with attitude chromosome 23, X and 2 with structure 23, Y, which give rise to mature sperm during spermiogenesis. Parallel pharmacological studies demonstrate the ability to modulate the endocannabinoid system in vivo by CB2 receptor agonists and antagonists and inhibitors of the formation or degradation of endocannabinoids, thus paving the way for therapeutic approaches in case of malfunction.
Finally, the researcher concludes , "the use of medically assisted fertilization (ICSI-intro-cytoplasmic sperm injection in the egg, possibly after aspiration of residual sperm from the testis-TESA), if it has resolved most of the cases of male infertility, resulted in an increase in offspring statistically is significant genetic transmission of infertility, is an effect from 6 to 9 times more chromosomal abnormalities, in particular those defined 'by a lack of imprinting' (overdosing genetic) syndromes such as Beckwith-Wiedemann, Angelman, Prader- Willi, rare genetic diseases characterized by major changes in functional anatomy and increased risk of cancer.
Editorial (23/10/2009)
Go to Male Infertility Test

Friday, October 23, 2009

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For nearly twenty years, terrified accompany the increasing pace of new phrenology of mental disorders. Specifically, the development of that part of psychiatrists and neuropsychologists call Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD. In the U.S., about 1.5 million children diagnosed with ADHD were being treated with psychostimulants (methylphenidate) in 1996. An increase of 2.5% between 1990 and 1995 reveals an explosion in the series, featuring epidemic proportions. This framework drew the attention of public health policies and the American Congress, attracting vehement discussions on psychosocial aspects. Only in 1995, half a million children between 3 and 6 years received prescriptions for Ritalin (brand name methylphenidate), according to estimates from the American Psychiatric Association. The medicalization of ADHD, however, increased much in recent years. The American Psychological Association in June 2001 in the journal Monitor on Psychology1, reports that more than two million prescriptions for Ritalin are made each year, a staggering rate of 4 children per minute. Both that institution, as the American Academy of Child Psychiatry and Adolescent recognized the need for greater accuracy in diagnosis, recommending to the specialists who were not based only on surveys of symptoms or complaints from parents and teachers.
view of what is considered an exaggeration diagnosis and exacerbated the incidence of errors in surveys, there is a clear indication that the diagnostic criteria for inclusion, obtained most of the instruments used - ICD-10, DSM-IV, Conners Scale - lack of specificity. A 1994 study in Joao Pessoa (PB) 2 for the validation of this scale in its Brazilian version, adapted from the original English version abbreviated Conners, for example, showed strong inconsistency. According to the survey results, the ability of respondents is questioned while validating the instrument. Disagreement between parents and teachers to identify a child as hyperactive and inattentive was considered a failure in their perceptual abilities. Failure perceptive parent is justified as arising from a lack of general knowledge for a good breeding due to factors psychosocial, and for teachers, it was felt that they lacked a good preparation psicopedagógica able to detect the height of such conduct. What was then the conclusion of the research? That the number of hyperactive children should be higher than what was obtained in the survey.

One of the conclusions that any student of psychology can do is consider unfounded attributed to the cause of hyperactivity disorders it neurological or biochemical, when the development context in which the child participates in is committed. The sample of several studies that adopt the medical model of the phenomenon, points to factors such as maternal depression, alcoholism, "nervous" as indicators of genetic predisposition to ADHD and not as psychosocial factors that affect emotional and cognitive development of children. Factors that inharmonies show on the life of that relationship and compromise the quality of socialized process in its various hues. In this situation, diagnose it as having a mental disorder (ADHD) is saying that all behavior is the result of a brain that is not working properly, eliminating any environmental influence in the way of being and acting in the world.

Valente (1998) 3, in his doctoral thesis, draws attention to the trap of neofrenologia disorders mental, facilitated by the use of sophisticated neuroimaging techniques. States that findings of morphological or metabolic in samples of people with the disorder need to be interpreted as evidence of trends and not as evidence of a causal relationship. In this sense, the declaration of Maryland, National Institutes of Health Consensus Conference on Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorders 1998, continues today: "Until now, we do not have a diagnostic test for ADHD (biochemical, physiological, anatomical, genetic, etc. .), so the validity of the disorder remains a problem. " The term ADHD

applied the children's behavior, not suitable for transforming a dynamic process in static phenomenon. Thus, behavioral modes of expression as "talking too" and "not quiet in the chair" instead of defining an activity between persons or between a person and the environment, lose their meaning and become relational in category "hyperactivity" DSM-IV. This abstraction of a dynamically interactive system that allows such behavior is reified, making them capable of cataloging a nosologic tight, as is done in the DSM-IV and ICD-10. You lose any uniqueness of human behavior to the individual to be diagnosed and medicated.

Both diagnostic aspects related to the inclusion of intensity due to issues such as, for example, "hubbub over" as the distinguishing features due to comorbidities, confuse the diagnosis and treatment. But the etiology, physiology, neurology, assessment and diagnosis of ADHD, there is no consensus on any part of the globe. There seems to be in harmony only one item of all this controversy: the appointment of psychotherapy in treatment. Advocates of medical models and models of psychosocial phenomenon to argue for a good resolution of hyperactivity and inattention. But unlike that boast groups and associations of Attention Deficit is not a necessary condition is that the CBT-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. These groups are affiliating psychologists around the country, based on the false premise that only the CBT can help in reducing hyperactivity in children. By way of demonstration, let us search for Gorodscy (1991) 4. Under the reference of psychomotor relational, 22 children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity, ADHD (abbreviation for the time of the study) were evaluated psychologically. It is observed that none was using medication. In this approach, conceives that hyperactive children use their bodies as "communicative expression." All children in the sample showed the experiences of discomfort and pain in their relationships. Ill-treatment, expulsions from school and several charges were common in their lives. In his own regard, some children wandered from one pole to another concept of Manichean be good or bad was a source of constant anxiety. As for the initial emotional development, the research highlighted the negative aspects of socializing process, such as: feelings of insecurity, poor reliability and continence. Of the 13 children who could attend the sessions and individual psychotherapy weekly for a period of six months to a year, all showed a reduction of hyperactivity, increased school performance and improvement in the psychic organization. The results were considered as strong evidence for the origin psychodynamics of the syndrome in healthy children hyperactive.

However, under the caption of that society is uninformed about the disorder, drug companies and their associations generate evidence to prove that inattentive and hyperactive children suffer from an organic disorder, the treatment is easy and is available to all , just reach out and swallow.

Monica Lavoyer Squire is a clinical psychologist and teacher in Social Psychology, UERJ (2001).

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decipher the code of the sperm DNA paternity Disclaimer

A European team of researchers led by the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg (Germany) and Grenoble (France) found that the Brdt - a protein found only in sperm cells - plays a central role in controlling the re-uniting of sperm DNA. The results of the study, published in the journal Nature, shed light on the exceptionally hydrodynamic shape of the sperm.

In collaboration with colleagues of the Institut de Biologie Structural (IBS) - Jean Pierre Ebel Institute and Albert Bonniot (IAB) in France, EMBL researchers were able to determine a key to optimal code histone, revealing the mystery of the speed of spermatozoa. One thing is clear: the fertility depends largely on the speed of spermatozoa.

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is contained in a complex structure called chromatin, which is the backbone of the chromosome. Long sequences of DNA are wrapped around proteins called histones. But what makes one sperm DNA? The researchers say that the sperm chromatin is more compact, reducing the size of the head of the sperm, thus making them more hydrodynamic.

Studies have shown that the control of chromatin is a very complicated mechanism. Histones are marked by a number of chemical markers, which encode the direct changes in chromatin structure. According to the researchers, "to bind different protein markers, through the combination of which can decrypt the code. "

Studies conducted in the past have shown that these proteins bind with one or more" fields "modular, each of which is marked by a single marker. Now scientists at EMBL, IBS IAB and discovered a further level of processing. Examining the link Brdt histone protein, the team found that it binds strongly to a histone with two special markers - acetyl groups (groups containing carbon and hydrogen) - using a single protein field.

" We were very surprised, "said Dr. EMBL Christoph Müller. We have analyzed the structure and found that the field formed a pocket, tying the two markers simultaneously." The

dr. Saadi Khochbin IAB said: "Over the sperm - just before the DNA is hyper - these markers are added throughout the chromatin, through a huge wave. Brdt If it is absent, there is the additional compaction, and the head sperm is less tapered. Brdt free male mice are infertile. "

However, scientists have said that one can only assume that the way in which the Brdt binds to histone markers has an important role in his ability to regroup.

"One hypothesis is that histone sequentially acquire markers and bunched only marking is completed," said Dr. Müller. "The Brdt binds to the last two markers in the sequence - making it the last step of the process - the final signal that initiates the hyper. IBS

Carlo Petosa said: "We are reviewing the structures of other proteins associated with chromatin and saw [that] this mechanism of markers is probably also used by them, increasing [therefore] our understanding of how it reads the histone code. "

Scientists believe that the results of their study will contribute to the solution of problems related to the development of sperm. The team is also evaluating the impact of this protein on male fertility. Posted by By

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Disclaimer of paternity '

filiation, as well as the legitimate family, is one of the founding institutions our system, protected and recognized by the Italian Constitution and the entire regulatory apparatus. It is clear, therefore, the special attention that the legislature has devoted to the action of disavowal of paternity, which aims the negative assessment of the state of legitimacy of a child born as a result of the Act.

By this action, then the alleged father (or other entities with a legitimate and strictly defined by law) bring the matter before the judicial authorities to ensure that the person shown by the records of birth was her son, not really is from the biological point of view. In particular, the major difficulty in this area has always been the search for a delicate balance between two conflicting requirements protection. On the one hand, in fact, there is a need to ensure the truth, understood in this context as a precise knowledge of parenting and organic, that is, as an awareness of who he really is their parent (favor veritatis), and second, this requirement have to balance with the opposing need to protect the legitimate family (legitimitatis favor), provided that the action tends to disregard its own to eliminate the status of legitimate child, which is therefore a prerequisite.

course this balance is strongly ingrained in the historical development and cultural context of a country, so if until some time ago legitimitatis favor the privileged, today's legislation and case law have sought increasingly to facilitate the search for truth in the context of family relationships. Precisely for this purpose has been reformed several times over the years, the discipline of disavowal of paternity, with the clear intention to give priority to favor veritatis, despite the legal apparatus is still very rigorous requirements and procedures as regards the exercise of disavowal of paternity.

In this regard, and just to demonstrate how difficult it is to reconcile the two conflicting requirements, in response to those who argue that the current regulatory environment is still too restrictive and too oriented legitimitatis favor, the Supreme Court noted that "even in the face of a marked benefit for a compliance status to reality procreation - clearly expressed in the gradual expansion of the assumptions in the legislative investigation of the biological truth - the favor veritatis not an absolute value of constitutional importance which must be affirmed, however, since Article 30 of the Constitution did not attach a value leading to unfailingly biological truth than legal, but in having the fourth paragraph that "the law lays down the rules and limitations for the determination of paternity," he defers to the legislature the power of ordinary to favor, while respecting the values \u200b\u200bof other constitutional, statutory paternity than the countryside, and to establish conditions and procedures to enforce it, so reliable in the evaluation generally the best solution for the realization interest of the child "(Cass. Civ. 20254/04).

those circumstances, to have a complete repudiation of the current rule, it must mention the discipline of legitimate filiation, which is its logical assumption. More specifically, the Civil Code stipulates that the status of legitimate child when you purchase four conditions concur: there is a valid marriage and the son born of the woman is married. The recurrence of these two conditions is immediate proof, but rather would make the marriage certificate and birth certificate. Conception occurred in wedlock. In relation to this requirement, the Civil Code, art. 232, states that "it is presumed conceived during the marriage a child born one hundred and eighty days have elapsed from the celebration of marriage and have not yet passed three hundred days from the date of the annulment, dissolution or termination of the civil effects of marriage "(so-called presumption of conception in wedlock.) The unborn child is "created by the husband." Even in relation to that condition, the Civil Code Article 231 that the cd. presumption of paternity, that the husband is presumed father of the child conceived during the marriage.

The conditions for conception in wedlock and paternity presumptions are, in the sense that the law presumes that a child born within the period of time from the eightieth day after the three hundredth day celebration of marriage before the dissolution of that has been designed constancy of marriage as the legal father is assumed that the same is the husband. They are, however, assumptions concerning, in the sense that the law allows to be given evidence to the contrary, but only under the circumstances and the conditions of Article 235 of the Civil Code. Article 235 cc, in fact, describes the conditions under which, even in the circumstances referred to in Article 231 of the Code and, therefore, having assumed the status of the unborn child legitimate, you can bring an action for specific disclaiming paternity.

The purpose of this action is, therefore, to remove the status of a legitimate child, ensuring that it has been conceived by someone other than the alleged father's art. 231 cc, in these assumptions, then, the legislature favors the principle of favor at the expense of favor veritatis legitimitatis. However, just looking for a balance between the conflicting requirements stated above, the legislature recognizes that this action may be exercised only in four cases absolutely certain.

The first situation occurs when "the spouses have not cohabited in the period between the three hundredth and the eightieth day before the birth." From the original concept of cohabitation Understanding how to live together can not be done today has embraced a meaning much wider range of cohabitation, "which included the situation where the couple - despite having lived in the same housing or lived in the same city and still had chance to visit or meeting - have found themselves together in circumstances of time and place and in personal and subjective conditions that make it unlikely they could not have had intimate relations. From this it follows that, when the plaintiff has not demonstrated the coexistence, in the sense defined, the defendant must it feel, providing presumptive appropriate elements, including temporary restoration of cohabitation, or any meetings that are occasional or one-off resulted in intimate relationships "(Cass. Civ. 86/498).

The second is the case in which, during the period between the three hundredth and the eightieth day before the birth, the husband was suffering from impotence, even if only to generate. Therefore, the alleged father who wishes to deny the child must prove, throughout the period of the conception of an impotence that may be demonstrated with the cd. seminology test, it is sufficient to demonstrate, during this period, a constant and complete absence of sperm. This is what is required from noma, however it is not necessary in order to ascertain the causes of azoospermia or whether such an anomaly is reversible or not.

The third case occurs when the period of conception, "the wife has committed adultery or held her husband concealed her pregnancy and the birth of his son. In such cases the husband is allowed to prove that the child has genetic characteristics or blood group incompatible with those of the presumed father, or any other fact tending to exclude paternity. "

Article 235 cc actually contains three different assumptions and independent of the presence of which you can activate the action of disavowal of paternity. The first occurs when the wife has hidden her husband, pregnancy and childbirth. In particular, the concealment of the pregnancy makes it acceptable for the action of disavowal of paternity, irrespective of concealment of birth, when his wife has concealed the pregnancy with a conscious and voluntary behavior, even if not preordained, that is devoid of belief in the 'estrangement from her husband at conception, when such behavior has persisted for an appreciable period of time between knowledge of pregnancy and her communication with her husband, over between the three hundredth and the eightieth day before the birth (Cass. Civ. 8420/94).

The second is the case of adultery of the wife during the period of conception. It was relevant in this context that an intervention by the Constitutional Court delivered a Judgement of 06.07.2006, No 266. In particular, prior to that ruling, the Court considered that the blood test and genetic which Article. 235, first paragraph, no 3 (so-called DNA testing) was only possible subject upon proof of adultery to his wife. Means that we need first to prove that his wife had committed adultery and only then could introduce tests to verify their non-compatibility of the genetic / blood of the "alleged" child with those of the "alleged" father.

The Look, with that assistance, said "illegal art. 235, paragraph 1, no 3, cc, to the extent that, for the action of disavowal authorship, makes the examination of technical evidence, which indicates that the child has genetic characteristics or blood group incompatible with those of the presumed father, upon proof of adultery by the wife. " Evidently, it was recognized that the outcome of DNA testing may be an implicit proof of adultery, and this mainly due to advances in medical science which are now is that this test leads to results almost equivalent to certainty. Therefore, to date, it is possible, regardless by proof of adultery, submitted in support of the genetic and hematological tests in question aimed to show that the genetic / hematology of the child are incompatible with those of his father. In this context, it may happen that the spouse against whom the action is proposed waste levy required to undergo technical inspections. If this happens, it is now the clear authority that the court may consider such refusal in accordance with art. 116 cpc, in particular, the court by such denial, if unjustified, can be seen test subjects on which to base its conviction.

Regarding procedural issues, standing to bring an action for denial is the alleged father, mother, son, once he has reached the age of majority. The youngest son can not take action on their own, but if you already sixteen, only through a guardian ad litem appointed by Judge ad hoc, but if the child is under sixteen, the action may be given by the public prosecutor (art. 244 cc). In the event that the holder of the repudiation die before it has been brought, the right to pursue the action is transmitted to the heirs (art. 246 cc).

Specifically, in the case of death of the presumed father or the mother are legitimate descendants and ascendants, whereas in the case of death of the child, are entitled the spouse or ascendant. With regard to the legitimation, the alleged father, mother and child are litisconsorti necessary. The action, just for the sake of stability and certainty in relation to the status of legitimate child, may be brought within a fairly short decadenziali; of facts, "the limitation periods for bringing an action for disavowal of paternity contribute .. . to define the context in which the denial of paternity must be available and, with it, to delineate the biological balance between truth and certainty of status as presumptively attributed "(Cass. Civ. 6302/07).

These terms differ according to individuals who wish to propose that action: the mother may bring his action within six months following the birth of the child or, in case of inability to create following the date on which he becomes aware of that impotence (Constitutional Court, sent. No. 170 of 05.14.1999), the presumed father may bring his action within one year from:
(i) the birth of his son, if he was present;
(ii) on his return he was away;
(iii) the day in which it was aware of the birth, if it proves not to have heard about before, (iv) the day on which he was aware of its inability to generate (Constitutional Court, sent. No. 170 of 05.14.1999);
( v) the day on which he had knowledge of the adultery of his wife in the case referred to in paragraph Article 3. 235 cc (Constitutional Court, sent. No 134 of 06.05.1985).

the child may bring his action within one year of age starting on or after the time when it became aware facts that make it challenged in the action. It can never bring such an action the alleged biological father, which remains untouched throughout the procedure.

The ruling accepts that the act of repudiation is a ruling finding of association, in that it involves a change in the status of the child and, as such, it has effects erga omnes. These effects, in practice, are carried in the fact that the son disowned: he loses his status as a legitimate child and the surname of the husband of the mother acquires the status recognized natural child by the mother alone, unless the subsequent recognition of the true father.

* Mr. Matthew Santini, Dr. Beatrice Maiolini, lawyers in Rome

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

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DNA Discoveries in Russia: The sounds change the genetic information itself

Many spiritual teachers known for some time that our body can be programmed by language, words and thoughts. Now this has been scientifically proven. Human DNA functions as a kind of "biological internet" and is in many ways superior to the artificial one. New scientific research in Russia, directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous healing and distant healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, halos of light around people, and more.

In addition, one might say a completely new medicine, in which DNA can be reprogrammed by words and frequencies without the need to withdraw and reintroduce individual genes. Only 10 percent of our DNA is used to produce proteins, and this is 10 percent that is being examined by western scientists. The remaining 90 percent is considered "junk DNA" Junk DNA. However, Russian researchers, convinced that nature has created this 90 per cent chance, have explored this 90 per cent of the DNA along with linguists and geneticists. The results of this research are simply revolutionary!

Our DNA is not solely responsible for the structure of our body, but would also serve as a database and to communicate. The Russian linguists found that the genetic code (especially the 90 percent "useless") follows the same rules to all human languages. To this end, scholars have compared the rules of syntax (how to put words together to form sentences), semantics (the study of the meaning of words) and rules basic grammar. They discovered that our DNA follow a certain pattern grammar. So human languages \u200b\u200bdid not have formed randomly, but are inherent in the DNA.

The biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr \u200b\u200bGarjajev and his colleagues also analyzed the vibrational quality of the DNA. In brief argued that "Living chromosomes function just like a holographic computer using endogenous DNA laser radiation." The researchers were able, for example, to screen certain frequencies (sound) with a kind of laser beam on the DNA, altering the frequency of it, and then the genetic information itself. Since the basic structure of DNA is equal to the structure of the language, it is not no need for coding DNA. You can simply use words and phrases of the human language! Although this has been proven scientifically.

The substance of the DNA (in living tissue, not in the tube) will always react to these rays modulated and even to radio waves, if you use the right frequencies. This is why techniques such as affirmations, hypnosis and the like have so strong an effect on men and their body, for our DNA to react to the language is perfectly natural. While Western researchers levying individual genes from the DNA strands and insert them elsewhere, the Russians have created a means to influence the metabolism of cells through frequencies of light and radio waves, repairing genetic defects. Scholars have even captured a pattern of information of a particular DNA and transmitted it to another, reprogramming the cells. In this way they have transformed, for example, frog embryos to salamander embryos simply by transmitting information of DNA! So the information was transmitted without the side effects that may occur when removing and re-integration of single genes from DNA.

was then tried what spiritual teachers have known for some time. Obviously, the frequency used to be the right one. For this reason we all get the same success. Everyone has to work on your inner development process and to establish a conscious communication with the DNA. The more high awareness of an individual, unless there is a need for a device, and you can achieve this alone. Science finally end up to make fun of these ideas and will confirm and explain these results. It does not end here.

Russian researchers also discovered that our DNA can cause interference in a vacuum, producing a "wormhole"! These tunnels are the microscopic equivalent of the so-called "Einstein-Rosen bridges" in the vicinity of blacks holes (left by extinct stars). There are links between areas that are completely different universe, through which can be transmitted outside of space and time. The DNA attracts these bits of information and forward them to our consciousness. This process of hyper-communication (telepathy, channeling) is most effective in a state of relaxation. Stress, worry or a brain too hyper active to make it ineffective, or the information received will be totally distorted and useless. An example of hyper

we find, for example, in the insect world. When the queen of an ant is separated from his colony, the ants workers continue their work to a precise plan. But if the queen is killed, they stop all work, no ant knows what to do. It seems that the Queen sends his "building plans" even if it is distant, through the group consciousness of her subjects. The important thing is that it is alive. In men, there is often a phenomenon of hyper-when suddenly there is access to information outside of their knowledge. This is hyper-lived as inspiration, intuition or trance. The composer Giuseppe Tartini for instance one night he dreamed the devil sitting on her bed playing the violin. The next morning Tartini was able to remember exactly the score and write it, resulting in the sonata "The Devil's Trill."

A 42-year old nurse for many years dreamed a situation in which it was connected to a kind of encyclopedia on CD-Rom. In those dreams were notified of the knowledge of all kinds, and the next morning was able to remember everything. The came a flood of information, and dreamed of for more technical details that were beyond his knowledge. When there are such cases of high-speed, you can see the supernatural phenomena in DNA. The Russian scientists irradiated DNA samples with other laser beams onto a screen and has formed a typical pattern of waves which, after removing the sample remained on the screen. Similarly it is assumed that the energy outside of space and time continues to pass through wormholes activated even after removal of DNA. The most common side effects are nell'ipercomunicazione magnetic fields close to the people involved. Electronic equipment may be subject to interference and stop working for hours. When the electromagnetic field disappears, the machine starts to function normally. Many operators are well aware of this spiritual effect.

Grazyna Gosar and Franz Bludorf in their book vernetzt Intelligenz explain these connections precisely and clearly. The authors also describe some sources according to which men were like animals, connected to group consciousness, and then acted as a group. To develop and live their own individuality, however, have abandoned and forgotten almost completely hyper. Now that our individual conscience is quite stable, we can create a new form of group consciousness. Just as we use the Internet, our DNA is able to enter data into the network, downloading information and establish contact with other people connected. In this way you can explain phenomena such as telepathy or distant healing.

Without individuality separate collective consciousness can not be used for an extended period, otherwise it will go back to a state of primitive instincts. The high-speed communication in the new millennium means something quite different. The researchers think that if humans with full individuality would form a collective consciousness, would have the ability to create, change and shape things on earth, as if they were God! And humanity is approaching this new type of collective consciousness.

The weather is rather difficult to influence by a single individual, but the company could succeed by group consciousness (nothing new for some indigenous tribes). The time is strongly influenced by the resonant frequency of the Earth (Schumann frequency). But those same frequencies are also produced in our brains, and when many people synchronize on them, or when some individuals (eg, spiritual teachers) focus their thoughts like a laser, it is not surprising that they can influence the weather. A modern civilization that develops this kind of consciousness would no longer have any problems or environmental pollution, or energy resources, using the power of collective consciousness could check automatically and naturally the energy of the planet.

If a relatively large number of individuals to unite with a higher purpose, such as meditation for peace, violence also dissolve. The DNA also appears to be an organic superconductor that can work on a normal body temperature. The artificial conductors instead require for their operation of the extremely low temperatures (between -200 and -140 ° C). In addition, all superconductors can store light, and information. Again, this demonstrates is that DNA is able to do so.

There is another phenomenon linked to DNA and wormholes. Normally, these tiny tunnels are highly unstable and lasts only a fraction of a second. Under certain conditions, however, you can create tunnel capable of forming stable balls of light. In some regions of Russia these balls appear very often. In these regions the ball at times rise from earth to heaven, and researchers have discovered that they can be guided by thought. The balls that emit low frequency waves are also produced by the brain, so they are able to react to our thoughts. These balls of light have a very high energy charge and are capable of causing genetic mutations. Many operators produce these spiritual spheres or pillars of light, when they are in a state of deep meditation or during energy work. In some projects for the healing of the earth these balls are also captured in the photos. In the past in the face of such luminous phenomena was believed that the angels appeared. In any case, even without scientific evidence, we now know that people with these experiences were not suffering from delusions at all. We made a great step forward in our understanding of reality. The "official" science knows the anomalies of the earth that contribute to the formation of light phenomena. These abnormalities have been found recently also in Rocca di Papa, south of Rome.

The whole article (in English) can be found on page (Kontext - Forum for Border Science). On this page you can contact the author.

All information is from the book "vernetzt Intelligenz" by Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf, ISBN 3930243237, unfortunately for now exists only in German.

Author: Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf / Translation: Tanja Pasini She graduated in translation translations: English - German, Italian - Italian Italian - German, English - German. Contact:

Buy the book:

L'Intelligenza in rete nascosta del DNA

Intelligence in hidden network of DNA

Authors: Grazyna Fosa Franz Bludorf

Saturday, October 17, 2009

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Genetic Test Legal (Forensic)

What are the legal text or Forensic?
genetic testing for legal use is not technically differ from instructional text. Need only to follow a specific procedure for collecting the samples. This procedure, in order to have legal validity, must ensure the identity of those who undergo the test. That is, it is necessary that a third person to identify the subject, acquiring samples and the required permits by filling out a form provided by Kriagen. Genetic testing
Legal may be required by the court, if there is an ongoing case, which instruct a laboratory (usually a public facility). Act No. 397 of 7.12.2000 allows, in court, that the parties may use a Technical Consultant Party (CTP). Kriagen can operate throughout the national practitioners providing for the appointment of expert witnesses (CTP) in court, and provide an important technical support to lawyers, doctors and investigative agencies.
An individual may perform a genetic test of its own legal, but as previously said, must be adhered to a precise procedure for sample collection because it has value. In this procedure, it is essential that the identity of the claimants and their removal are carried out and confirmed with a written statement from a physician eligible. In addition, all test subjects must make a specific authorization. Kriagen indicate the appropriate medical based closer to the customer (link).
In the case of legal paternity test should produce samples of both parents. These genetic tests are certain to 99.999% and methodologies are required, specifications, equipment and specific kits for use in forensics. Kriagen certify their own tests with methodological procedures and forensic techniques, providing its customers the assurance of genetic testing for forensic use.

genetic testing executables forensic applications are diverse, including:

Paternity Test DNA Test Profile
Immigration Review (family reunification)
Relationship Test
Technical Consultant Forensic Party (CTP)

Why do genetic testing at Legal Kriagen

    tools, methods and kits are used by Kriagen certified for Forensic. Why
    runs in your city with a doctor. Why
    course and the result is guaranteed to 99.999%.
    Because you only pay 50% to the order and the balance on delivery of results.
    Why do everything from home in total privacy. Why
    Drawing Kit is Included in Cost. Why have the
    Test 3 Kriagen guarantees. Why
    scientific and technical support is free.

on such samples is performed genetic testing legal?

legal texts are commonly performed on samples oral with our Free Kit.
It is also possible to extract DNA from other media such as: Chewingum, cigarette butts, hair, semen, etc. A detailed list with all the different possible samples used can be seen in " Forensic Samples". With these samples you can run the test even if an individual is not currently available for sampling.
In the case of DNA Paternity Test Legal non-emancipated minors or with, it is essential to the test explicit authorization issued by the legal guardian.
Moreover, if there were grounds of incompatibility between the parties, you can make withdrawals at different times and places, provided that no knowledge of either parent. The Law provides for Drawing Kit No. 1 sterile swab for each subject tested.

Guarantees and Times

testing and results are provided by third Warranties.
The results of laboratory tests are usually available in 10 working days from receipt of samples, and communication can take place in different ways chosen by the customer.
At the end of the analysis is prepared a detailed technical report including electropherograms, details on tools and kits and forensic statistical analysis of the results. The report can be used for litigation purposes, in actions of approval / denial of paternity. You can also
request a service that lets you run Quick Test Genetic Test Law within just 5 days of receipt of the samples.

How Much Test

the cost of genetic testing Legal is difficult to determine a priori, in fact covered by specific requirements for each test and delicate as the number and type of samples, the number of subjects tested and the place where the samples will be performed. Therefore, given the sensitive issues, we will examine each case personally with all the necessary discretion. Please contact us for more information, you will be contacted by one of our agents who will answer all your questions. Had the necessary information on how the test is performed, results and costs, you can choose.

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here the Genetic Test Law

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chromosomal abnormalities, what are they?

The chromosomal abnormalities are alterations in the number or structure of chromosomes . The chromosomal abnormalities are responsible for approximately 50% of miscarriages and birth defects are a major cause. The numerical abnormalities of chromosomes, which are also called aneuploidy, are characterized by more or less compared to the standard number of chromosomes. Specifically, the trisomy is a 'genomics anomaly, characterized by the presence of a chromosome more.

anomalies belong to this group of diseases known as Down syndrome or trisomy 21, where, in the most common form, the individual has 47 chromosomes, which has an extra copy of chromosome 21. Trisomy 13 is called Patau syndrome and trisomy 18, Edwards syndrome.
Regarding the other hand, the sex chromosomes, there are variations in the number of chromosomes X and Y are called sexual aneuploidies.
In a healthy male XY chromosomes are in a healthy female XX, in pathological situations may arise surplus (in excess or more), as in the case of Klinefelter's syndrome in which the chromosomes are XXY, XXX, XYY, or deficient in number-less-as in Turner's syndrome in which there is a only one X chromosome and one speaks of monosomy.
recent epidemiological studies confirm, unequivocally, that the incidence of chromosomal disorders is highly dependent on advanced maternal age (considering age, over 35 years at the time of conception).

What is Quick test Amniocentesis?

is a rapid test to screen for trisomy 21, 18, 13 and aneuploidy of the sex that is performed on samples of amniotic fluid.

is based on the QF-PCR (Quantitative Fluorescence Polymerase Chain-Reaction) or a molecular biology technique that is used for the diagnosis of many genetic diseases. The Quick Test Amniocentesis alongside the traditional cytogenetics (FISH). Unlike these methods, it requires small amounts of material obtained through sampling of amniotic fluid and minimize the waiting time of the report.

Genetic testing is performed on samples of amniotic fluid, but also babies, in this case the test sample is a Champion Oral (or saliva), which allows a levy less intrusive and less annoying.

Kriagen for Quick Test Amniocentesis uses the QF-PCR kit ANEUFAST certified IVD / CE, ISO 13485:2003 .

The kit was developed as a preliminary investigation to conventional cytogenetic investigation. It has a 93% power to detect aneuploidy of chromosomes examined. Could not show any abnormalities due to mosaicism and structural arrangements (7% of cases of aneuploidy) involving chromosomes analyzed.

Why choose amniocentesis Fast?

amniocentesis Quick differs dall'amniocentesi classic as less risky and less troublesome, the levy is only 3 ml and the result you are working in only 4 days. It is less laborious and less susceptible to contamination by maternal cells. The Quick Test Amniocentesis

proposed by Kriagen presents an important step forward in molecular diagnostics, recent studies, a total of more than 43,000 samples analyzed, demonstrated the validity of the molecular method compared to conventional cytogenetic analysis (FISH ). In many European countries test Amniocentesis Quick came to be part of routine analysis, considering that in Sweden, over 70% of pregnant women opt for the (rapid diagnosis) QF-PCR instead of the cytogenetic diagnosis. (Cirigliano et al 2009). The speed of execution of the amniocentesis Quick allows to minimize the waiting time of the report: the ability to exclude a chromosomal disorder in a few hours after collection can help eliminate maternal anxiety, and in positive cases, allows the mother to agree with your doctor, in advance, a 'possible therapeutic intervention. The Quick Test Amniocentesis allows for screening for single trisomy (between 21, 18, 13 or the sexual aneuploidy) or the complete screening of all 5 aneuploidy. Recall that by expanding the panel sought diseases, increases the mother's level of calm. It is also important to note that the choice full screening of all 5 aneuploidy does not affect the duration of the investigation and then the report will always be obtained within 4 days.

also Kriagen offers the ability to run on the same sample of amniotic fluid also Prenatal Paternity Test. This thanks to the instrumental equipment available that allows you to work on small quantities of sample and reliable results and have some soon. Response times for prenatal paternity test is the same test Amniocentesis Fast.

The Quick Test Amniocentesis requires a technical time of about six hours, so, parents can know very quickly whether or not there are anomalies cromosomiche.Il test is recommended as first:
  • Quick Survey to all pregnant women;
  • on women's age or special conditions are considered at risk.
  • In cases of suspected disease in infants.

Why do the DNA test Amniocentesis at Kriagen Fast.

  • To get a reliable answer in 4 days.
  • For added peace of mind during pregnancy.
  • order to decide quickly on the decision-making. Why
  • from the same sample can also run the Paternity Test Prenatal .
  • Because you only pay 50% of the order and the balance on delivery of results. Why
  • tools, methods and kits are used by Kriagen certified for Forensic.
  • Why do everything from home in total privacy. Why
  • Drawing Kit is Included in Cost.
  • Why have the third Test Kriagen guarantees.
  • Because scientific and technical support is free.

on samples which ran the Quick Test Amniocentesis?

The test is performed on amniotic fluid. The levy will be carried out by specialist (usually between the 16th and the 18th week of pregnancy) and are sufficient only 3 ml of amniotic fluid; In cases of suspected disease in infants can be assayed by a simple Sample Oral (or saliva), thus avoiding invasive sampling. Kriagen provides phone support and agree on the technical aspects of collection, storage and shipment of biological samples with your doctor. The Drawing Kit is a special packaging, according to current regulations for the transport of No. 1 tube 3ml fluids.

You can also run on the same sample of amniotic fluid also Prenatal Paternity Test. In this case the sample of amniotic fluid plus samples of parents (Sample oral or saliva) . Here you can find a list of Professional Partners.

Guarantees and Times

testing and results are provided by third Guarantees, except the repetition of the test in case of unsuitable samples. This is related to the inability to make a second amniocentesis.
The outcome of the examination is available after 4 days of receipt of samples, the notice may be given in different ways chosen by the customer. The choice of more tests does not affect the duration of the investigation and therefore the report will always be obtained within 4 days. You can also request a Quick Test Service allows you to receive test results within just 2 working days from receipt of samples.
All tests will be conducted in full compliance with the privacy of those involved.

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here the Quick Test Amniocentesis

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Quick Test Amniocentesis Prenatal Genetic Test

The prenatal diagnosis is the branch of medicine and in particular of ' obstetrics, studying and applying the techniques reveal the normal or the presence of diseases of various kinds, in the fetus . All techniques of prenatal diagnostics are performed during pregnancy and can be invasive or not.

should be noted first that for all, without distinction, there is a certain risk of having a child destined to suffer from a genetic disease: it is exactly the "standard-risk (around 4% for each pregnancy). For those who have instead - or had - a relative with a genetic disease, it is justified to ask the question most of that risk, which for some people, after consulting, may be negligible, while for others it may be by no means negligible or even higher.

typically perform laboratory tests (today DNA analysis almost always) to exclude certain risks and help identify which family members are carriers of the genetic defect - perhaps without showing any disease - and so to understand the mode of transmission of the defective gene through the generations of the family in question.

As already noted, in recent years there has been a dramatic breakthroughs in the field of DNA analysis. It is therefore possible that a method is currently not available yesterday it is today and that what now seems difficult to solve tomorrow be easy to clarify.

Among the most well-known invasive methods, the ' amniocentesis is the technique of removal of fluids a day most exploited today to highlight the possible presence of disease chromosome in the fetus but also infections and genetic diseases such as thalassemia , cystic fibrosis, hemophilia , spina bifida, albinism . Amniocentesis involves taking a number of amniotic fluid that is then analyzed. The fetal cells suspended in the liquid collected allow us to reconstruct the chromosome map of fetus and then highlight the "normality. Genetic testing, however, are not able to recognize the physical or mental by the interaction of the unborn child among multiple genes and environment. The amniotic fluid other types of analysis are possible, more or less complex.

is in this context Kriagen offers its innovative screening test, aimed at professionals and individuals in need of a center that specializes in molecular genetics to prenatal diagnosis with the professionalism, speed and safety on the analysis performed.

The result of the test is given to the person who must undergo a medical specialist, who can explain it.
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HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)

's HPV or Human Papilloma Virus is a virus, responsible for serious illnesses such as skin warts. Some strains of HPV, however, are responsible for genital warts and benign tumors as malignant tumors such cancer of the lining of ' uterus, the mouth , all' anus, to ' esophagus. One can therefore conclude that the HPV virus is an oncogenic virus, capable of causing cancer. HPV can infect specific areas (mucous membranes) in relation to the sexual habits of the subjects, it is possible contract, independently of the virus in the genital area, anal area and the area orale.Alla family owned about 100 strains of HPV, in the table below shows the most common strains and diseases that can cause.

HPV typing

typing is done not only to detect the presence of the virus, but also to identify the strain and allow the specialist to provide the appropriate treatment.
Genital HPV is classified according to the risk of cancer development. Mainly 15 strains can infect the ano-genital area of \u200b\u200bmen and women, they are divided into:
  • low-risk strains, which if not eradicated by the immune system can lead to formation of warts (HPV 6, 11).
  • high-risk strains, in particular health conditions of the individual (low immunity, repeated infections or continuous) can lead to cell changes (HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68). Some of the strains listed above may also cause cancers of the oral cavity.
It is well established that the viral typing is a method capable of improving the effectiveness of screening. Kriagen through the use of highly advanced equipment performs an examination of genetic typing the following strains virus: HPV 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68.
The test is simple to implement, absolutely non-invasive and totally confidential.

HPV in humans

Man, is not anatomically exposed to cervical cancer, but may be infections in the ano-genital area on the basis of oral sex habits. The male may act as a healthy carrier or rather "reservoir" of the HPV virus and infect patner sessuale.Inoltre, the virus to humans is of great risk for the Fertility . In fact, following infection by HPV, the sperm DNA may be damaged such as to affect the correct operation of the latter and make men infertile .

What 'the HPV test?

a genetic test that can detect the presence of potentially oncogenic virus belonging to the family of HPV in the anogenital and oral for the following strains:

  • HPV 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68.

The test is performed with a kit IVD/79/EC certificate, ISO 9001:2000, ISO 13485:2003 ( )

also allows you to identify an infection caused by multiple strains of HPV and follow the same patient in the course of the infection.
The HPV DNA test has a large advantage compared to the results obtained with the Pap test, since it identifies the DNA of the virus even before they appear signs of infection. It is a very useful tool for early diagnosis .

the HPV test is also commonly used to search for papilloma virus in women who have had an abnormal Pap test results and is an excellent tool for screening and monitoring of infection. The negative results of HPV testing can exclude, with confidence, the presence or absence of infection with regard to the type of sample provided.
A negative HPV test does not necessarily exclude the presence of HPV infection of the subject, it refers only to the particular sample analyzed and the 15 strains studied. The best result of the test depends on several factors such as a suitable sample, the absence of inhibitors and viral load enough to be detected.

Why do the HPV test at Kriagen.
  • for identification and typing of the strain.
  • Why you can run from home or by the medical officer in total privacy.
  • to confirm or exclude HPV infection in women or men.
  • For an early screening. How
  • subsequent screening with a Pap doubt.
  • monitoring HPV in patients under care.
  • Because you only pay 50% of the order and the balance on delivery of results. Why
  • tools, methods and kits are used by Kriagen certified for Forensic.
  • Why do everything from home in total privacy. Why
  • Drawing Kit is Included in Cost.
  • Why have the third Test Kriagen guarantees.
  • Because scientific and technical support is free.
Which samples tested HPV?
Kriagen allows you to perform HPV testing on different types of samples related to the areas on which you want to check:

male sample :
  • Buffer semen
  • Dry Dry mouth swab
  • Anal Swab Dry
female sample:
  • Dry Vaginal Swab (Cerviacale)
  • Dry mouth swab
  • Buffer Anal Dry

Guarantees and Times

testing and Results are provided by third Warranties. The outcome of the examination is available after 7 days of receipt of samples, the notice may be given in different ways chosen by the customer. You can also request a Quick Test Service allows you to receive test results within just 3 working days from receipt of campioni.Tutti Tests will be conducted in full compliance with the privacy of those involved.

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Paternity Genetics

The paternity test is done in order to detect or exclude an alleged paternity. This test is crucial if there is doubt or uncertainty, and for the protection of the rights and duties of a parent.

Although much more common than having to investigate whether a man is the biological father of another individual, this test is of some importance for women. In particular, if a mother has undergone IVF (with embryo transfer) or an egg donation. In fact, you are prompted to confirm the pregnancy.

thing is based on a paternity test?
information that underlie the formation of an individual are contained in DNA. More particularly in chromosomes, which are the heritage genetic individual.

the moment of conception are involved in the maternal and paternal chromosomes in ste xed percentage. So the genome of an individual is half from the DNA from the mother and half from those resulting from the father.

The paternity test has as its fundamental basis of this concept, based on analysis of genetic DNA in 15 areas of child and alleged father. Specifically, we compare the genetic profiles to determine their compatibility. It is not necessary to compare the mother, are sufficient DNA of people they want to verify the link.

The 15 areas analyzed in DNA, half of which come from the Father and the other half from the mother, are displayed in a chart and identified as peaks. The analysis consists in comparing the peaks of the alleged father and child. To confirm paternity, half of the genetic heritage of the father shall be equal to half that of his son, then half of the peak must match.
Kriagen is a laboratory specialized in genetic testing for non-invasive samples be made in the complete privacy of your home. The paternity test is commonly performed by us on mouth swab or saliva, with cutting-edge tools and kits certified for forensic ensuring reliability of 99.99%.

Kriagen's philosophy is to provide its customers with speed, quality and flexibility to meet their needs. Kriagen makes it indeed possible to run the test even on alternate sample, called " Forensic Samples", such as: chewing gum, dried blood, cigarette butts, hair, nails, etc..

E 'can also perform a paternity test, even if an individual is not currently available for sampling. The genetic profile of the alleged father can also be inferred from the analysis of close relatives. The

Paternity testing may be required for personal needs, medical and forensic. There are now many examples of situations where you need to resort to paternity testing for several reasons (see here ).

The paternity test is in fact an aid in the event that the doubts and uncertainties will become persistent, if you want to search your home or if an immigrant wants to apply for family reunification. It also represents a valuable support when there is a need to define the legal responsibilities of a biological parent, for example in relation to matters related to property inheritance in cases of separation or custody of the child.

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Test predicts risk of preterm delivery rose

saliva test predicts risk of preterm delivery

A simple saliva test could help to reduce premature births potentially dangerous.

The test, developed at King's College London, finds that pregnant women could give birth prematurely their baby by measuring their levels of progesterone , the ' hormone that helps stop the contractions of the womb before the end 40 weeks.

Women with low hormone levels are those at risk of giving birth to more than six weeks in advance.

Thanks to the test, scientists are convinced, you can reduce premature births, before 37 weeks of gestation, who are most at risk of medical complications, learning difficulties and other disabilities.

Women through the simple saliva test will be most at risk will be monitored with more attention and help, if necessary, with additional strong doses of hormones .

" Saliva is easy to pick - says the head researcher Lucilla Poston of King's College London - there is no need for a needle or a sample of blood and would be wonderful if in the future, we may ask a pregnant woman to give us just a small saliva sample to determine if a premature birth risk .

Researchers at King's College London analyzed the saliva samples of 92 women between 24 and 34 weeks of pregnancy.

The mothers were identified as being at risk of preterm birth to have had previous miscarriages, premature births or infections.

progesterone levels were lower in the saliva of 12 women who gave birth prematurely. The study was published in the ' BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology '.