Saturday, November 7, 2009

Are You Usually Dry Before Period


(AGI) - London, November 6 - Metal Nanoparticles can damage DNA even without entering cells. The discovery, made by a group of researchers at the University 'of Bristol, not only sheds light on the capacity' of interaction of these specific molecular structures within the body but also provides specific guidance on how these molecules can be used to transport all ' inside the human body drugs. The study also raises important issues about the real security for the health of these nanoparticles that are used now a bit 'everywhere, from sunscreens to electronic products. Although, it must be said, the researchers used in their experiments a quantity 'of very high nanoparticles that can hardly' be comparable to that which can 'normally come into contact person using these objects.
article published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology, researchers have exposed some cell cultures in a particular type of nanoparticles made of cobalt chrome. Among the cell culture and nanoparticles have interposed a special protective barrier formed by fibroblasts. At the end you and delle'esperimento 'Potu verify that the DNA of cultured cells was however modified by a cascade of chemical signals induced by fibroblasts, which were actually in direct contact with nanoparticles. "This research - Ashley Blom explained lead author of the research - we understand how they can interact with the body also natural nanoparticles, such as prions that probably use the same mechanisms to interact with DNA.



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