Thursday, November 12, 2009

Colgate Soothe N Seal

Male infertility is likely to double, alarm from Milan

For experienced emergency genital diseases of the future: a guide for families of the San Paolo

LONDON-A bomb. For specialists in Milan genital diseases and male sex are an underwater world that threatens to double the incidence of infertility among young people. Boys, abolished the visit of the lever, get the diagnosis of these diseases when it is too late. Result: boom and infertile carriers of sexually transmitted diseases that might infect the partner. The warning is the endocrine-andrologist Mario Mancini, head of the surgery of pediatric hospital Andrology San Paolo in Milan. The expert talks to the data in hand: "From our surveys in high schools in the city shows that a second adolescent does not use a condom. 25% of these came into contact with infections and 12.5% \u200b\u200bturns into "infector". But the situation is no different even in the rest of Italy. "

INFECTIONS AND MORE - There is a universe of andrological diseases that comes out: varicocele and testicular problems, sexually transmitted diseases, tumors. "We could be facing the real emergence of the future. Other than influenza, "warns Mancini. Diseases which, if not diagnosed in time, lead to infertility, "We realized that a young infertile three shows signs of damage from chronic prostate infection. Which makes us think that their infertility was preventable. "

the booklet - The experts of St. Paul are so worried that, in collaboration with the Council of Zone 6 (the area in Milan where the hospital is located), have decided to launch a handbook: "The world under the ' navel-Andrology of the boy, "and distribute it in the study of general practitioners and pediatricians. A dozen pages in which, with simple and direct language, the specialists offer adolescents and their families with information useful to detect possible problems. Objective: To support prevention and early detection. The booklet is particularly aimed at providing adolescents and their families all the information needed to understand se per un particolare problema andrologico c'è bisogno di chiedere l'aiuto del medico di famiglia, del pediatra o dello specialista, oppure se rientra in una situazione di normalità.
Test Infertilità Maschile


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