Saturday, January 8, 2011

Freemovies Online Grope


(from left to right: Professor Felice Campora,
Life and Giulio Maria Chiara Siciliano)

Today I am going to talk to or High School boys Amantea Campora with the help of Professor and Professor Palermo, who I met through Maria Chiara Siciliano, who became interested in the project when I was in Madrid and I wrote.
Many have participated and, although during the interview, were a bit 'timid, later, in private, they approached me a lot of questions of all kinds I responded with pleasure. It 's very nice to get closer to the schools not because the institution as such but for the youth to know what he thinks, how he dresses, what color are her dreams. And thank you for this at school, to open this door for me very important.
The guys who are interested can contact me directly or do so through Mary Clare, who is my direct link with the school.


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