Sunday, January 9, 2011

5 Month Old Cough Heavy Breathing

Military Intelligence.

are a couple of hours to return to Madrid. I think he's good to look back at what has happened in the last three weeks. When I landed in December, here in Amantea, I have not calculated all the good things that have happened, let alone all the wonderful people I've met along this journey.
My dear friend Andrea Scala had helped me get everything ready for the summer and was in charge of the bureaucratic part of the project. Now, it continued to Starmie next most unexpected finding aid one side or the other.
I must confess that I did not have a specific plan and organized about what I did in December. My goal was to meet the mayor and get sponsor. Along the way, I let go of my nervousness and my ideas that would not have taken place without the provision of the wonderful people I met.
This summer I did the blog and I kept inactive until now, because I did not have much to write, but to wait. Fortunately, the answer came. Many people, overwhelmed by curiosity, approached me and offered cooperation.
Among them Maria Chiara Luca Siciliano and Mendicino, two young boys who are still attending school and had no interest beyond making a cortometraggio.Ho responded and remained in contact with them, thinking that they could of myself ' help during the shoot by something. I had no idea what yet. I liked the idea of \u200b\u200ba big family decided to implement the project.
To my surprise, it was discovered that these two guys have been essential to progress by leaps and bounds that we did. Maria Chiara, for its part, I did contact the High School of Amantea and I was able to reunite with the boys (another idea conceived at the time).
Luke, however, introduced me to his mother, Loredana Mendicino, a sort of Fairy Godmother Project Amantea. She, who at first thought it was all a lie, after knowing me, has decided not only to help but to organize almost every meeting, talk to a thousand people, etc.. Scored, for example, that the Hotel Mediterraneo lend us their space to do a casting. I had not even thought about a casting.
So we did it with the great help of Luke and the participation of almost all his family. Of course, I have to thank Enzo Alfano for lending us your hotel and be so kind and reliable with us.
Lorenzo continued to help and so he approached actors like Constantine Committee, Radio Amantea, and gave a hand to get the lights. All this in a selfless act, in principle, because he knew that we had no money, so she put all her strength to this idea, the calls from his mobile phone, the gas to drive from one place to another, physical time, in short, to go all out. I just do not yet understand how someone so committed to the dream of another. And this made me think about many things.

(Io family Mendicino)

Luca took us to the Accounting Department, his school, where Dean has opened its doors in a very cordial and kind, and thanks to Professor Di Tanna I had one of the best matches of this journey, with all those kids full of curiosity and willingness to help.
As the days passed, I became convinced that this project can get a lot and this story can be told.
not just make films. It is using the cinema to make something bigger, something else. The idea is to unite as a people, as a region, as a society, and with a crew that helps bring the fiction with cameras and lights.
The message is "do cinema", but whatever your dream, follow it and trasmettilo others. Because when we unite to do things when we all dream the same direction but respecting our individuality when we function as a collective without losing personal identity, become an unparalleled force, a force able to paint dreams of this region and many other. If everyone helps each other to achieve his dream, everything will live happier and more importantly, we will be better.
not forget that it was a visionary who discovered the fire and sent to his people, making a great progress in human history.
I chose to make films because I think that has an incredible power of cohesion and I chose to do instead of fiction, documentary, because the lies are the purest way to get to the truth. Because when we tell stories is baited to find those stories. I want to instigate Amantea to know their roots, to know their faces, their voices, their colori.Ci succeed, but we will get together. We need all the amanteani, every idiot who wants to dream together with us to implement this project.
This was not, is not, nor ever will be a speech with the purpose of political or economic interests. It is a social discourse and the only interest is to build the road to create this short film. The goal is to find among all the ideal platform to inject directly into the veins of culture, because the movies, like music or books, are sempre.Grazie for everyone: kids, schools, teachers, people on the street that I asks with curiosity, sellers of newspapers that I say good luck, those who attended appeared to be the Orchestra his attention and participation, the radio, the mayor, everybody, you all in the same way, many thanks. Thanks. See you in April through the machine to recover.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pain Pinky Side Of Wrist

CalabriaOra writes about us! Today at the High School of

journalist Guido Scarpino of CalabriaOra learned of our project and decided to do a very good article. I have to thank with all my heart that so many selfless acts of these people are doing for this short film.

Freemovies Online Grope


(from left to right: Professor Felice Campora,
Life and Giulio Maria Chiara Siciliano)

Today I am going to talk to or High School boys Amantea Campora with the help of Professor and Professor Palermo, who I met through Maria Chiara Siciliano, who became interested in the project when I was in Madrid and I wrote.
Many have participated and, although during the interview, were a bit 'timid, later, in private, they approached me a lot of questions of all kinds I responded with pleasure. It 's very nice to get closer to the schools not because the institution as such but for the youth to know what he thinks, how he dresses, what color are her dreams. And thank you for this at school, to open this door for me very important.
The guys who are interested can contact me directly or do so through Mary Clare, who is my direct link with the school.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Megan Goods Short Hairstyles


Today I was talking to the boys of ITC-ITI " C. DEAD." It 'was a very fun and pleasant to be able to convey the message Project for young people of Amantea. I especially liked their curiosity about this short film and a willingness to help, I liked the spirit that breathed in the air between the laughter and words.
With Profesoressa Emilia Di Tanna (pictured) and Headmaster Dr. Arturi Alisia Rose for allowing this meeting necessary.
I think it is important to join this project to the youth of the country, make it clear that all dreams are possible if there is the will of us all. I believe in this idea of \u200b\u200ba collective project of short films for all and all.
Tomorrow I am going to talk with the guys from high school.
We hope that it is so beautiful as the interview today.

(from left to right: Prof. Anna Andreani,
Vice Prof. Gino Aloe, Giulio Vita, Principal Dr. Alisia Rose Arturi )

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Can Genital Herpes Be One Bump

Provini finished. Comito

Today I finished the test in Amantea. Thanks to everyone who came, I managed to fill all the gaps missing to make the short film. I look happy to arrive the week of Easter to start working with you all.
Enzo Alfano (pictured) has put at our disposal the Hotel Mediterraneo during these two days that we needed. He has done more than we asked, showing for the unconditional implementation of this production. We thank him with great affection with his brother Rocco.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Using Gift Bags As Centerpieces

Constantine: The painter

Today I had a coffee with Constantine Comito, Italian professional actor who has decided to go in this boat with a passion to play and help tell this story. In short, PHILIP will ICARUS, father of Amanda's best friend, a painter and nervous disorder, not used to being among the people. We're happy to be part of our team.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

One Alpine Type-r Swr-1242d Wired At 2 Ohms

Meeting with the Wind Orchestra Mediterranea

This evening I met with the musicians of the Wind Mediterranean ( ), and they immediately accepted the invitation to participate in this collective dream. When I wrote the script in July, I thought it would be impossible to have a band with many musicians willing to play with their uniforms without being paid, and instead, thanks to Sabrina Caruso who put me in touch with them and provision of President and Vice President Enrico Morelli Philip Berardone (I also thank the Vice-President of the ride home), thanks to each of the musicians that attended the meeting today and wants to embark in this adventure film, thanks to all this, we have a wonderful band willing to make its share through music. Amantea
I'm glad, I'm here every day, shows me his entire disposal in fulfilling this goal. I am sure that with this spirit we will make a good film and live an unforgettable experience in the country.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Gay Crusing Area In Ottawa

This morning I met with the mayor and the commissioner Sergio Franco Tuna Time, who officially launched the project Amantea.
Among other things, the first casting was held at the Hotel Mediterraneo, with great success. Expect those who are not able to come on Thursday, January 6 from 15:00 to 20:00.
I guess we embarked in the waters amanteane where dreams come true and there is no return.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Waxing Singapore For Men

Meeting to the City on the radio!

This morning I interviewed Amantea Radio (http://www . / ) on the Project Amantea. It 'was a pleasant meeting directed by Pino Cavallo.
would not have been possibile without the help of Lorenzo Mendicino, Luke (his son and a man of honor in this project) and the provision of Mario Venturino, director of the station.
This week I will give you the audio file of the interview.