Friday, October 26, 2007

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chained to QUIRINALE

On the day of the seventh birthday of Denise Pipitone, the mother of the girl disappeared three years ago in Mazara del Vallo (Trapani), began a new protest. Piera Maggio is symbolically chained to a bench in front of the Quirinal Palace in Rome and began a hunger strike to demand to be received from the participating institutions. Soon after, she was received by the prefect of the Quirinal Ruffo.
Piera Maggio requested a review of the law on kidnapping because, he said "is a ridiculous law that considers the offense is not serious." "I asked to know what happened to my daughter Denise, and now takes seven years to three years away from home - Piera Maggio said after being received at the Quirinal Palace in an interview with the Prefect Alberto Ruffo - I handed the documents to seek to revise the figure of the crime of abduction of children, which currently does not exist in Italy and this does not allow investigators to use coercive measures against people who commit these facts. "The May, at the end of the meeting, announced that it suspend hunger strike pending a response of a concrete act by the institutions. The girl's mother said she was still ready further action if his voice will be heard. "So far I have not had any satisfaction, I would like the facts as well as words - added Piera Maggio - I hope so much that I listen to Denise not only because this law applies to all missing children. I have already made with my office in November 2006 the Minister of Justice the exact same proposal. Denise is now part of a number and only enough, we parents want to know what happened to our children not to you can 'feel forgotten for so long. "Meanwhile, in Mazara del Vallo, Denise country, some school children" Luigi Pirandello "manifestazione.L organized a' lawyer of the mother:" Investigations at a turning point " Meanwhile, the family lawyer, Giacomo Frazzitta, has opened a window of hope. The lawyer spoke of "an investigation took place. After the prosecutor's statements in recent months Sciuto - said the agency Adnkronos - the investigation took an important turn, the prosecution is closed in absolute silence, but I can say that the outcome of the case will come in weeks. "


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