Sunday, October 14, 2007

How To Build A Lawn Mower Buggy


Lampedusa, who was raped by seven children

He told Mom and Dad that she was raped by a bunch of kids. For this reason, parents of a child of 9 years, who lives in Lampedusa, lodged a complaint against the island seven minors, aged between 11 and 14 years. The prosecutor's office opened a file and also ordered a medical examination on the victim of the alleged abuse. Already arrested two members of the herd. According
told the child to the parents, the violence would take place just before Easter in the courtyard of the elementary school, where pupils were taking part in the afternoon to tests for a school play. The "flock" would take advantage of a moment in which their victim was left alone, to surround her and rape her. The parents of the child, immediately after the complaint, you are also directed to legal counsel for assistance. On another
the prosecution services of the juvenile court of Palermo has opened a file and has delegated the police to carry out some investigations on the basis of a complaint lodged by the parents of the girl. Exists on the investigation as confidential. Investigators, assisted by a psychologist, they will listen the next day the little that has suffered abuse sessuali.Nel meantime have already arrested two of the seven boys involved in the affair. Against them, are accused of sexual assault and are being conducted in juvenile detention''''Malaspina di Palermo. The other five members of the''herd''shall not be eligible because of their age. The victim left the
isolaLa nine years old girl raped by seven boys aged between 11 and 14 years left with her parents Lampedusa. The decision to temporarily abandon the island and move to Palermo is not linked only to the need to refer to little more clinical, but also by the desire to push it away from the environment in which sexual assault has been for a better recovery from trauma psychological immediately.

(all rights to images are the exclusive property of the author thereof)

the news is dated April 19, 2007, I would just make you think about how the media does not tell us or better, inform us wrong, there has been talk for months rignano, but read many other stories, unfortunately, terrible happening around us every day, you still happy when you hear the news service on the tissue and the player's turn??

are convinced that the information space is well managed or that the choice of news to be disseminated to policy choice is not now .... you reflection



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