Friday, October 26, 2007

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chained to QUIRINALE

On the day of the seventh birthday of Denise Pipitone, the mother of the girl disappeared three years ago in Mazara del Vallo (Trapani), began a new protest. Piera Maggio is symbolically chained to a bench in front of the Quirinal Palace in Rome and began a hunger strike to demand to be received from the participating institutions. Soon after, she was received by the prefect of the Quirinal Ruffo.
Piera Maggio requested a review of the law on kidnapping because, he said "is a ridiculous law that considers the offense is not serious." "I asked to know what happened to my daughter Denise, and now takes seven years to three years away from home - Piera Maggio said after being received at the Quirinal Palace in an interview with the Prefect Alberto Ruffo - I handed the documents to seek to revise the figure of the crime of abduction of children, which currently does not exist in Italy and this does not allow investigators to use coercive measures against people who commit these facts. "The May, at the end of the meeting, announced that it suspend hunger strike pending a response of a concrete act by the institutions. The girl's mother said she was still ready further action if his voice will be heard. "So far I have not had any satisfaction, I would like the facts as well as words - added Piera Maggio - I hope so much that I listen to Denise not only because this law applies to all missing children. I have already made with my office in November 2006 the Minister of Justice the exact same proposal. Denise is now part of a number and only enough, we parents want to know what happened to our children not to you can 'feel forgotten for so long. "Meanwhile, in Mazara del Vallo, Denise country, some school children" Luigi Pirandello "manifestazione.L organized a' lawyer of the mother:" Investigations at a turning point " Meanwhile, the family lawyer, Giacomo Frazzitta, has opened a window of hope. The lawyer spoke of "an investigation took place. After the prosecutor's statements in recent months Sciuto - said the agency Adnkronos - the investigation took an important turn, the prosecution is closed in absolute silence, but I can say that the outcome of the case will come in weeks. "

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yet another case of bullying against a minor. The girl, a 12enne, a middle school student of the Canavese, became film naked, and then his risqué images were displayed on the cell mates and acquaintances. To notice the video was the mother, suspicious of his nervous behavior, he checked the girl's phone and is mounted on a rampage. The neighbors called the police.
The images of the student, photographed naked by friends in rough poses, have made the rounds of mobile phones for students of the institute and also acquaintances of the country. The girl - according to the news agency Ansa - would be willing victim of a group of at least three of his peers after having used the phone to risqué portraits, the photos were downloaded on the PC of one of the boys. The game was interrupted by the girl's mother who had noticed his agitation. And, by checking your phone's daughter, made the discovery brutal. The woman so he vented his anger in a way so obvious as to attract the attention of neighbors who immediately called the police. Now the military has seized computers and mobile phones, both of which twelve of the three friends so far identified, two of which appear on photographs. For the seriousness of the case were informed school leaders and has been involved the Juvenile Court of Turin, which has launched an investigation.

Monday, October 22, 2007

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He confessed to the relative of a child of four and a half years arrived Sunday morning at the lifeless' Frattaminore hospital. The little girl died of suffocation due to regurgitation, but after tests on his body, doctors have found signs of a possible sexual assault. The event took place in Crispano (Napoli). The man, the brother of a grandmother, admitted raping the girl for about three months.
Forty-eight years, a life without work, illiterate, the man admitted to police all of Casoria: without either cry or despair, almost as if what happened was a normal thing. "Guilt - says the captain of the Casoria, Paul Cambieri who ran the detention - a strong cultural malaise that has behind him. He can neither read nor write. A situation of discomfort so strong that almost no he realized the gravity of the thing.''During the day the man will be turned into firm arrest. And while it is being examined by the position of the grandmother, mother of the father of the baby. During the interrogation, the woman said they never realized of what was happening to his house, where his brother has lived: the police are investigating whether it went really well. According to a first reconstruction, the parents of the child, she and 26 of his 27 years, since both worked, every morning accompanied the child to grandmother's house, where his uncle had abused the child. Sunday had been his mother and father to take her daughter, lifeless in the hospital. At first it seemed that it was an accident. With the passing of the hours, the suspect became reality: the child was raped. The death, however, was caused by suffocation from regurgitation.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

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sought by Interpol

The committee found children, has always maintained, that the common people, that activates all the world together through the TAM TAM via the Web, can help a lot in searches. In fact the 'Interpol a few days ago, had asked for help from "mere mortals" to find a dangerous pedophile. The result was to involve everyone, by publishing the photo of the person sought, "scrub" the Privacy Act. We applaud the Interpol for this position, which showed that:

The unity is strength! All
together to defend our children.
The committee found the children.
PARIS - It 'was finally tracked down and arrested in the northeast of Thailand to the alleged pedophile who had put up at least 200 Internet photos showing him and his abuse of children. The capture of Christopher Paul Neil, 32, a Canadian, was made possible by a global manhunt launched by Interpol, just on the internet, after the police of the 186 countries that make up the international police organization, despite major investigative efforts, had failed to take the man.
"Only a week ago - said the Secretary-General 's Interpol, Ronald Noble - did not know neither his name nor nationality. But thanks to 'appeal that we launched in the world and the responses received around the world and Canada, we were able to identify it. " The appeal of Interpol, a first, was issued on 7 October, accompanied by some photos of the face of the alleged pedophile on the site His face, which had been adjusted by the same man not to be recognized, but was rebuilt by specialists of the German BKA. It came out 'a useful image, "according to the police for investigation: dark hair, aged about 35-40 years.
The man appeared in about 200 photos circulating on the Internet, made - according to experts - in Vietnam and Cambodia, between 2002 and 2003, while showing him sexually abusing children of twelve, the smallest of which would have six years. To facilitate its identification was the testimony of a thalindese boy, now 17, was reported to have been a victim of the man who was a teacher of 'English several years ago. He was one of twelve children that were seen on those photos. The Interpol had issued a warrant yesterday for international research, and the Thai judiciary issued a warrant for his arrest.
"We tried by every means possible to identify - had said the secretary general of Interpol, Ronald K. Noble, launching an appeal and broadcast on his face - but we are now convinced that without the help of the people, this sexual predator could continue to abuse children. " Interpol was right: its identification was possible "in response to information provided by five sources on three different continents."
Interpol reported to have been contacted by a total of 350 people worldwide. The manhunt had begun when the German police had discovered her first photos on the web in 2004. The initiative of Interpol to show the face of the alleged pedophile had been commented on positively in Italy by Don Fortunato Di Noto, founder of the Meter, known for his action against pedophilia: "No - he said - can come and say that is infringement of privacy when millions of people can already see online. " Source

Sunday, October 14, 2007

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gang rape 15 year old

Playstation waiting to trick
In four for sexually abusing a girl of 15 years, waiting for their turn playing to the consoles: the findings are, in Matera, concerning police investigations that led to the arrest of two young people (that have been under house arrest), which with two alleged accomplices would use violence to a girl. The
incident occurred last summer.
As reconstructed by investigators, after a birthday party in a bar and grill, the girl was released to return home with a cousin, according to the prosecution of the four (aged between 19 and 26 years, all uncensored) pass car and greet her cousin who know and offer to give a lift to the girl. But the goal the same: first an isolated area, with the onset of abuse and threats, then-basement garage of one of them, where the violence continued with more''quiet.''
The four are so quiet that play video games while waiting for their turn. Suddenly, the girl's cell phone rings, another relative is looking for. The four allegedly threatening to say nothing of what is happening, but she cries, "I'm being raped", and so can be saved. The next day says everything at home, you go to the hospital and goes to the police station to report the matter to the squad. Police have made two orders of arrest under house arrest and two-signature requirement, issued by the investigating magistrate, Angelo Onorati, at the request of the prosecutor, Valeria Farina Valaori.
(all rights to images are the exclusive property of the authors thereof)

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Lampedusa, who was raped by seven children

He told Mom and Dad that she was raped by a bunch of kids. For this reason, parents of a child of 9 years, who lives in Lampedusa, lodged a complaint against the island seven minors, aged between 11 and 14 years. The prosecutor's office opened a file and also ordered a medical examination on the victim of the alleged abuse. Already arrested two members of the herd. According
told the child to the parents, the violence would take place just before Easter in the courtyard of the elementary school, where pupils were taking part in the afternoon to tests for a school play. The "flock" would take advantage of a moment in which their victim was left alone, to surround her and rape her. The parents of the child, immediately after the complaint, you are also directed to legal counsel for assistance. On another
the prosecution services of the juvenile court of Palermo has opened a file and has delegated the police to carry out some investigations on the basis of a complaint lodged by the parents of the girl. Exists on the investigation as confidential. Investigators, assisted by a psychologist, they will listen the next day the little that has suffered abuse sessuali.Nel meantime have already arrested two of the seven boys involved in the affair. Against them, are accused of sexual assault and are being conducted in juvenile detention''''Malaspina di Palermo. The other five members of the''herd''shall not be eligible because of their age. The victim left the
isolaLa nine years old girl raped by seven boys aged between 11 and 14 years left with her parents Lampedusa. The decision to temporarily abandon the island and move to Palermo is not linked only to the need to refer to little more clinical, but also by the desire to push it away from the environment in which sexual assault has been for a better recovery from trauma psychological immediately.

(all rights to images are the exclusive property of the author thereof)

the news is dated April 19, 2007, I would just make you think about how the media does not tell us or better, inform us wrong, there has been talk for months rignano, but read many other stories, unfortunately, terrible happening around us every day, you still happy when you hear the news service on the tissue and the player's turn??

are convinced that the information space is well managed or that the choice of news to be disseminated to policy choice is not now .... you reflection


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Glory Hole And Long Island



"pedophilia against" A roar to break the silence.
is being planned a performance or event against pedophilia.

In preparation for May 2008, probably MESTRE (VE), an event that is proposed as a campaign of denunciation of this cancer that afflicts every so-called civil society: pedophilia.

front of words such as pedophilia, child pornography, sexual abuse of minors, pedophiles, orcs, violence, rape, we are all inclined to turn his head away as if by this unconscious gesture could remove them to some extent from our sight.

Do not look, do not listen well, turning a blind eye, pretend not to hear, not to disturb our self, does not annihilate the pedophile, does not remove the victim to his executioner, leads nowhere.
our silence, we do not talk about it, we hide from the pain of these things feeds the ogre who is immersed in silence and survives.

We reclaim our core values \u200b\u200bof society, we must prevent other orcs violate the innocence of other children, violate our future.

We need to move, talk, spread the knowledge of the topic, read, inform, be more cautious and prudent, we must build together a network of information, raising the next ... We have to

screaming!! ENOUGH!

also supports you in our fight against pedophilia, deployed on our side, the side of children, to join our event, participating actively.

Soon the program in more detailed version, with a list of persons participating at the event and activities will be organized for info ...

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It happened Friday night, but we learn only now. Who knows, maybe he decided to turn his heart to go in time for Tommy, Chris, and all other children recruited from the sky to the thickening ranks of Angels, and join them together in the small playground on the shores of the lake the next day where we remember them with honor and love due. He took off after fifteen hard days, barely stifled by the pain that morphine is never enough, even days buima day of colors, designs and cards from so many strangers and friends said they did not give up, day unthinkable, that no child of this world should have, so far above him who had known only suffering, too much concentrated in the soul of a lot if one creature, the first abuse, cancer and then, days of hope that all this love, perhaps a miracle would thanks to the fact that fire, which suddenly came on for a bit deceiving 'that could take away the pain and the silence, defeat even burning the clothes worn only asking more time, just to put things in place and rebuild the happiness that world clouded by repainting and gradually forgotten.
But time has won, it was obvious it was, yes, but slowed not stopped. Now
Cosmin was born. Yeah you read that right, was born. It is not a slip. Since I'll never talk of death in this post because death is the consequence of life and talk about life for Cosmin seems excessive given that life has never had.
I say this without falling into more petty rhetoric ... ...
May from here starts the first of a series of hugs that brought him up as high as to where the sky is really blue and nobody, but nobody bothers the children indeed, even calls them Angels . Hello
little big man, do not forget you. Never. I swear!
stay there next ... ... ...

For Friends Cosmin.
You were great. Moreover, immensi.Avete immediately understood that it took was a little gift and that gift could do so much.
are almost 9 thousand drawings, letters, postcards, games, crafts, thoughts are meant to Cosmin. There are hundreds of blogs where he talked about him. Many articles.
And for a moment, I confess, we were deluded to have found the antidote, the cure, the brake instead of an evil that was too forward, but I think at some point has found disoriented. Dazed in front of so well, he eschews the well. Ignorance, inconsistency.

Many letters continue to arrive, others I know are leaving, for example, from many schools. Will not be lost. There will be useless. We will be the mother of Cosmin and she will sense that we are trying obstinately to repay all the victims of the folly of man. A
you remember having given birth to a child special and loved by so many friends around the world. To him, that follows us from up there and delivered the most beautiful prayer, the message most sincere apologies. Part of this world.
Thank you all. We will continue to fight in your name, your example. At your side.
And all your energy to make the best use for all other Cosmin waiting to embrace clean. Of space weather.
It 's a premise, it becomes the duty and strengthens our undying commitment.
I embrace you. Cosmin And I know that it will.

. ... Continue ... .. also because today I can not write more ... ..

Note: Cosmin Anyone who has talked about in his blog or one of its contacts is asked to copy this post and communicate in the appropriate spaces, since it is really impossible to reach everyone, thanks. Massimiliano


Dear Children,
I write a letter to give you a story a bit 'sad, but that is not so sad.
Listen to me and I'll explain why. Cosmin
Our friend is gone since last Friday. The disease was too far and unfortunately were not enough medicine to heal completely. As you probably
your parents or your teacher, had already explained Cosmin suffered a very serious disease, not influence or cold, but a disease that rarely affects children. In his case, then living in a place where there are hospitals like us and the drugs are expensive and not always easy to find, the disease has become even stronger. Cosmin
Life was not easy, unfortunately, has had many bad moments, so much suffering.
Until one day from his box of letters is a strange thing happened, that even he knew at the beginning.
Many reported that many postcards of the landscapes that he knew not even exist. And then a lot of letters, full of messages, and as many drawings, one is the best.
You know who were the real authors of these messages?!
on all recognized his name, Cosmin, and smiled.
His mother then told him many friends from all over the world had learned that he was not so well and sent their best wishes. And he started to smile. Every morning from his bed to wait for the postman, believe me, he never worked as much as in recent weeks and came well back pain.
All day Cosmin cuddle letters, was hung on the wall drawings and postcards, and her heart became so strong, feeling less pain.
So when you are off Cosmin smiled because he knew that left so many friends here who loved him and then he would continue from the sky to follow and love.
I hope that when you find your way Cosmin many others will continue to give them the good that you gave him. And reserved a place in your hearts for Cosmin. As long as she stands there, the warmth of your heart will be fine.
That's why I said at the outset that this story was not so sad, because now no longer suffers from Cosmin and above may be close to many friends: Vol
Sending you a big hug, your


will never forget you


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Reboot Program For D610

Rignano, other allegations of abuse

In recent months, arrived on the desk of Mark Manzi pm, the Prosecutor of Tivoli, other complaints against alleged sexual abuse and violence that would have occurred in the nursery Olga Rovere Rignano Flaminio. It 'the same judge to confirm the fact after hearing the court for the collection, in recording evidence, the testimony of a child.
"There are other complaints - the judge said - compared to 19 children for which it was requested evidence of an accident." With regard to the deposition of small, today, the judge added: "It 'was certainly the most polished. He made an important contribution even if the witness was partly painful and problematic, it seems certainly to have something soon. "
The prosecutor then continued:" We try to work hard and quietly to reconstruct the truth, we hope to clarify a very complicated story. "For the journalists who asked if the baby had recognized some of the suspects, with reasonable certainty, the magistrate said: "He did, recognized and identified the persons belonging to school staff." You may now request a new protective order? "We need to assess carefully all the evidence of evidence emerged, either as the result of incidents carried out so far that evidence of other investigations. "