Monday, May 24, 2010

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Pharmaceutical drugs and the deaths they cause

exist in the U.S., numerous accidents caused by young people under the influence of pharmaceutical drugs, legally marketed and prescribed by doctors.

Ed Harris, Columbine High, was under the influence of Luvox when he killed 12 classmates and their teacher in Denver, Colorado.
Kip Kinkel of Springfield, Ore., was progressively decreased the use of Prozac when he killed 24 of his classmates and members of his family.

Shawn Cooper of Notus, State of Idaho, was 15 and was taking Ritalin when he fired at his colleagues in school. Elizabeth Bush was 14 and was taking Prozac when he shot the students, their friends and wounded one in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

TJ Solomon, was taking Ritalin when he killed six classmates in Conyers, Georgia.

Jason Hoffman was taking Effexor and Celexa when wounded five colleagues from his college in California. Cory Baadsgaard took

Paxil, when he took a shotgun and had 23 pupils hostage before being disarmed by the director. He did not kept no memory of this episode and spent fourteen months in a detention center for youths.

Sometimes these kids come home that violence against themselves. So, Julie Woodward died at age 17, after a therapist told him Zoloff was "necessary for their healing and very benign." So benign that, on the sixth day of treatment, his parents found his body hanging in the garage.

On February 10, 2004, Traci Johnson, a young student of 19 years of Bensalem, also hanged himself while participating in trials on the main substance of Cymbalta. This drug, studied by Lilly to treat depression and urinary incontinence due to stress, was about to get FDA approval.

After six days of treatment for depression with Zoloff, a 13 year old boy committed suicide. However, the Kansas court found that there was insufficient evidence to link the tragedy to Zoloff.
This list is not exhaustive and reflects only a tiny part of U.S. situation.

If any of these accidents had been caused by illegal drugs, the whole world would have accused drug traffickers and dealers of drugs such as cocaine, LSD, amphetamines and marijuana. But as the drugs were prescribed by doctors or psychiatrists respectable, manufactured by prestigious laboratories, we prefer to ignore these "few accidental deaths" that demand is often remain anonymous.

It is simpler to consider that these young people are the ones responsible for these acts and that violence is a growing scourge, but inevitable. And anyway, these kids are the ones to pay. The laboratories and doctors - who prefer to ignore the deleterious effects of the drugs they prescribe - can always get away with the honors of war and if they are sometimes held responsible, are never found guilty. Sylvie Simon

Source: Votre Santé No 63 - December 2004

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Stuart Surridge Cricket Bats

The teacher is sick?

This article discusses the political dimension of teachers suffering from the reflection on the routine use of the term "burnout syndrome", widely publicized on billboards and leaflets around the city of Rio de Janeiro. This propagation of medical discourse and pathological categories for Common Sense produced in contemporary times, forms a symptom of an age where individualized existence, pathologizing conflicts and the drug, conferring legitimacy and wide acceptance of a political process of medicalization of social life. Recently we have seen

propagated by the city of Rio January posters, billboards and leaflets of the Union of Teachers (Sinpro) encouraging teachers to identify, treat and prevent burnout syndrome. According to the booklet says, this psychiatric category is characterized by chronic stress, depression and motivation at work, among other symptoms. But we must ask the teacher is sick? Is the suffering of a teacher Syndrome? Suffering of the teacher? What teachers are saying? All teachers suffer the same ailment?

Who lives the daily school and follows the reality of education professionals in general, realize that every day is a new disease brought into the world of school. In the corridors and classrooms are hearing new names and incorporating fads. And what are those diseases that are in place at school? Why are
place in both the teachers and students? It is concern in the growing number of children receiving some kind of diagnosis. Noteworthy is the Disorder of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

We can say that this diagnosis has spread widely and involves, among other things, the medicalization of children who are named for him. However, there are only children diagnosed with ADHD who are medically. The radius of the children in the medicalization concerns a number of other diagnoses. The old gear subjective changed and what was someone to be restless, driven, impulsive or calm, gives rise to a new image for these attributes, if updates in the diagnosis of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity, among others. This logic

biological and scientism, which is guiding our lives, responsible for the naturalization of various social practices, alienate the size of the daily production of subjectivity, when it is exactly that in the daily essasproduções are present.

The moment we live in, pleading for the discovery of new technologies, the emergence of neuroscience, it brings the possibility of an extension of people's lives and the promise of reducing their suffering. These innovations, combined with the logic of consumption and internalized in the subject, across the medical sciences so crucial.

Wins amplitude common sense when we choose our bodies, placing and removing pieces of it, to correct alleged defects. And when, through medication, control our standard of care, our impulses, our anxieties, our fears. That is, as we correct our body, we correct our ways of life according to a standard which, naturally, has no nothing.

We all shared a moment of individualization, self centeredness and isolation exacerbated. And so, as children are remedied in relation to the problems that are identified in them, teachers also share the same logic medicalized.

We encounter the individualization of the demands, wishes, desires, problems and responsibilities. Why is our society has been organized this way? Why are we giving up on organizing in collectives? As the school serelaciona with this reality? What effect this type of organization generates for professional school?

The fluidity of the collectives and organizations leads to a feeling of not belonging, isolation, the exacerbation of individualism, a strong detachment in relation to difference and inability to understand what is happening with the other. Its consequences are reflected in how we interact and establish ties with the people around us and in turn in a strong sense of loneliness.

The world of work undergoes changes guided by a policy that chooses a model of 'individual skills. " The space school greatly values \u200b\u200bthe skills and we try to emphasize them in their students. Teachers seek competency models in their own teaching practice. Discuss the teacher goes through suffering realize the teacher as an employee of that time and inserted in the discussions relevant to their category.

Realizing their potential suffering is tied to its social and political reality. Can not speak of the suffering of the teacher teaching without hearing what makes you suffer. And as we listen to realize that suffering is directly related to working conditions and their social context.
To bring this discussion we seek contributions to a survey of teachers in public schools. The survey "Precarious work, subjectivity and health in public schools: the pain and the pleasure of being teacher "Mary Robinson Yale Neves, Federal University of Paraíba talks about the pleasure and suffering in the teacher's work.

It enumerates the factors that relate to the plight of teachers, they are: the hierarchical relationships, the long and exhausting day's work (with children), the difficulty of operating the control group, low wages, pollution family relationships, and especially the progressive disqualification and no social recognition of their work.

As teachers of a particular collective deal with the difficulties and suffering brought by their daily lives? And also with pleasure that belongs to this space? From that understanding is possible to build health instead of just getting the disease records and remedying the problems that arise. You can act on what brings suffering.

For the category of teacher, this confrontation can not happen unrelated to the school routine, the problematic collective work performed by its actors, breaking the isolation and individualization in the process of building and working methods of struggle from the conflicts that interfere more individuals who are experienced in daily school, as the dimension of educational policies and the reality of education today.

So if the teacher suffers transformations that relate directly to the work you do, we must ask that this practice is that the teacher is responsible for years of rotting and deterioration of Education? By stating that teachers are suffering from a syndrome shift the discussion of working conditions and justify the current educational policies.

So we cater to individual demand psychologists, medical, and often times we fail to act in the broad sense of questioning that we are dealing with grief. Only medicines and temporarily appease the pain. Discussions about the speed dasdemandas of overwork, low pay, physical stress, setting goals, productivity, market competitiveness and leaving the scene.

teacher's illness is produced at the intersection of multiple vectors. Therefore, demand analysis of various perspectives that interrogate the forces that compete and assert themselves in manufacturing the professor stressed, depressed, lifeless, disempowering "professor ill." By individualizing political issues in the subject's body, stimulate the medicalization and the construction of a subjectivity marked by labels with effects of absenteeism among others.

If suffering teacher is perceived as a health issue and not a disease, we can build on other methods of coping than the medicalization. Instead of questioning to find justification for the illness of the teacher in locating a pathological category, that through the legitimacy of medical discourse is formed and spreads indiscriminately on billboards.

After a more consistent teaching on the suffering we can then try to understand what they're calling it Burnout Syndrome. So, do not run the risk of transforming into early unquestionable absolute truth is this new terminology, which, as a fad, entered to the everyday life of public and private schools.

To this, we in the medical literature, responsible for its construction as a pathological category, a little of its history and development. "Created in the 70s by Maslach, the concept of burnout, despite some initial criticism was quickly accepted and has been the subject of numerous scientific papers, books and presentations at conferences in psychology, psychiatry and medical education.

became thus a concept that is largely unquestioned. However, by carefully examining its three basic dimensions, it is observed that all the symptoms described, without exception, are present in depression. Psychopathology teaches us that psychiatric diagnosis is not made by describing a list of symptoms, something that is so fashionable today, in many diagnostic scales, but by careful phenomenological observation that promotes the detection of elements that together allow us to recognize a given disease.

For this you need large clinical experience, something that has also not been appreciated as it should. The fact that the work be the triggering factor does not justify the creation of a new concept (Emphasis added.) Otherwise, every trigger discovered a new diagnosis would be created, which would make psychiatric classification chaos. (...) We need urgently to undo this mess, at the risk of creating a new Babel. " (Millan, Luis Roberto)

attentive and careful reading of the above quotation, taken from the Journal of the Brazilian Medical Association, allows us to realize we are in fact subjected to the hegemony of a medical discourse, which linked to the social conditions of workers, an outline medicalization policy that takes the focus off of the collective organization bringing the issue of suffering, directly linked to work, to a dimension gives individual existence.

Assim, you pathologized sofrimentos conflicts that contemporary and you give them surgem from. Mas deixa esse quanto barnacle or novas PRODUZIR mechanism forms of social exclusion and control subjective construção ao help for a adoecidas subjectivities, individual and despotencializadas. Mariana

Clinical Psychologist Fiore