Saturday, May 23, 2009

Wendy In A Bathing Suit

. Medicalization in childhood: an expanding market.

Both drugs act similarly in our brain

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"The stimulant methylphenidate (Ritalin) has much in common with cocaine-they bind to similar sites in the brain and They BOTH Increase The brain chemical dopamine through The Same molecular targets. BOTH And When drugs are administered intravenously, causes rapid They and large Increase in dopamine.

"The stimulant methylphenidate (Ritalin ) has much in common with cocaine, they bind in similar locations in the brain and both increase dopamine through the same chemical molecular target. When both drugs are administered intravenously, causing a large and rapid increase in dopamine. "
Nora D. VolkowDiretora the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Source: United States Department ofHealth and Human ServicesHeal th 27.o7 06 Experimental studies linking cocaine abuse with Parkinson's disease. The authors of the research have shown that exposure to cocaine alters a brain region called the substantia nigra.

These lesions render neurons more vulnerable to mtpt, a toxin that causes symptoms Ischemic heart gives Parkinson.

"The nigrostriatal system is a pathway of nerves that originates in the substantia nigra pars compacta and spreads to other parts of the brain. The neurons of the substantia nigra produce the neurotransmitter dopamine, and degeneration of this area and nigrostriatal system is a hallmark of Parkinson's disease
''Richard Smeyne, Department of Development Neurobiology at St. Jude in Memphis (USA).

"We know that cocaine alters normal function of the dopamine transporter, a protein that picks up dopamine from the synapse after it has stimulated the nerve target, he adds. Alteration of this process causes an abnormal increase in the concentration of dopamine in the synapse. This poses a threat to the brain because dopamine can interact with other chemicals to become a free radical, a highly reactive molecule that can cause tissue damage. Therefore, increasing the amount of dopamine in the synapse can lead to high levels of destructive free radicals that damage this area of \u200b\u200bthe brain "
Richard Smeyne, Department of Development Neurobiology at St. Jude in Memphis (USA ). Fonte: technoscience


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