Wednesday, May 28, 2008

How Much Money Do You Start With In Pokemon?

Tommaso Onofri, Alessi

life imprisonment for thirty years in prison to Keep

The Court of Assizes of Parma , granting the request of the prosecution, was sentenced to life imprisonment, with daytime isolation for two years, Mario Alessi and Antonella Conserva 30 years for the kidnapping and murder of Tommaso Onofri. In the ruling delivered by the Chief Justice, Eleanor Fiengo, the public has responded in the classroom with a thunderous applause, which the judge promptly stopped.

in attendance Tommaso Onofri's parents, Paul and Paula, accompanied by their lawyers. Mario Alessi did not attend the pronouncement of sentence, while in the classroom, in the protective cage, Antonella Conserva.

Dad: "This trail will never end"
"'s the end of a path that an end will not see it ever." These are the first words expressed by Paolo Onofri hot, to the verdict. The father of the child, kidnapped killed March 2, 2006 in Casalbarconcolo at the gates of Parma, the verdict was let go with tears. "The court has spoken with determination. The castle was accusatory steel, "he noted Onofri, commenting on the applause as a" spontaneous outburst. "

The mother:" I feel relieved, "

Immediately after the pronouncement of the courts Paola Pellinghelli, the mother of little Thomas, can hardly talk: "It 's a sample sentence, I feel empty, but very relieved," he said.


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