Monday, April 26, 2010

Trane Mercury Thermostat

El chico y el niño labeled ideal. By Beatrice Janin *

What counts is the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial exclusion and an uncertain future. Against this, it usually appears the need to resolve everything quickly, leaving no room for doubt. That child should be arranged, as to what is expected of him, so that all regain the lost peace. The boy and the child labeled ideal

By Beatrice Janin *

The author questions the psychological or psychiatric diagnoses for which many children could be "labeled" with "disabling stamps, and explores, in the determination of society and professionals' anxieties, the causes of this "violence on children."

We tend to think of childhood from the idea that we have built over their lives, about what a child: Forged representation based on the combination of what we have been transmitted in their own experiences and what society as a model of child. But this representation of what is supposed to be a child, children ideals hits real children, really, with which we are daily. And this brings difficulties.

A child, in principle, is a subject in constitution that is part of a world family, school, social. And there are different cultures and different spaces for the child in every culture. Today there is an excessive demand in relation to what should be done every subject in the early years of his life. Thus, it is supposed to be included in an institution after two years, must learn to read and write before entering first grade must endure eight hours of schooling at six years (sometimes earlier) and should be much of those hours still, attentive and respect standards.

And no playing time. Usually regulated spaces for play, at times and spaces marked, but not to play freely, alone or with anyone who wants to play without adults that regulate this activity.

Against this there are many situations in which children what is expected break, break with the ideal of the child.

On the other hand, I think that at the present time, which is surely worse than others but has specific characteristics, "we tend to throw the children to excessive excitement, unsupported and unable to metabolize through the game happens to them.

This determines certain features that appear to be pathological and can not be conceived without taking into account family and social conditions that produce them.

So how do you understand that a child repeat the words of television much earlier than their parents? Or that so many overexcited children, who speak of sex in pornographic terms, referring to images seen on the Internet? How do you think regardless of the excess of "screens" to replace the links with others?

This, in a world where adults also feel very pressured, required in excess. Thus, parents and teachers often assumed failures if children or students do not comply with what society demands.

There is a kind of mutual trial, in which both parents and teachers are supposed to be judged by the child's performance in school.

could say that the narcissism of the parents and teachers is held in the success of the children or students, while they form their self-image in connection with these adults. Thus, a child's school failure is experienced as an earthquake that leaves nothing standing, is a blow as well as parents and teachers.

What counts is the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial exclusion and an uncertain future. Against this, it usually appears the need to resolve everything quickly, no room for doubt. That child should be arranged, as to what is expected of him, so that all regain the lost peace.


A child is sad. Cries constantly, at home and at school. Parents are desperate. Professional says: "It's a depression, should be medicated." Parents hesitate and do another query. The child wants to talk. When I heard, to express fears grow and separate from parents. And when we review the history and talked about their dreams, start thinking about possible outcomes, and leaves to mourn all day. What would have happened if it quickly medicated? How many questions had been sealed, unresolved? What we created dependence and where on child problem (different from a child that has problems at the time) we would have chained?

In childhood, a subject is being constituted as such. It is a time of opening of roads and assembly of repetitions. Identifications, desires, norms and internal prohibitions and models are at this time. But this structure is given in relation to others, who are the libidinizan, identificatory models provide, transmit norms and ideals. And are those who returned the child, like a mirror image of himself. This image is a fundamental support against the vicissitudes of life. The ability to love yourself, to value, has its source in the representation of ourselves that we were provided during the early years.

This makes it necessary to consider the responsibility we have everyone working with children. Responsibility is enhanced when we are to diagnose, because how narcissism be whether there has been a crippling stamp, how to feel valuable if it is labeled and classified as a carrier of a "syndrome"? How to invest libidinally the world and himself from that place of "less"? How can parents look at that child if they back is that it is a "deficit of ..." or "pervasive ..." or some other "disorder"? Instead of hope, rather than someone who is displaying potential, is a deficit of entry.

And this does not preclude recognizing that children have, early on, problems, sometimes severe. But it is very different to suggest that a child has such potential, and also has such conflicts, which can be overcome, to argue that was and will always be so.

For example: A ten year old boy is brought to treatment with a diagnosis of ADHD (abbreviation for "deficit disorder Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder "). The parents described as "unbearable", both at school and at home.

During the interview, tell me that was adopted five years, until the two lived with his mother and from there he was in an institution. But, they say, is thankful but defiant, angry with the world. If a child who was separated from their biological parents for abuse, who spent years institutionalized, is at odds with the world, would be for a neurological problem? Or will that help you develop all experienced unimaginable, such marks, gaps, silences, traces of pain He left in his story? And this shall be understood to be "grateful" is not a gift to be born, but the result of a tour.

is essential to consult early when a child presents difficulties, because the work in the first years of life can prevent years of suffering. But also, the professional who is consulted by a young child should be aware that children change, grow, a child is a subject marked by the context. Thus, roads may be opened if foster innovative changes in both the child and the environment. I have seen children who did not speak at age four and could not learn to read and write and six to fourteen, after years of psychological treatment, have a social and intellectual life similar to that of any child (with a year behind in school compared to the average or occasional difficulties, which can also be varying).

Kaës René says: "The group before us, particularly some of its members who are for the infans their representatives, this group supports us and keeps us in a matrix of endowments and care, signs of recognition biases and convening , assigned locations, features objects, provides a means of protection and attack, trace routes of compliance, said limits, states prohibitions. " (Transmission of psychic life between generations, ed. Amorrortu, 1996.)

Nobody is as a subject in isolation, but in sharing with others who libidinizan, we transmit norms and ideals, give identification models. And if those others suppose that they would fulfill their dreams is carrying a deficit, this will mark the link narcissistic blow, how that child will be looked at, the words and silences that will be addressed. Early and will think of it as a disability, long before it has time to display possibilities.

This is particularly difficult in a society that tends to show the future as feared. While adults are worried and fearful about the future (which increases with the current global crisis), we transmit to children's own feelings of helplessness and uncertainty.

Thus, it is suggested to children that when they grow up they will suffer, is the threat to growth. Instead of the old "When you grow up you will be able ...", has been moved to a threatening" When you grow up, and you will see. " And it is quite common for children to say: "I do not want to grow," "Baby I want to stay ....".
"I will not be a
often than not, when read the description of any disorder in a feature we identify and quickly, we can assume that "have" this or that "picture." The difficulty is that we move from the symptomatic description of what appears, what is observable, an all-embracing definition, a proposition becomes descriptive explanatory. So, anyone check the DSM IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) is found in both ends by listing nearly all human difficulties. That is, ends up being a catalog of behaviors.

This can lead to significant errors when done with adults, is much more serious when a child is at stake (in this case are others who labeled it). Because the label becomes prophecy and the future is to be feared.

In a book (sponsored by a pharmaceutical company) written by mothers of children diagnosed with "attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity, a mother relates to the neurologist, to give the diagnosis, he said that if it was not well The child was "leaning to the dark side," the mother asked if that meant it could end up in prison, and the answer was yes. The testimony of the mother continues: "This fear, even today, after five years accompanied me on more occasions than I care for myself and especially for my son because I know that I blocked and I generates a voltage, by trying to look very closely at every step. "

What effect can produce a child that the mother is constantly looking at it, assuming that everything that she and the father of the child are to be calculated, because the risk is that children end up in prison? How does this make the links in that family?, Why insist on categorizing children, consider them as deficient, placing professionals from an already-known from certainty that lead them to classify the other almost know, losing the uniqueness? Perhaps because

think from the complexity and locate the other as a human is difficult, while distressing, while I can not recognize the other as such and their fears and their pains nearby. And then you can erase the boundaries between a world of "healthy" and a "sick." Everything becomes variable, the boundaries are not clear and we are also professionals, exposed.

Children exposed us particularly, because we remember our childhood fears, the pains that we could not put them words, our terrors, nightmares occupied night and also the difficulties to move in world as adults exigían them.

* Director of especialización en las carreras con niños y psicoanálisis adolescents UCES y de la de la APBA. Text extract del trabajo "From diagnosis and treatment. Cuando la palabra a la pastilla REPLACEMENT.

© 2000-2009 uncaring, reckless and rowdy. I am sure that if you are not able to avoid life indolent, useless and unproductive that took during your youth, you will become a worthless bum, which will degenerate into a futile and miserable existence. "
Today Churchill would probably be diagnosed as Bearer Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The standard psychiatric officer for diagnosing ADHD include the following behaviors: "often restless with his hands or feet or squirming in your wallet," "often leaves the wallet when it expects to remain there," "is running rampant," unable to attend for details or makes mistakes "and" does not seem to be listening. "

Since these behaviors when children, ranging from normal to undisciplined, have become a disease? The doctors noticed that ADHD symptoms usually disappear when these children have something interesting to do. Or when they are given minimal attention from adults. Or during summer vacation! According to Peter Breggin, psychiatrist laureate American, "there are no neurological signs or biological basis for ADHD. There is no evidence that it is linked to a physical dysfunction of the brain."

But even then, millions of children are diagnosed with ADHD - four to nine times more boys than girls. These children are routinely treated with Ritalin or another stimulant that calms paradoxically, probably because it stimulates the neurotransmitter dopamine. The active ingredient in Ritalin, methylphenidate, is of the same pharmacological class of high potential for addiction to cocaine and anfetaminas.No Brazil it is estimated that ADHD reaches 3% to 6% of school-age children. Over 1 million boxes of Ritalin were consumed in 2005 - an increase of 25% over the previous year. It has become fashionable in Brazil, as in the United States, messy diagnose children as "hyperactive."

Affirms doctor Bob Jacobs, the Network of Children's Rights from Amnesty International: "When the medical community and pharmaceutical companies - the main proponents of this model unhealthy - admit they know what 'cause' this strange disease, and even can prove that it actually exists, the naughty giggles evoked by reading the diagnostic criteria are transformed into gasps of disbelief. And when we learn that tens of thousands of Australian children (and 5 million American children, as well as a growing number of Brazilian children) are being sedated with powerful and dangerous drugs based on this disease 'invented', these sighs become cries of outrage. "

These stimulants cause the children - they have ADHD or not - become more docile and obedient. For parents tired and stressed teachers in overcrowded schools, a drug to control" difficult children "is a blessing. Jacobs concludes: "It is clear that the ADHD has become an 'epidemic'. When a child is medicated, everyone is happy. The pharmaceutical company has more than a sale, some doctors a patient, parents are exempted, and the school gets rid of a behavioral problem. Everyone is happy, except the child. And the child has no voice. "

not have a voice to complain of side effects that may arise from the" drug of obedience, "such as headache, insomnia or tachycardia. Although some doctors contend that the use of stimulant drugs for children do not cause harm, others disagree strongly. According to Breggin, proved that psychostimulants can cause permanent brain damage and irreversible, obsessive-compulsive reactions, inhibition growth, depression and even cardiac arrest.

Imagine if "The Honorable" Winston Churchill - Nobel Prize winner, voted as the most distinguished Briton of all time - had been sedated with drugs for hyperactivity? What could have been the course of history? SUSAN ANDREWS


SEASON 07/11/2006 - 15:24 Issue No. 441