Friday, November 23, 2007

Brinks Combination Lock Recovery

against indifference

(Click the picture to view full size)
Here is another of Frederick Toffano STRIP ... a strip that speaks for itself, it is not necessary for me to add more .... THANKS Faith, it's fantastic!
For me, this time I show you the facts ...
How can you remain indifferent in front of these lives cut short?

Simeone, 8yo

Christopher, 6yo

Marie, 10mesi

Just indifference,
just look the other way to hide the look ...
is time to look, to accept the harsh reality ....
What?? Does it hurt? painful??
Yet you did nothing ....
Think about who unfortunately has passed under the hands of a pedophile ...

I have more right than any of us to want to look to another reality ...... we have no excuses ...


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Accidentally Overwrote Pokemon Save File Vba

November 20, 2007

Today there is no better place to report that the one written by Maxine Alice, president of the Prometheus Onlus ...

Nothing to add ... I thought next to her ....

The Charter of the Rights of Children Today makes 18 years, entering into adulthood.
Is this the only news that bodes well as ceasing to be herself, so to speak, "child", maybe today will be worth something more than it has ever actually earned.
fact, up to now all the beautiful items she found, were in fact only just rumors. Worse, a futile chatter that never translated into action. This is why today there is little to celebrate. If anything there is to roll up their sleeves and really decide to actually do something concrete to support children violated by failing to pro beggars gala television appearances and self-congratulatory, full of empty.
fact now our country well in terms of "helpless" child does not miss anything.
Just scroll through the data to understand what it means to the pair-broken childhood in Italy. Strong data. Painful. If you find yourself in the essence of our children. Children
disappearing in their thousands every year, according to the website of the Police. And a thousand of them 20% is no longer found. For the FBI is a 20% to be considered virtually dead after just 24 hours after his death. Then the age of sexual abuse, from zero to four years. Few, even in this case intentionally short, the years of prey. Small
abused and therefore not credible. Sold out as of pedophiles in the classrooms of some courts, where children seem to be more guilty asking for help, that adults inflict pain. Broken lives on the Internet that if you photograph are worth even up to 30 thousand euro. Depending on the image. The degree of violence. The number of torture. The "quality" of the same ... ..
In a country where we have lost the certainty of punishment the first to benefit from this injustice are pedophiles. In a sample of child predators "ascertained" and sentenced by the three levels of justice, freedom and 67% are in jobs that often plays the lead still in contact with minors.
latest example of a society, we no longer fit for children, in order of time, which judgment in Campobasso has reduced the sentence to avoid imprisonment for a pedophile who had abused for two years of a child disabled with the grounds that "the fact is minor" this is the confirmation, yet another, that things are going bad, very bad. For this, I repeat, today there is little to celebrate. But much to hope for. With its 18 years of life, in less than twelve than that of Animal Rights, the Charter of Rights of the Child becomes what it should have been since its inception. Un'inappellabile and indisputable example of defense, to the bitter end, the millions of children in Italy and elsewhere in the world, they see the best years of their lives, swept away by the madness of certain men.

Friday, November 16, 2007

4 Digits Combination Formula


(Click on the strip to see it in full size)
not stay SHADOW Shadow
we leave the darkness of Indifference
WHO ARE THE MONSTERS? Vampires and werewolves?

The pedophile wins.
We are allowing the pedophile to fight.
we who offer you food.
us who still do not want to understand and act to stop them.
ogre hunting until they repudiate our culture
the silence, the silence and ignorance due to incorrect information.
pedophile parrassita our limitations and our indifference,
feeds more and more increasing its power.

If the most powerful and destructive of pedophiles is SILENCE ,
we have the potential to fight them.
We must make noise. We must

In school, universities, supermarkets,
on the landing of the house, on the phone with her friend,
in the office with colleagues in the mail, in our diaries,
in newspapers, on television, in holiday, city,
in the country, in the mountains to the sea ...
no matter where ... do matter.
we leave indifference

This post is accompanied by a clutter of Frederick Toffano,
a friend / collaborator that at my request for support was launched
headlong to draw, to he must be my most heartfelt thanks,
for the commitment, dedication, interest and heart he has put in our
beginning of cooperation.

"Headlong FALLS"-tumble-is a comic strip was created initially in the form of gender humor.
Each of us, in our lives, had, metaphorically speaking, falling more or less severe head: business and economic troubles, health problems, loneliness, loss of affection.
E 'right just after the tumble, before finding the strength to stand up and decide who is born "Headlong Falls": A little world of tiny people where the reader can find shelter in a corner of detachment from real life for granted a moment to smile.
Outwardly all the characters of "Headlong Falls are SMALL" MONSTERS " and that their diversity them to live in a universe parallel to that of the common people: it starts from the monsters then classics like The Mummy (pustules), the vampire (Dracola), the wolf ... the "baby" werewolf (crab), The Witch (fairy tale), Frankenstein's monster (Allen) ... to reach a large group of 34 little creatures, each with its own characteristics, which inhabit a world of simple but beautiful and wholesome things like the seasons, the land and its products, the night, the feelings, the game, the smiles and laughter, lightheartedness and dreams of children ... for it is the latter to be the protagonists of this comic: most of the characters are children, they have the appearance of a small werewolf or monster the lagoon, a little devil or black dell'ometto closet. Because
AWARENESS, you readers of this blog, the universe of children, I joined our friend Anna in this small but very important collaboration against a severe problem tied to this world: PATROL .
So, for this blog, these strips of humor and leave the road, with all the seriousness and the attention it deserves this evil, want to be more help to raise awareness, not to remain indifferent of this plague.
the MONSTERS ARE ... ride but not the darkness on a broom, do not have fangs and howl at the moon, do not wear capes blacks and suck blood.
are outwardly COMMON PEOPLE, rot grows inside them ... and are the real monsters. Call them
orcs for fairy tales, cartoons and comics or pedophile in real life, their prey ... their victims are, unfortunately, the same: the CHILDREN.
In this strip the beautiful witch TALE represents children who are victims of pedophilia;
Piattoli & DRACOLA, ordinary people who must leave the indifference, the ogre and the true monster

(all rights relating to the clutter are the exclusive property of the author)

Monday, November 5, 2007

A Garment Rack I Can Travel With

national demonstration against violence against women November 24, 2007 ROME


Rome, November 1, 2007 opened a - National demonstration against male violence against women in Rome Nov. 24 - Strongly condemns the security approach in which institutions are addressing the case of the woman and raped in a coma yesterday after suffering an attack in Rome at the train station Tor di Quinto.
Again male violence is reduced to a security issue of cities and of public policy, exploiting the tragedy for political purposes of women who are raped and often killed.
Violence against women continues to be treated as individual deviance or as a liability burden to the nationality of the attackers and murder, and is structured in society and the family, and derives from the historical domination of one sex on ' more.
male aggression is the leading cause of death and permanent disability (UN figures) for women around the world.
Without a real cultural and political change defeat once and for all that patriarchy and male chauvinism can not be leap civiltà.La gender-based violence against women is one of the most pressing social and political emergencies and the silence of the institutions on the subject is no longer acceptable.
women throughout Italy, the anti-violence centers and women's organizations and feminist who responded to the appeal site take to the streets Saturday, November 24 in Rome to condemn male violence against women and to affirm as protagonists, the freedom to decide their lives in public and private sectors.

information to StampaMonica Pepe - 340 8071544 Maria La Porta - 380 3031673
(rights to images are the exclusive property of the authors thereof)

Saturday, November 3, 2007

60's Women In Girdles

May 2008 news event will soon be patient
